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Hey, I just wanted to let people know that when I was checking the download for malware and the likes on virustotal, I got the warning  Trogan.Malware.300983.susgen from a company called Maxsecure which most people consider to be shady, I got this warning when I checked the game application itself, but when i checked all the other files I got no other warnings so it may just be a false positive, but I wanted to let the dev know so they could maybe look into it and to let the community know about this before downloading anything.

Hidden Voices appears to be broken for several characters in Act 2, with anyone not having a character paperdoll in act 3 having their talkChar value improperly updated. Ard becomes cmDefaultBoy instead of cmArd, the Lamia in the mountains retains the value of cmRobinThink or Talk from the previous line written, etc. Most of the time this results in NPCs having the "I shouldn't try to read minds while speaking its too confusing" or "I can't hear their voice, its like its muffled somehow." lines.

As a result some scenes like with the Lamia are actually locked off an inaccessible, while other scenes may still advance but the player won't be able to get the necessary context they should from hearing the character's normal thoughts.

Most of the housemates work, but this seems to be because they are the ones who have paperdolls. I suspect assigning talkChar based on the base image for the paperdoll is the problem. You should probably check that file, or just use a switch statement that checks characters' display names instead of doing anything too clever with image files. In programming clever is only clever until your foot has a bullet in it.

I know that this has probably been answered before, but theres a LOT of comments so i dont feel like sifting through them all...

What if I, maybe, MAYHAPS... forgot one of my kids names?

Pixie, please quit gorging on ice cream, I'd like some for myself! YEESH, every time I get a thing of ice cream it's gone within 24 hours! Is Pixie stalking me for the ice cream...?

ANYWAY, keep up the good work! Just wondering, since you try and update every 2 weeks or so, how hard is it to squash all the bugs? I follow another dev who updates monthly and about half of the stuff is "fixed issue that got past me the last time". 


Hey dev, same as @Nemune... Why don't you create an account on They support crypto payments. I will pay in crypto.


No judgement for those that are into it, but neither myself nor any game I create will ever support crypto.

If I'm unable to create a new page on Patreon, I will look into alternative sites such and fansly and hopefully that will work for people who are unable to use SubStar.

Hey dev, I really wanna support the game but subscribestar doesnt support my payment. So, would it be possible to make new patreon account and put a short spin-off game or just some art on it? That would be a lot more convenient for me and maybe others to support the game. I can get the update version from this site anyway.

I'd love to, but Patreon are... shall we say, a little erratic when it comes to their community support. I'll be trying to create a new Patreon page very soon, but there's zero guarantee that it will work. I have been told I need to contact their community support team for permission to create a new page, but in the four years I was with them I never once got a response to an email.

So... Wish me luck! :P





hey Arc, is there any chance the fan art I made recently will get added to the fan art section of the game? I did ask this question before in the aftermath update post, but never got a response, so I'll just ask again here.

Sorry! I've been having a rough two weeks and haven't been able to keep on top of messages. Ping me in Discord and I'll make sure your fanart is added to the next update! :)


this game is legit good. it takes something that exists, makes something with it that is new and actually like genuinely well made and written and also hell'a fun! this is one of the first games i give a 10 out of 10 on in 4 years!

Thank you, I appreciate it! :) I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

(2 edits)

So my ability to select the relationship status, inventory, and what not disappeared. anyone know a fix?

Your top bar? There should be a triangular icon on the left hand side of the screen - clicking that opens the top nav bar. If that doesn't exist then it's glitched out and you need to move to a location that forces it to reappear (sleeping should guarantee its reappearance).

If you can remember what it was that you were doing when your bar disappeared, please let me know so I can track the glitch down and... deal with it.

Yeah it was the triangle icon


This game is amazing, I just started playing but it already have shown a great promise of a good gameplay.

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it! :)

french version pleas

I will be commissioning translators once the game enters beta (I update too quickly and redo too much content for translators to keep up efficiently right now), and French will be one of the languages :)

I wonder if we can have a child with Chloe?

