The latest update has been released!

In this update the Outskirts open back up again and you can finally visit the farm and the daycare once more! Are Annie, Kana and the kids okay? Suuuuure! I mean, probably. You should go check, though. Also in this update, the Numbers make a return, and what's up with the communications in the town!? Also, a big ol' pile of bug fixes! I hope you enjoy! :)

NOTE: Due to the shift to a biweekly update schedule, all public releases from now on will be on Monday instead of Thursday. Thank you!


  • Annie: The return of Annie! Conquer the Old Club and clear the roadblock to get access to the Farm!
  • Kids: The return of the kids! Once you make it to the farm, you can talk to any of the kids you left in the day care!
  • Kids: You can talk to, and play with, all of the kids in the day care!
  • Kids: All the kids now have paperdolls!
  • Radio: If you go to the Manor living room in the afternoon, you might hear something interesting on the radio (ten different transmissions to hear)!
  • Gwen: After listening to the radio, you can ask Gwen about it!
  • Numbers: The Numbers you met in the Act Two finale return! Meet the Shopkeep (conquer then scout the bridge) and then sleep!
  • Shopkeep: After talking to the Numbers, find and talk to the Shopkeep again for a little more lore hints!
  • Outskirts: You now have access to the Outskirts! Conquer the Old Club, then select "Clear the Roadblock" from the Outskirts location!
  • Outskirts: You can visit every location in the Outskirts (except Morgana)!
  • Combat: New Power available! You can now use AURA in combat to increase your SEDUCE dice by two!
  • Combat: If you use auto-win you will now take a tiny amount of damage when doing so. Don't worry! You can still use the auto-win all day every day, but now events that require you to have taken damage will trigger correctly (such as Lily and Lyx's events)
  • Misc: Tidied up some of Gwen's dialogue so her paperdoll doesn't keep sliding in and out
  • Misc: Went through some of the earlier dialogue in Act Three and added way more references to the kids, if you have any. Their moms will ask about them too, when you meet them for the first time!
  • Bug: Players were unable to leave via the front door at night, even with all requirements met, but could leave through other means. The front door has been unlocked now, so MC no longer needs to climb out via bathroom windows
  • Bug: Jessica's paperdoll was hiding some words, and they weren't even naughty! MC has learned to throw his voice slightly to the right, so all is uncovered now. Nice try, Jessica!
  • Bug: A couple of error messages relating to Madison and Veronica have been fixed - they're no longer trying to wear outfits that don't exist!
  • Bug: Upgraded dice weren't appearing the first time you fought Goons in the garden. Now they are!
  • Bug: Your Goon's "Reinforce" tactic was boosting the first dice, not the lowest. Now it will boost the lowest, as it should! Silly Goons, so disorganised...
  • Bug: Fixed an error with paperdolls sticking around after reloading the same scene whilst in the middle of talking to them. Shoo, paperdolls! Shoo!
  • Bug: There was an issue preventing Lyx from appearing in your bedroom. Which some might say is a good thing, but those people didn't bribe me with mangoes so now she can get in again
  • Bug: The latest engine update messed up autosaves. They should be working properly again from this update onwards!
  • Bug: You can no longer search the apartments at night, causing a time dilation flux. Doc Brown gave me a good scolding
  • Bug: The Credits page is functional again! No more weirdness, and the supporter list is up to date again! Yay!
  • Bug: Ty-ty-typpppooosss fixx-x-xxx-xxxed...

I hope you enjoy this update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 16th of October.


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Version 0.20.1 Oct 05, 2023

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(1 edit)

I was CRYING over fictional kids I really thought something happened to them because it looks like the characters were hinting that something did happen to them. I also unlocked kids I didn't have yet.


Are you gonna add the feature so that when our kids grow up we can also smash them?


Kids won’t grow up further than they got.

Magic energy boost ran out.

And even if it didn’t, it’s incest, Patreon no like incest and if Patreon angry Arc doesn’t get paid.

So no incest. Best you’ll get is a woman that likes it when you call her aunt.


What Chris said. Kids aren't going to grow up any more than they already have, and even if they did they still wouldn't be "smashable" as you so eloquently put it.

Incest is a big no-no for Patreon, and I'm not going near kiddy stuff with a ten foot pole and a million bucks. The children are precious little cupcakes and must be protected.


Reason #715 we love Arcadean. ^

(Minus the Patreon thing, but it can't be helped.)


Get yo freaky ass on


When a guy called "testicle slapper" calls you freaky, you know you done messed up ;)


What the fuck is wrong with you? GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE PLAYGROUND!!!!!!!!

(1 edit)

Sir... you need a mental evaluation.

Edit: (insert funni overprotective dad moment) YOU TOUCH THOSE KIDS AND I'LL MAKE NAGASAKI LOOK LIKE A SMOKE BOMB YOU *Bleeeeeeep bleep bleeep* -ING MAG--*BLEEEP BLEEEEP* 

Check this guys hard drive 😭

That will never happen. No pedophiles and no incest. Get lost

Aww maaaan~

This might be a stupid question, but I am kinda stupid, so I am okay with that. How do I carry over my save file from the previous version to this new one? Kinda new to this.

