Corrupted Kingdoms (NSFW 18+) » Devlog

The latest update has been released!
In this update you finally meet Veronica and Madison again, and find out what happened in the college while you were... indisposed! Also, the assault on the eastern side of town begins, against the Eldritch - what could possibly go wrong!? Hidden Voices is added to your list of CLASH powers in combat, and you can now buy upgrades to your dice courtesy of a brand-new, and very odd, shopkeep! Oh, and there's a whole pile of bug fixes and small quality of life adjustments. I hope you enjoy! :)
- Veronica & Madison: The return of Veronica and Madison! Conquer the college and make Hazel loyal (or get rid of her) to enter!
- The Bridge: You can now (attempt to) cross the bridge, once you've conquered it, to attack the east side of town!
- Shopkeep: New character appears! The Shopkeep. Allows you to buy upgrades for your dice (and more later on)!
- Elixirs: You can now gather Ichor Elixirs (Eldritch Currency) from the Bridge after completing the event above!
- War Room: Improved the "Ask Jessica for help" section, and added "How do I Shatter my opponent?" to the list of questions
- Map: Mansion and Apartment locations are now unlocked for everyone in Act Three, even if you didn't find them in Act Two!
- Map: If you've completed the combat tutorial, you can now explore the town at night!
- Combat: You can now increase your dice to D8's (maximum roll of 8)!
- Combat: New Power available! You can now use HIDDEN VOICES in combat for a one-turn SCOUT effect!
- Veronica: Veronica now has a paperdoll!
- Madison: Madison now has a paperdoll!
- Bug: Hid "Troop Count" on the stats page until players have completed the combat tutorial
- Bug: The new combat system accidentally blocked progress with Emma. You can now continue to unearth the mystery surrounding her fear!
- Bug: The engine upgrade broke a couple girls' pregnancies. Now the only thing stopping you from having kids is your crippling social anxiety!
- Bug: The Lily's Bar event in Act Three wasn't firing for people - now it will trigger correctly (Lily got drunk and fell asleep on an important button)!
- Bug: A few text overflow issues dealt with
- Bug: Wheeled Gwen back an inch so she wasn't overlapping her own name and dialogue any more
- Bug: When fighting Goons, if you put a dice into ATTACK and then removed it, it would unlock SEDUCE which would then crash. Now SEDUCE remains greyed-out no matter what. Sorry, boy-love fans!
- Bug: Shattering a girl, then selecting "release", then changing your mind, was crashing the game. Now you can be as weirdly indecisive as you like!
- Bug: MC will no longer claim the college is his when he doesn't, in fact, own it during the fight with Hazel
- Bug: Goon Tactics weren't turning off after combat ends, allowing people to sneak the abilities into practice fights. Now MC is forced to play fair. Booo!
- Bug: SSsoem Typpoes Fixxedh...
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 2nd of October.
CK v0.21.2 - for Win/Linux 1.5 GB
Version 0.20.0 Sep 21, 2023
CK v0.21.2 - for MAC 1.5 GB
Version 0.20.0 Sep 21, 2023
CK v0.21.1 - for Android 1.5 GB
Version 0.20.0 Sep 21, 2023
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Corrupted Kingdoms (NSFW 18+)
A naughty sandbox RPG. Will you save the world, or conquer it?
Status | In development |
Author | TheArcadean |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | 3D, Anime, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, harem, Hentai, NSFW, Sandbox, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles, Interactive tutorial |
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where is the shopkeep?
I like the dice-based combat mechanics. There's certainly room for improvement but as a newly implemented feature it works pretty well.
You already have the basic idea of this implemented through Endure, but I would love additional combat modifiers and sources, such as equipment for the MC or through effects from special clothing for the girls.
More modifiers for combat will be introduced slowly throughout future updates, for sure. But I've learned my lesson when it comes to the combat system, and it's definitely going to take a back seat to more content ;)
That does make sense as I can't say that I'm playing CK for its deep gameplay systems and I know some people are way less chill than I on the cadence of your releases and what's in each.
