The weekly update has been released!

This week it's the long-awaited return of STORY CONTENT! Yes, you heard right, now that the combat system is in a stable place it's time to start focusing on story stuff once again! Beginning with Lily and a pretty major event... no spoilers, you'll have to play it for yourselves! Also, a new conquerable location, some graphical changes to a couple maps, victory cards for the goons and a bunch of bugfixes and QoL changes!  I hope you enjoy! :)

KNOWN ISSUES: Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!


  • Lily: New STORY event! Conquer the Park district and then sleep to kick it off!
  • Lily: You can now knock on the bar door and have a small conversation with Lily! No more hiding out in the bar
  • Lily: Updated her Paperdoll to the latest version! No more strange bisections!
  • Lily: Reworked the scene where you meet Lily in Act Three to remove the black bars and improve the lighting slightly
  • New Location: A new location will be added to the Manor after a certain event! No spoilers... you'll figure it out!
  • War Map: New Conquerable location! "The Park"! (South of the Manor) - no Boss Girl for this one, sorry!
  • Church: Updated the Church background to make it more... Eldritchy!
  • Train Station: The background for the Train Station now changes when the Eldritch conquer the area!
  • Goons: Goons now have a Victory Screen when you beat them in district battles, just like the Boss Girls!
  • Misc: Added an "ACT THREE" text display during the Act Two finale
  • Bug: The purchase price of The Field wasn't disappearing after buying it in Act Two
  • Bug: Jessica wasn't counting districts correctly; she has been told to use her fingers if that helps
  • Bug: Using rollback whilst doing therapy was causing the paperdolls to get stuck. Now they should disappear as intended!
  • Bug: Fixed some minor shading issues with one of Chastity's outfit and expression combinations
  • Bug: It was possible to duplicate characters if you broke them then sent them to rehab from the dungeon. No more clones! We've been having a real problem with them lately...
  • Bug: The corridors twist and change at some unseen will as the Typo Hero moves unseen and uncontested, onwards, ever onwards, towards the Dread Arc...


CK v0.21.2 - for Win/Linux 1.5 GB
Version 0.19.3 Jun 29, 2023
CK v0.21.2 - for MAC 1.5 GB
Version 0.19.3 Jun 29, 2023
CK v0.21.1 - for Android 1.5 GB
Version 0.19.3 Jun 29, 2023

Get Corrupted Kingdoms (NSFW 18+)

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Honestly, this game's story is good enough to where if you decided to make a non-adult version of it, I still think it'd be just as good.



But let’s be honest for a bit. The porn is the bait, the story is the hook.

Plus, if my memory doesn’t fail, Arc isn’t fond of how taboo nudity and sexual stuff is.

Like, you can do some really fucked up shit in some mainstream games, but dog forbid you show even a slight hint of nipple.

So, in the grand tradition of commenting random shit of no help to anybody... I was just admiring the battle screen and took particular note of the rock in the river just below the waterfall in the top right, and the turbulence that has formed behind it.

I took note... and then my brain, for just a glorious, misguided moment, said, "hey, is that a lady face-down in the river, shaking her ass at me?"

And now I can't unsee it.  >_<


Probably best if you don't let a therapist give you a Rorschach test...

Oh, definitely.

I'd let slip some things that should never see the light of day.

(2 edits)

Hi there Arc, emm ever since I got my new phone, it's Android 12(7gb ram and 64gb ROM) your game hasn't been working, like it always crashes. I've checked on other phones(android 11 and below) and it seems to work, but on any android 12 devices and above, it doesn't work at all. I had the same problem with PEERLESS LUST( i think this is the name?) and reported it to the dev's, they had fixed it and it works perfectly. So I was wondering if you could fix it up or update the ren'py version? I've been playing this game for over a year and would love to continue. Thank you!

I'm also just seeing the log files of  your app and there's, it's quite different.


Ren'py and Android often don't play together well... the issue is that Android 12 changed a bunch of stuff that Ren'py interacts with and it seems to have broken some things.

I suspect that the devs of PEERLESS LUST started on version 7.6+ of Ren'py and upgraded to 8.1+, as that contains a number of Android 12 fixes, but unfortunately I can't do that - CK was started on 7.3 and can't be upgraded past 7.5.2 without having to scrap 80% of the coding and start again.

