The weekly update has been released!
This week it's a brand-new conquerable location: Hillside Developments! Complete with a brand new Boss Girl and new skill! Also, a bunch of bug fixes. Like... a lot of them. So many bug fixes. I hope you enjoy! :)
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
- War Map: New Conquerable location! "Hillside Development"! (Just south of the Manor)
- Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Hazel D." in charge of the Hillside Development district!
- Skill: New combat skill - PUMP IT! Learned from Hazel, the new Boss Girl!
- Combat: Reworked the AI a little bit to prevent them defaulting to a single move most of the time (TANK especially has been completely reworked)
- Jessica: You can now call Jessica to the LIVING ROOM any time you like! No more hunting around the Manor for her! Man, she was good at hide and seek!
- Ard & Hana: Now have updated paperdolls! No more bisected Hana in the kitchen. Phew!
- Misc: Highlighted the word GARDEN in the "Learn How to Fight" lead as people weren't reading it carefully and were getting confused as to where Jessica was (fixed in 0.17.8b)
- Bug: Fixed a situation in which you could get soft-locked in the Dungeon. Uh-oh!
- Bug: Fixed a UI issue where "(iExit)" was appearing on Wardrobe options
- Bug: Fixed an issue where Jessica would sometimes pop up during battle. Don't be a helicopter mom, Jessica!
- Bug: Fixed the "black bar at bottom of screen" bug! (fixed in 0.17.8b)
- Bug: You could recruit the Boss Girl multiple times from the dungeon. No more clones! (fixed in 0.17.8b)
- Bug: You could "Mount an Attack" before doing the battle tutorial in the garden, which would mess up progression (fixed in 0.17.8b)
- Bug: The lab background wasn't showing up in Act Two. Now it is! (fixed in 0.17.8b)
- Bug: Jessica's stats weren't increasing for her naughty bathroom event (fixed in 0.17.8b)
- Bug: Moved quick_menu to the top of the screen and tied its visibility to the visibility of the top bar. Hopefully this will solve the Android "quick menu is blocking stuff" (fixed in 0.17.8b)
- Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives approach the creaking cupboard slowly. Is it the missing jam? A lead? A clue!? AHHHH! NOITSBUGS! ITSBUUUUUUGS!
Get Corrupted Kingdoms (NSFW 18+)
Corrupted Kingdoms (NSFW 18+)
A naughty sandbox RPG. Will you save the world, or conquer it?
Status | In development |
Author | TheArcadean |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | 3D, Anime, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, harem, Hentai, NSFW, Sandbox, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles, Interactive tutorial |
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- BUGFIX RELEASE - v0.22.0a!Oct 09, 2024
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I have a question, do the districts have a chance to be taken by an opposing enemy faction?
I'm fucking dead. You killed me, and now I'm dead.
Depicted the murder weapon below:
I love the new interface
But something's missing here
We missed the skip button in this new interface on android
Hope you'll fix it soon
I really love your game but I just want to ask, all the boss girls have same f scane? Even dialogs?
i just recruited Chelsea twice
Shouldn't be possible in 0.17.9 - only in the initial bugged release of 017.8. If you managed to do it in 0.17.9 please let me know the steps you took to do it.
Well I beat the next boss with seduce put her in the dungeon I went to recruit her not sure if I did it once or twice with the persuasion then Chelsea appeared on the captive list I clicked her and the scence played out and she got recruited again I now have two of her icons on the prepared menu and I checked I am on version 0.17.9-pc windows version
imma wait for the later updates so i can play normally lol
That's probably wise! New mechanical releases always come with their share of bugs and chaos. Most of my last two weeks has been spent playing whack-a-mole with them ;)
i wanna do that too... but im too invested. i want more! im feigning! i got this bag of cheeseburgers, man!
...dont know if i shud explain the 'dont be a menace' reference or not...
That was one of my favorite scenes from that movie.
"I'll suck yo diiiiiick man."
I want those cheese burgers. Oh boy, I sure do hope the price isn't too steep...
What happened to the typo hero!!!!!?
It's been quite a while Arcadean but how you've been???
typo hero died, we killed them
Typo Hero was last seen approaching the Dread Arc's Tower amidst the gigantic coding storm that was raging fiercely. What was his fate!? Find out sometime!
In the meantime, it's Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives! On the case of the missing jam! Which, I mean, I don't know if it's really "missing"... look at this battlefield! It's everywhere!
That's weird. It doesn't taste like jam...
YES I FINALLY MANAGED TO UPDATE THE GAME. Now I got to see the new UI, and I gotta say, it lookin kinda thicc 👌
Congratulations! I hope you enjoy! And I'm glad you like the new UI :)
It would be nice that if you get the morale bar completly filled to your side you automatly win the battle or the enemy boss gets a massive debuff and vice versa if the enemy boss gets the morale bar filled to her side she automatly wins or your side gets a massive debuff.