The writing and overall plot does a great job of making you, well me, feel connected to the MC. With a dynamic combat system added to the mix, it can take some of that away if luck isn't on your side and you're getting ones and twos a lot and feel like your guy can't even stand up against nameless goons when he should be, maybe not facerolling them, but should be handing them their asses nine times out of ten.
As a game in development, and fairly rapid turnaround of updates, I just wanted to throw a bit of my opinion out there since I do really like this game and I'm looking forward to how everything progresses, be it characters, story, or gameplay systems.
I'm not to keen on this dice-based combat system. It's way too heavy on RNG.
not sure if already reported?
but anyway, it seems "endure" is not working as expected.
enemy had a die roll of 6 on attack, MC 4 (+2) on defence - and MC still lost HP
ah wait, found it - it does nothing when it would be over the max die value, in this case the 4 I already placed in the slot.
this was unexpected, from the combat tutorial I expected a flat bonus, not only the manipulation of the die roll
Clicking "exit the manor" at the front door at night still says it's too dangerous even after the option is available.
Fixed for next update, thanks :)
Not sure if this is the correct place to ask but is Lyx broken? I conquered the apartments a while ago and she still isn't showing up.
There's a glitch in the current release that stops some people from accessing her. It's been fixed for the next update - sorry for the inconvenience!
Got it, thanks for the response. Love all the characters but definitely interested to see what kind of chaos Lyx can do in an all out war.
Experiencing a bug where dialogue shows up under character models.
Fixed for next update, thanks! :)
I will say I missed the old war map and districts, as I thought it was a really unique concept. However, I trust the process and I love the game, so I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes!
I'm glad you're enjoying the game!
I'm going to be reworking the War Map overlay to make it look a little nicer/more interesting in the future so hopefully that will help you to miss the old one less ;)
Pretty heartwarming to see Madison and Veronica finally putting aside their personal differences and starting to work together - for all of Madison's feigned indifference and Veronica's rebelliousness (or, shall I say, entitlement), deep down they still care about each other and those around them. Perhaps it's because the college is all that's left of their possessions so they'll fight like hell to keep it safe, or perhaps it's because Veronica's sense of duty is as impeccable as ever and so are Madison's standards - but one thing is certain: when push comes to shove and true colors are shown, they're not found wanting.
Now, back to Veronica: first, can we finally give her more potions in the next update? And second, I'm pretty sure her current resemblance to a younger Chastity is not a coincidence.
Yeah, they've both come a long way from the early days when you first met them :)
I'm not sure what you mean about Veronica and potions, though..? The only person you could feed potions to was Chloe (apart from the pregnancy potions which you could feed anyone). I didn't get any sleep last night, so I'm probably being very dim ;P
Well, IIRC those small vials of red liquid used by the Eldritch (and the odd shopkeeper) as currency are referred to as "Potions"? And IIRC it's revealed that those vials are keeping Veronica's infection/transformation from getting worse.
Ah, it was the "can we finally give her more" that was throwing me off, as that implies you'd already given her some. No, the potions are Eldritch currency (that section is for Human, Fey and Eldritch currency respectively) are are currently used to purchase upgrades from the Shopkeep.
Well, someone (either Gramps or Chastity) did gave her some sort of medicine in the fom of small vials, and I probably read the line wrong.
Edit: it's our resident gobbo, isn't it?
wish i knew this yesterday. before i spent 1 hr trying to luck out the ophelia fight XD
To be fair, the top two posts were both "LAND OF LEGENDS" posts detailing how stupidly difficult Ophelia was ;)
true. but it seamed like it would be possible. and well. i am stubborn XD
It was possible - the Hall of Champions and Hall of Heroes did pretty good business! - it was just super duper difficult ;P
Rolling the hightest number isn't an instant win is it or can't you go above the max roll.