The only solution I can think of, if you want to run CK on your phone, is to use JoiPlay ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cyou.joiplay.joiplay&hl=en&gl=US ) and download the Windows version of CK. It works in exactly the same way, but runs through the JoiPlay emulator rather than the Android OS, and so doesn't break when Android updates.

Sorry I can't be more help!

(1 edit)

Thank you. But how about this? I do the coding, and by that I mean  I pay or ask someone (Estrada777) to do it, and then I'll send it back to you, so when you make an update you can just work on that one, that is creating 2 download ports for Androids one for lower than 12 and one for android 12 and above?

I'm asking so I can have your permission to access your file.

Not Arc, but I have some input on the matter.

Arc is hesitant to update the engine because last time he did, turned out that PyTom (the developer of RenPy, the engine) did some changes that he didn’t consider major enough to be written in the changelogs but either way ended up broking quite a few things in CK.

Weeks of updates with a major gamebreaking bug that couldn’t be fixed, because now Arc wasn’t able to rollback to the old version of the engine.

Plus a thing with the autosaves that Arc had to manually tweak the engine to revert.

Point is, Arc doesn’t have the time to “audit” that the code changes between his current version of RenPy and the latest one won’t break things in unexpected ways.

Weekly updates, just one guy working on everything. The schedule is really damn tight.

Which is also the reason why I presume that, even if you contributed the code, it’s not likely that he would compile and upload two android versions.

  • It would only make things even more confusing for the general public.

I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try to look into the engine update to see if it’s safe for Arc to update it.

But then there’s the issue that I don’t have a device where I could test the error you’re getting.

  • I don’t really believe it’s an Android 12 issue. But rather an issue of your device by itself.
  • I have a phone that shipped with a custom rom of Android 11 on launch, the manufacturer updated it to Android 12 later on and the current one is based on Android 13 (which is basically the same as 12 but with a few extra features)

Game has worked fine on my end, and same for other people. And it’s not really easy to get someone that has the issue to volunteer as a lab rat.

Thanks a bunch!! Sorry I wasn't able to reply! I've been way to busy trying to raise money! I look forward to it...

Will there be more lore with the quiet white haired girl from the college soon? Never really touched on her that I know of, but I figured she'd have a role to play in the new part.


In act 3, yes.

But first we need to take back the college district.

And then probably some buildup before she gets her time in the spotlight.


Also, fun how people forget about Sword Girl.

Seems to be a bug; but if I go into the Nexus and go to Qarinah's demesne, have sex with her and try to leave, the "Nexus" button returns me to the Nexus, but when I click the "Stop Exploring" button it just takes me back into Qarinah's demesne.

Initially I was seeing this as a big deal because I thought I was softlocked and trapped in the Nexus, but I was just stupid and didn't think to just go to Morgana's demesne to leave...


Whoops, saw this post and forgot to reply.

It’s not a bug. Just a misunderstood feature that Arc doesn’t want to change.

The nexus doesn’t have an exit.

It’s a hallway with multiple doors, the exit is the door you got in from.

Be it any of the girl’s demesnes, for example.

At first the way to go back to the main world, is through Morgana’s demesne in the Outskirts map.

But later on in the story you can unlock one for the Town map and the one for the Mountains is technically an easter egg.

Hm. Ok. I thought it was a bug because if I went into Qarinah's demesne and *didn't* have sex with her, going back to the Nexus and hitting exit actually took me back out to Morgana's place.

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im wondering who keeps reporting the clone glitches.


Someone who's really worried about Order 66, I guess!

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any piece of shit like you who lets child porn in their server should be hanged. heck you can even see a child's panties when you play the game far enough and for enough time to where you have kids.

just...to clarify, youre aware that what people post in a server isn't something that server mods actively put 24/7 monitoring on, correct? cause they tend to trust that a) awful stuff wont be posted and that b) if awful stuff *is* posted, that someone will say something so it can be removed.

if you feel that a creator should be responsible for what random idiots do in a server, then you're in for severe disappointment.

also...last I checked, there's no underage sexual content in the game, all the characters with sexual content are either implied, or directly stated, to be older than consensual age.


Ignore him. Josh was caught posting inappropriate images on the CK Discord server months ago and was banned. He is now projecting his own pedophilic tendencies towards Corrupted Kingdoms for calling him out on it.