Not right now, but you will eventually be able to, yes :)

(1 edit)

How did you get here?

I'm stuck, I cant seem to meet with Jessica for the first time which I need to progress the story. Pixie is telling me to go on a walk but I don't know how go on one since there isn't an option to.

Great game, tons of content!

how do i unlock the shops and other locked places

Are you stuck here like me?


Find Claire.

(1 edit) (-1)

Who? And How will I find Claire? I'm afraid I'm going to be stuck here forever. Still can't find Lyx for those two leads where I have to SPOILERS AHEAD un-freeze Dhena

yeah I cant get the acid from the shop and I dont know how to unlock these places

The blonde girl from the Cafe.

I found her in the kitchen at night.


Is there no way to skip chapters? Now that the game is pretty long I feel like we need some way to skip chapters  in case we change devices or delete the game, or at least a guide with the choices and consequences to do everything as fast as possible to get to the new content 


hey author!

is there any idea for you too add the other non Main girls? like the fish girl, Kunoichi, and the apartment girl to act 3?

Hello author, I am trying to communicate with you using Google Translate. I sponsored you on Patreon before, but I cannot sponsor you on SUBSCRIBESTAR. There is no corresponding sponsorship method. If you list it on Steam, I will definitely support the purchase.

So quick question, a long time a character was added named the "Shopkeep" however, I never found them in any version of the game, so some of the fights took hours. I'm just updating to the newest version, and I'm wondering if there is any way for me to find them? Got any ideas people?

(1 edit)

How do I fix this? I'm on the latest version and I have already uninstalled and installed this game and this still happens.


Ignore it

Woah nice game.

Interesting story and pretty good animated scenes.

It also made me realize i like being called sweet words like “my love” and “darling”. (Love you too Gwen)

And the kids are a joy.

I rate it... 4.5/5 good job!




that game is good, but it has a lot of horror, including H scenes, so keep that in mind. also, id advise getting the itch io app that way updates are a lot easier and you dont have to redownload a bunch. tbh, i still prefer CK, but i also havent even got to the 2nd chapter of that game and ive put hours into it.

(1 edit)

In between act 2 and 3, before I go further in, so I can reload and pick otherwise/feel more secure in my choice.

What does destroying the relic vs absorbing it do?

Feels almost like the preference between awaken vs shatter

it hasnt been brought up in current game, but is said to have effects later. id advise saving before the choice and just do whatever seems more fun

Why does the mcs balls looks so weird


Hey, he's very sensitive about that!  It's a legitimate medical condition.  He could get it fixed, but he's not made of money! :P


Hey what do i do with the lamia in the second arc?


How am I supposed to go to madisons mansion in the evening? It says I need an appointment but  im not sure how. Someone please let me know.


holy hell the new noise when text appears is annoying


what is new in this update? everything seems the same


Hey, just started the game but, is there sex scenes for Pixie? And if there is, how do we get it


You need to find a witch and use the hint system to forward Pixie's hearts up

Thank you i couldn't help but cry the whole time.

(2 edits) (+2)

Arc, I really love you and this game, my favorite game on Itch. I really appreciate your effort, "voice" is a pretty cool addition, but my only complaint is the time system, it sucks. The four new time frames are nice, but time passes randomly after each action, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and the worst part is that auto-sleep is removed. Before, calculating the time to progress the game was already quite tiring, but now it's really getting on my nerves with all those hours and minutes, which I can barely count. Can we please just remove the time system but keep the four time frames and return to the fixed time as before, Arc? Btw, please return the auto-sleep.


Hey, congrats on 5 years of development! I'm happy to see this game is still receiving updates and is still going strong. A genuinely great story, good humor, sexy and interesting characters. I love it to bits.

fyx endue robot thing still broke

How to get in to the Nexus in act 3?

cant wait for the rest of the game to be done

if you wanna give the college daughter the thing she needs dont do her mom nd shell reward you

great game so far, I'm enjoying the story a lot, though I am stuck on the part where pixie says "there's a person around the flat" not sure how to proceed

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