The weekly update has been released!
Last week was Corrupted Kingdom's fourth birthday! Thank you so much for all the outpouring of support and kind words from everyone - they honestly brought a tear to my eye. So! This week the Eldritch begin fighting back, taking territory and causing problems - uh-oh! Also, two new conquerable districts (no Boss Girls in these ones, sorry!) as well some UI updates and a whole lotta bug fixes! I hope you enjoy! :)
KNOWN ISSUES: Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
- Eldritch: The Eldritch Fight Back! The Eldritch faction has decided to take advantage of the war to try and claim the town for its tentacled own. For every district you conquer, the Eldritch will now claim one (or more!) for their own... uh-oh!
- War Map: New Conquerable location! "Apartment Block"! (South of the Manor) - no Boss Girl for this one, sorry!
- War Map: New Conquerable location! "Chinatown"! (South of the Manor) - no Boss Girl for this one, sorry!
- Misc: Updated the combat tutorials and practice fights so the dialogue makes a bit more sense, and the stat displays open automatically when appropriate
- Bug: You couldn't talk to Alice in the garden, which was making her very sad... so now you can!
- Bug: The issue with duplicate Boss Girls has been fixed - once you load your game you'll notice that all the clones have been... dealt with...
- Bug: Fixed gaining Noelle's memento jumping you to Hillside instead of Northside
- Bug: Terri was missing some battle sprites. They have been restored!
- Bug: Moved Tammi (enemy support) to a better location during combat
- Bug: Chastity icon in the wardrobe menu was tearing. Now it's not!
- Bug: Chloe's Assassin form's title wasn't displaying properly - now it is!
- Bug: After the graphical overhaul for the combat system, the tutorials were displaying things in the wrong places - now they point to the right locations!
- Bug: Fixed a "not in list" error when admitting Boss Girls to rehab from the dungeon without breaking them
- Bug: You could send girls to rehab before it was built. So eager! But now you have to wait
- Bug: Ami was growing an extra ear in her War outfit. She has been told to stop eating the glowing green cheese
- Bug: Alice was appearing all over the Manor, in places she shouldn't be. Now she'll be a little more careful
- Bug: Alarms blare, a flashing red light dark corridors illuminating the grimly-set face of the Typo Hero as he makes his way through the Dread Arc's Tower...
Get Corrupted Kingdoms (NSFW 18+)
Corrupted Kingdoms (NSFW 18+)
A naughty sandbox RPG. Will you save the world, or conquer it?
Status | In development |
Author | TheArcadean |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | 3D, Anime, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, harem, Hentai, NSFW, Sandbox, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles, Interactive tutorial |
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dude, i spent more than houres in this game . when will you start to finish it ?
I keep trying to strategize with Aunt Jessica but when it moves me to the war room nothing happens
As a wise man once said : nice
wait so i downloaded the previous version of the game, how do i update and play the new version? please help
You just download the new version
ohhh thanks man
you can just download the new version, your save will be copied onto the new version
i though the eldritch would take over one or two location for every location you fully took over not that they fully take a location everytime you take a section. 5 locations to the heroes one seems a little excessive no?
Right… did you have territories previously conquered before this update?
Like, any territories?
Because the eldritch take over certain districts after you take over a certain district.
It’s just that if you had any territories before 0.19.2 they now have to catch up, so it’ll be a few nights of nonstop eldritch advancements.
Nonstop Eldritch Advancements is my speed metal Simon and Garfunkel cover band.
ok that makes more sense, I was very confused when they just started taking over the board.
No new boss girl for Apartment Block? No big deal. *shrug*
No new boss girl for Chinatown? Dread Arc, why have you forsaken me!? T_T
Because you did not leave ritualistic offerings of mango smoothies at my shrine.
(Don't worry, I hear you, everyone - martial artist girl incoming!)
"There's been a development. The Eldritch... are totally jealous of all the fun you've been having with Puppet, so now they're off to claim more girls for themselves."
Oops. >_> Time to don my Doomguy cosplay.
Haha, and that bit when they took over the red light district... well, if it is an STD, that would certainly be just deserts for any foolish
Robinperson who has been doing naughty things with the corrupted individual living in the manor! >_<Still, the Eldritch quickly and effortlessly surrounded the Org's HQ. Embarrassing! Is maybe a small, tiny, insignificant part of this change so that we don't wipe out the Organization too quickly, since we now have to wade through endless Eldritch encampments before we can target them?
There's a whole bunch of mechanical and behind-the-scenes dev logic to why the Edlritch are taking over so much so fast, but it's all driven by the story first and foremost :)
The Eldritch have been constantly hinted at being immensely powerful (they have access to Nexus Seeds, words of entry, the Beast seems to be aligned with them, they have deep financial reserves, and so on...) but because they've kept out of local politics and squabbles, everyone underestimated them - including the MC.
So when they tore off their masks and got to work, the Org were completely unprepared. I'd feel sorry for them but, y'know... ;)
Thank you for the update, man!
Thank you for playing! :)
when will chapter 3 comee?? :"v
The game isn't divided into chapters, and it's already in Act Three, so... now..?
I have to know, if there is a boss girl in a location. And that location is taken by the eldritch. Will I be locked out of that character because they would be puppetized? And I'm hearing disturbing reports of the eldritch spreading rapidly out of control. I like the idea, but I refuse to play if there's a chance I might lose characters, to this.
I could be misremembering.
But I think Arc has said that you won’t be able to take over districts on the east side of the river until you take over all of the western districts.
Basically you wouldn’t be able to get to them before the eldrtich takes over.
I reckon we might just end up finding the bossgirls that would’ve been there but turned into “battle puppets”.
Noooooooooooooo :(
I don’t know what you’re complaining about.
You’re getting exactly what you asked for.