He has been banned from this page multiple times, and numerous accounts of his have been deleted by Itch, and he keeps making new ones specifically to bother devs who ban him for inappropriate behaviour.

There has never been, and never will be, underage or CP content on the CK Discord server. If there ever had been, the server would have been shut down by Discord staff long ago.

In short:  don't feed the projecting pedophile.


oh, jeez, he's one of *those* weirdos. Yikes

Also, thanks for the heads-up, I'll be sure to ignore him in future 😅


This is what he looks like btw, he gave me his "address and i live very close to there. and guess what its not his address hahaha


This is josh the demon who is acting tough online. and yes this is actually him too

Have you thought about adding a level tracker for the characters on the Select Fighters menu for Act 3? It'd make it so much easier to manage their levels if you didn't have to go into a fight every time you wanted to check a character's level.

The user interface does need some tweaks.

But the content takes priority.

Can’t promise anything, but I may try to come up with something.


You’re handeling well the balance between story and district conquest, good job Arcadean.

I had some ideas of recommendation like could you make a different paperdoll for the goons in rehab cause even tho they’re telling me their tragic backstory, they still look hella agressive. Also if the eldritches still conquer 2 district per night, it’ll be kinda hard to progress since we can attack only twice a day, especially with the 8 fights districts. 

Good day and coding grind :D


It’s hard to juggle things together, Arc is managing.

  • Up to Arc if he wants to make extra paperdolls for the goons, doesn’t feel like a priority but it does kinda break immersion to have them tell their stories while still looking grumpy.

  • The eldritch takeover works by them taking over 1 or 2 specific districts after you take over one specific district. As an example, taking over the park is guaranteed to make them take over the bar. It’s not random, it’s scripted.

If you had eldritch take over districts many nights in a row, that’s because they had to catch up to the districts you had conquered previous to 0.19.2

I don’t really know if at some point they’ll start attacking and trying to take over our districts, but for the time being, they only move when you move.


Chris covered the Eldritch stuff, but as for the goons - I agree, new paperdolls would be nice. I was fully occupied with working on Lily's event this week, but if I find some time over the next few updates I'll make some more "relaxed" goon paperdolls :)


Yay thanks! So that means that the eldritches won’t be able to take our districts unless plot purposes ?


Eldritch will take over districts when you take over districts and only then (each district you take is tied to specific districts on the Edlritch side). It's part of the story, and not possible to mess up or miss any content :)

Eg.  Conquering the park will always trigger the Eldritch to conquer the Bar in return, and players can't move to the east side of town until they've conquered the west, so there's no chance of conquering the Bar before the Eldritch get to it.

Hope that helps clear things up!

Nonbiri Goon Monogatari - airing this Fall! :P


FINALLY MORE LILY missed my favorite biker girl


And lots more Lily to come! :)

this is unrelated to this update but, do you plan on making it possible to send the puppet/former researcher chick to rehab?


I don’t think you could fix that with just therapy.


As Chris said, her... situation... is not something that therapy can fix, I'm afraid.

Since her text seems to be horribly malformed, perhaps she is possessed by the spirit of Typo Hero? D:  The only way to save her is for Dread Arc to vanquish his eternal foe! 

(2 edits) (+3)

Arc i Don't have idea of what you smoke before writing this story event but holy fucking SHIT,I DID NOT EXPECT THAT LIKE WTF. 


Do hugs not drugs, kids! I have been sitting on this event for quite a while - I'm glad people seem to like, or at least be extremely confused, by it ;)

Barfly --> Flying bar.  I dig it.

how do I develop the rehad center? havent come across it yet with the up dates


one of the areas you can conquer allows you to build it

i don't remember which one though


You have to collect materials in the northern district, once you have enough it will let you build it there.


Investigate the district north of the manor; you'll come across an empty plot of land that you can have the rehab center built on once you get enough materials and get the builders in the district south of the manor back working


Nice, been waiting for this! Thanks AC!


Yeah, thanks for keeping me cool while I designed the event, AC! It's the best :)


Lily ist eine meiner Lieblingsfiguren, also bin ich interessiert.

Es macht immer Spaß, Lilys Szenen zu schreiben :)