If not I was facing the boss of the collage, I had a plus one to my roll, we both rolled a 6 it was her win.
Even with bonuses, the highest value you can have is the max of the die.
As Krellen says, you can't go higher than the number of sides on your dice. Also, draws will always count as a loss to the attacker (never to the defender) and in CLASH a draw means that neither person gets to use their abilities :)
Little sad to see the previous idea scrapped, I agree it's more in line with the previous acts what you have now, but the last idea had alot more intrigue for me and i'll miss some of the girls (i.e the sisters I think had animal ears, though the idol duo makes up for it) granted I agree with your prioties and look forward to the visual and story content you'll be trying to make up for it with.
This being said i'd really adore if your revisited that concept as it's own full property in the future as a spin off or completely new setting as I think it has potential and more substance as a gameplay system in inofitself.
I don't have any recommendations at current time other then I want to put hana back in her ponytail asap or I will stick my dick in ard with my frustration boner and you WILL be held accountable.
Also, theres only been like 2 tiny loli's(Org daughter & tiny car wash girl), you're nailing everything from Petite teen to milf but i'd like more happy meals to go with my quarter pounder and big macs, I believe in you boss.
None of the girls have been removed or physically changed in any way. The twins and Noelle had their personalities altered, and Hazel is no longer a construction worker, but that's the extend of the alterations :)
The old system was based off Sengoku Rance, one of my favourite adult games of all time, and I'd love to do something in that vein! The depth and variety of SR is incredible, and something I can only aspire to currently. But one day..!
Hey, Ard might enjoy it. Who am I to stand in the way of a beautiful sexual awakening? ;)
As for loli types, it's a very fine line to walk if I don't want to end up pissing off my Patreon overlords, so they're deliberately few and far between :P I think you can probably expect one more, though, once the Outskirts open up and you start fighting the Fey...
Thanks for the response!
Glad I was wrong about losing neko sisters, but hey there's a pitch cause I love Kanna and Bunny god but I don't remember any Nekos + you'd nail it, I have a feeling that too might be addressed in the fey.
I liked the animation of SR and now i'm definitely gonna pick that game up somewhere asap, so thanks for the accidental rec. Also looking forward to if you do tackle a more complex gameplay loop at any point cause I think you'd do it great from what i've seen (Obv another game cuz CK is 95% VN)
Your wisdom and openess impresses me as far as ard is concerned but I do still miss Hana's ponytail and no amount of bussy will change that.
And this makes sense, I wish we'd drop the prejudice on that and just agree to protect the kids and do whatever in our own homes but as you aren't god (yet) I getchu. I'll very much look forward to what you have planned in the fey in the meantime as they're always my favorites anyway.
I do wanna make chloe fully love me either by breaking her the rest of the way or going the gwen route but idk what you have planned, also if we're using wardrobe for more of costumes and not just og vs war I do wanna stick them in christmas dresses, 2 piece & one pieces with those fluffy af edges and short foldless skirts this holiday season, but bet that's alot of modeling for that kinda idea.
Looking forward to it boss, i'll send some cash your and eternum's way when I have some to send.
An amazing update as always!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :)
Is there any way i can get my progress back? I recently had to reset my pc and lost all my saves.
If you deleted your saves then no, there's no way to get them back, sadly - the game doesn't have an auto cloud save feature. The only thing I can suggest is heading to the CK Discord and either using the pinned save file there, or asking people in #game-help for their saves if the pinned one isn't at the right spot for you.
I can't find the pinned safe file. Could you tell me where it is?
nvm i found it
Do you think that if Arc considered the old combat system worth keeping around, he would’ve gone and made an entirely new one?
No, obviously not.
The old combat system wasn’t working. It was clashing against the rest of the game and it was an overcomplicated mess that was starting to overstay its welcome.
I do agree that it being based on dice, RNG can royally fuck you over sometimes. But the battles are way shorter and conquering the zone takes a lot less effort.