There isn’t a universe where those girls wouldn’t be under eldritch influence.
So you won’t lose anything.
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this before, but I sent the boss girls to the Northern Light. However, I was still able to use all of them as party members before they finished their treatments. Additionally, I was able to send Ophelia, whom I shattered, which I assume is a bug.
Oh, shoot... I assume you're sending them to rehab from the dungeon? It seems I forgot to do a cleaning check on that part... all fixed for next update, thanks!
As for the Ophelia thing... if you Shattered Ophelia before the rehab update then the game doesn't know that you Shattered her, and so allows you to rehab her. Any girl Shattered after the rehab update won't be rehab-able :)
Yes, you're right.
I sent them to rehab from the dungeon since I've been keeping up with the updates, and they just kinda ended up there on their own 😂.
Also, is it part of the game design that I can summon them in the dungeon after they've finished their therapy?
Well, they don’t have a sex scene outside of the dungeon.
So let’s just say the girls are into roleplay and BDSM… Yeah…
Every single one of them! How convenient! :P
Apparently the Eldritch got nothin' on the corrupting influence of just living in this city! XD
Uhhh arc,i did not play Yesterday because i had to Sleep,so Now That I Am playing,Holy Shit the Eldritch are Scary!!! They Have Taken Almost Half of the Map,Should the Organization do Something about This? at This Rate The Organization Will Fall by Next Update their HQ is Under Siege,As a guy who like Strategic Games i think that the mc Next Move Should be Secure the park and the industrial zone ASAP,if they fall the eldritch will have a Beach head into our side of Town,so i think they are the Next Areas in the Next Update?,also there is Still goons on the Train Station even after Falling to the Eldritch,I Know that the reason is because you did not update yet,but i Find it Funny.
I think Jessica mentions in one of the reports that the Organisation never really paid much attention to the Eldritch, as they were too preoccupied with their hatred for the Fey. They are now beginning to realise their mistake...
The park is indeed the next conquerable location! It'll be in next week's update :)
Also, the Goons have been removed from the Eldritch-occupied train station... and some weird and pretty gross stuff is going on there, now...
well they are Screwed,I Don't even think we need to fight them at this Stage,Unless they Launch a Counter-Offensive,but they lost most of the city so is Unlikely,more likely is a fay Invasion Via the Abandoned Farm,Since Org Forces are crippled,I think they will take advantage of that.
Yeah, but the fey’s HQ is on the outskirts, which is on the west of town.
Really curious what’s the deal with the farm but I doubt the fey would (or even could) start to take over districts from the east.
*finally occupy territory right next to The College*
"The park is indeed next..." ...and then the Industrial District and Exit Road, then we'll start taking back the Outskirts map, completely ignoring the College for the next several months. - TheArcadean, probably.
Curse you, Arc! :P
(Whistles innocently)
I guess you could blame it on procrastination too.
"Well, we could go fight the interdimensional Cthulu cosmic horror faction. Or we can go beat up the Fey Folk some more.... Let's go with the latter, we'll deal with the former some other time."
And they never did.
I wonder who people want to win, Typo Hero, or the Dread Arc? And the fact we have a side story to this in the patch notes just makes it so much better, even though i'm sure i've already said this.
Typo Hero - it's not even a contest. Everyone cheers for him, but where's MY love, hmm!? ;P
You get your love when we get our kids back. :P
Es ist lange her, seit wir sie gesehen haben.
EDIT: Google Translate will probably translate sie as her, however I mean it as them.
Sie kommen...
With the auto battle feature do you still get experience?
Yes, there's no punishment for skipping battles :) Skip some, or all, or none - your characters will still gain XP. The only thing that doesn't happen (by necessity) is that the MC can't learn skills during auto-battles.
well Fuck They Are Attacking Now?,,And They Kinda Control The Bridge so everything in that part of the City is Kinda Screwed.
things are definitely getting complicated, and soon they'll start attacking our territories
Well, they should’ve been for a while now.
They have a lot to catch up…
Was genuinely wondering what would be the deal with the eldritch and them having only 3 territories…
Good golly…
I was sort of expecting them to just sit on their hands for the majority of the war and not hear a peep from them until we were on the verge of victory. Then have them take nearly everything overnight and kick off the second act of chapter 3. So to have them making their moves already actually surprised me.
Yeah, the eastern side of the town is in a lot of trouble... and that's where Lily's bar is! Uh-oh...
we need to evacuate Lily to the Manor ASAP,also arc that can be a Good Timeline Split,if Lily Has four Hearts She survives and retreats to the manor,if she has Less than four she gets "Seeded"
That’s assuming Lily is still there if you didn’t get her to 4 hearts.
I mean, she’s not in the bar, MC comments it’s abandoned. She doesn’t help the refugees in the park during weekends.
She’s either dead, hiding or skipped town.
And big chance we may never know.
Oh,i did not play with lily bellow 4 hearts,so i did not know that she dissapears.
I didn’t either.
But as the tech support guy I have to know things.
It’s actually quite rare to have Lily under 4 hearts.
Since you need her at 3 to buy the bar and you have to buy the bar to progress main story.
But after buying the bar, if you never talked to her again the 4th heart event never happens.
And Arc did the cutoff at 4 hearts or not. I kinda disagree with the cutoff being so harsh, but eh. What can you do?
I was just about to leave a comment on how you had me sweating with the mother of like 20 of my children now under siege by Eldritch horrors. >_<
As Long We Hold the Industrial District and the park we are good,most of the Heroines live west of the town(this includes our kids and the Fey heroines,lily is the only one in serious danger and she is on a position to evacuate),so yeah our wives are good,I mean from the Eldritch we still don't know how the frontline is on the outskirts.
damn aight
I mean, sure, I'm down. >_>