You just download, install/extract the same way as you did the first time, and play! Your saves will be automatically detected by the new version :)

If you're on Android, though, make sure you DO NOT DELETE THE OLD VERSION! Just install the new one on top of it to update it.

i cant get the bridge ting to work iven tho i think i have all that is needed. but it is noting is starting when i go to sleep or when i go back to the bridge. is it somewhere else or.


Trying to cross the bridge?

You have to do it at night.

If you mean actually crossing the bridge, you can’t yet.


I'm... I'm back. Where was I? I don't remember... 0.17.8... Wasn't that yesterday?... I don't remember...

Heeey, good to be back. I'm not gonna bore anyone with my personal life but... it feels good, to have some kind of pause; but I'm ready to catch up, and boy, it's quite a bit. 20 patches? The only thing I know is that this is gonna be as good as always 


Welcome back! I hope all's well and that you enjoy the backlog of content you have waiting for you! :)

haha, if in the previous version the cult captured the train station, it appears to be tentacle ridden in the new version, however in the new version if you hadnt played up to that the station is just goon ridden XP

Yeah, I need to rearrange a bunch of triggers now that the new system is in :P  Would have done it for last update, but I needed to get the kids ready to meet their dad!


Oh i hope the kids are okay D:

Yeah, me too. I hope all of my kids daijobu 🥺

(1 edit) (+4)



Go get 'em papa bear! And never let 'em go!


The Cute wolf girl wife missing?! MUST SAVE HER HURRY WITH UPDATE SO WE CAN SAVE HER (take your time man don't feel like your rushed)


apologising to gwen has her paper doll infront of the tex

Thanks, I'll fix that for the next update! :)




Well great, now I have "Chop Suey" by System of a Down stuck in my head!

(1 edit) (+2)

Help!  I can't stop playing with the children!  D:


Oh no! If you don't stop giving them love and affection they might grow up to be well-adjusted, empathetic adults!

(1 edit)

we they cant sens if they did i think the univers f*cking explodes or someting. i dont remember someting bad atlist i know that.

(i did not notice dis was the creator when a replyed. my bad.)




I'm way behind thanks to my lap top not working anymore some months back. May be i should bite the bullet. Download the android and start all over from the beginning

I'm sorry your laptop's gone kaput! If you still have access to its hard drive you can actually move your save files from it to your phone (all save files work on all OS's)!

My phone died, but I was able to retrieve my save data before it permanently decided to rest in peace. I can load it with no problem, but the gallery is empty. Is there a way to unlock the whole gallery, or do I have to replay the game from the beginning?


You can unlock the gallery by using the laptop in your room



a monumental weight has been lifted, partially. will only go away after finding the best wolf girl

(1 edit) (+3)

I agree, can't wait to meet that milf again right..........right...that'swhat u meant right?


Multiple wolf girls appearing in the next update!


That gorbachev moment... made me laugh so hard for an hour cause I can hear Reagan say it.. jfc thats hilarious... very well done writing.


Haha, thanks, I'm glad you got a kick out of it! I went back and forth with myself on whether or not to include it, but ended up saying "ah, what the heck" and throwing it in there ;P


Definitely the right call!


I am so happy to see that Annie and the kids are alive and, relatively safe, but I'm still very worried about Kana, I hope she is not hurt. 


I'm sure Arc has horribly maimed her in SOME way. >:(  

But we'll save her and give her many hugs and headpats to make it all better.

I'm sue she's fine. I mean, probably. Maybe. Perhaps.

You'll find out in the next update - less than two weeks away! ;)


That is one of the HAPPIEST moments of any game i ever tried! 


Haha, I'm glad you liked it! I enjoyed making it :)

My heart raced when I saw the title, it seriously alarmed me.

Totally not on purpose, I assure you (gives best impression of an innocent face)

yo can anyone tell me how to upgrade my dice?

Deleted 143 days ago

I can't wait to be over with uni to be able to play all these cool updates, the good thing about being extra busy is that once I'm free there's gonna be so much content!


Good luck with Uni and I'm sure you'll ace your exams/thesis/doctorate/whatever it is you're doing! CK will be waiting for you when you're done :)

(3 edits) (+4)

That Cold war Reference cracked me up LMAO,Also gramps is the MVP,Both Annie and Veronica own their Lives to Him,i hope he is okay,And Kanna is Trapped Behind enemy lines next update is a rescue mission i guess?,I am also Glad that the kids are okay but now all that Worry was Trasfered to kana,Dammit Every waifu is Danger,First Veronica Slowing Dying now kana Trapped Behind enemy lines,The Ones That Participated in the battle of the Church and the ones in the manor during the attack are the Lucky ones


War is hell, maaaan!

(I do honestly feel bad about the unpleasant things that are happening to so many of the characters! I hope they'll all be okay in the end.)

And yes, next update is a Kana update!

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