The new system is also way easier to implement, leaving Arc more time for story content.
Don’t feel guilty for using auto-win if you can’t be arsed to play with dice, hopefully when the story content picks up it’ll be worth it.
Finally, I can meet more of my girls!
And in the next update, even more of them! :)
I love this so much but I must ask how you get so much done in such a small amount of time. keep up the amazing work and slow down a bit because you update the game faster then I can play it lmao.
Thank you for the kind words! :) I really appreciate it.
Honestly, I wish I could get more done for each update - it never feels like enough - but I have nerve damage in my right arm now and my doctor might commit me to an asylum if I do any more damage to myself ;P
been loving the game keep up the amazing work
Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it! :)
This... may just be a weird artifact of the practice system, but I wanted to try out my shiny new d6's and, lacking any ability to Look For Trouble or otherwise beat up random guys in suits, I figured I would go to my favorite Aunt for a practice session (Free Fight, not the tutorial).
Only to be greeted by my old d4's. "Oh well, them's the breaks," I said, as I came to terms with the thought that the practice system wasn't set up for it. Being a
boreddingus, however, I channeled my inner Daft Punk and went at it one more time. This time (and every subsequent time after), I had my newly-purchased d6's to play with.Weird.
So I reloaded the previous save again and tried once more. Same result. The first time I use it I'm stuck with the d4's, after that I've got my d6's. This is repeatable, over and over. So then I changed things up. I had been going out to the garden to initiate the practice fight. Now I tried starting it from the war room. This time I had d6's right from the start. Again, this is repeatable.
If I initiate a practice battle from the Garden, the first time is with d4's. If I start from the war room, it's d6's. This is just for the first time practicing after upgrading your dice.
Odd, but not gamebreaking.
It is quite odd, I can’t seem to be able to find the bit of code that causes this.
I tried a fresh act 3 start save.
Beelined it to the bridge, got the upgrades.
And the first practice battle still gets the d4’s like in your case.
But normal battles don’t. Wonder what’s happening there that makes normal battles update but not the practice one.
Either way, kinda feel like Arc should add again the option to go pick fights, if for some reason you want to farm goons.
"Look for Trouble" will be reintroduced fairly soon, probably in the "Explore" style :)
In an update or two, once we're back on Annie's farm, maybe instead of talking about farming goons we'll be considering making some goon farmers.
Yeah, this has been reported and as Chris says it's bizarre - the code should be the same for all the fights, so something is going weird with the practice fights. I'll look into it and see if I can get a fix up for the next update. Thanks!
You know... Arc, I'm really NOT trying to multiply your workload a hundredfold. Honest. But that scene with Veronica and Hazel makes me so sad that she's just a Boss Girl. That was the perfect setup for a "competition" between the two of them, each trying to show that they have what it takes to excite the MC the most. It's just begging for a lewd threesome follow-up. And if the scene had used Lily (or even Molly) instead, I could maybe even hope for it.
But since it was just a Boss Girl - even one as amazing as Hazel - now my heart is heavy with the knowledge that I'll probably never get to see that. :(
There are days where I ponder over Arc’s apparent lack of foresight.
You can’t just make an interaction like Hazel and Veronica and not expect people to ask more.
Part of me hopes there’s more. Specially considering now that the boss girls will get a bit more depth (as a tradeoff we’ll have less bossgirls overall)
Also considering that Hazel’s previous “depth” is lost, since she’s no longer a construction gal.
Who knows? Time will tell.
Actually, one reason for designing the new combat system in the way that I did (more focus on the girls' personalities, tying them directly to locations) was so that I could incorporate them into the events that occur in those locations.
People embraced the Boss Girls way more than I thought, so screw it, I'm embracing that ;)
Don't expect the Boss Girls to rise to the dizzying heights of Main Girl status, but do expect to see them a lot more in events that occur in those locations, including events that involve actual Main Girls :)