I experimented with that initially but it's just too easy to manipulate the morale bar, especially with some of the new abilities being introduced.
So, a question of UTMOST IMPORTANCE... will we get to have Ard on our combat team? >_>
See, it occurs to me that
mythe main character's seduction skills leave much to be desired. Currently his only option seems to be one he picked up from watching a Madonna music video (Vogue!) Sure, standing there and posing like a (sexy?) fool might work for Aunt Jessica (Ooooh, my little man! *excited parental clapping* You're all grown up now. So sexy! You'll be beating the ladies off with a stick! "Yeah, with my big sti-" Don't be vulgar, dear. "Sorry, Aunt Jessica."), but the other ladies will probably laugh at us. A lot. Hurtfully.I figure a sexy beast like Ard has GOT to have some amazing seduction skills. Sure, we'll probably only be able to use him in battle once. The moment he uses a seduction skill every woman in the entire district will succumb to his charm, including the boss. Afterwards, all four sides of the conflict will unanimously agree to ban the use of Ard as a Weapon of Mass Seduction. He'll be declared a walking sexological disaster. Those present at the battle will begin referring to him as the Humanoid Pheromone Typhoon.
We'll probably have to forbid him from winking or talking in the manor whenever women are around. But at least the MC will be able to learn a couple new seduction skills. Of course, the skills will only be a fraction as powerful as when Ard used them. Robin lacks the concentrated manliness that Ard possesses.
Hehe, I keep playing the scene in my head, and every time I imagine Ard's and Robin's reactions to Ard using seduction it makes me giggle.
Yes, I am being needlessly silly, but it is a real question. So far we've only seen new physical skills, and Robin is desperately in need of something more than striking a pose.
Yup! Ard will be recruitable, as will every main girl, all the side girls and as many of the one-shot girls as I can manage.
Ard will, of course, be the NUCLEAR SEDUCTION option. Game ends when he uses his ultimate skill because, really, where do you go from there? You'll have already seen the best the game has to offer. So you'll use the skill, the game will start the outro, then turn itself off, delete the entire game from your drive and finally immolate your computer in a ritual viking funeral.
After all, no single piece of software should contain such power. And how will your computer be able to focus on its tasks from now on? No... no, it's for the best.
(The first sentence up top is sincere. The rest of it less so ;) )
No, look, I can't think of a better way for my computer to go out. I'm in. XD
It feels like a weekly release of a manga it’s so fun :D. Im eager to get everyone out of this hell
Haha, well thank you! I'm glad you like it. And honestly, yeah, I'm kinda looking forward to MC clearing up more of the war map myself, so I can get on with the more wholesome events ;)
After all, wholesomeness is the only way to truly destroy an Eldritch.
Ahhhh! They're everywhere! Oh... okay, I just squashed one. I think that's bette- NO IT JUST MADE MORE OF THEM AHHHHHHH!
I'm not a fan of the paperdolls. We went so long with the character models that moved and such. It feels jarring to suddenly be like that
Change is always difficult. But the paperdoll system allows me to create the Boss Girls, decreases overall files size, and significantly decreases the amount of time that new events will take to design and implement. So I hope you get used to it in time :)
Idk, I understand that the models having movements would take a lot of work. But the effort showed. Though knowing paperdolls are hear to stay may help get used to it
On Android, War Map is freezing... Is there any problems because of Ren'Py or it's just me?
The War Map is just a very simple imagemap - nothing intensive. You may need to completely power down your phone and boot it back up again, it sounds like you're having memory issues.
I'm curious since you mention the girl's stats. Do they actually change anything when you interact with the girls or it more for a "in case you were curious, she's sucked your dick 37 times." Kinda thing?
Right now it's just a record. Eventually it will unlock h-scene/event variations depending on their level of experience :)
Lol the Jessica change is welcomed. Had to load earlier save to continue MQ because I couldn't find her.
Yeah, sorry about that... totally blanked on the fact that she only had two spawn points when I released the big update! :P
Nice stuff. What I am wondering though is if there're any plans for non practice battles for the purposes of grinding levels for all the characters we're likely to recruit/learning all their skills? Maybe something like the option to defend already conquered territory from generic enemies?
Yes, the next update (out next week) will have a "Look For Trouble" option that will allow you to jump into random battles. You'll be able to earn XP and skills in these battles :)
MOAR BATTLES YESSSSSS! Thank you Mr Arc for your great work!
My pleasure! I'm glad you're enjoying it :) More and more and MORE battles to come!
Thanks for the hard work! Awesome update *chef's kiss*
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you like it :)