The latest update has been released!

You can now sit beside Kana and hold her hand or pat her head! Right, now that the most important patch note is out of the way... The rest of the House Ladies have finally been added to the Manor once again, complete with dialogue and naughty happy fun times! Also, all the Boss Girls have had their narrative events restored (and in some cases re-written), and the Shopkeep will now sell you a PERMANENT BOOSTER Elixir... if you dare to drink it! Plus, a whole bunch of bugfixes and little QoL changes! I hope you enjoy! :)


  • KANA: You can now check on Kana, sit at her bedside and stroke her hair or hold her hand! Morrning, Afternoon AND Evening! She needs the love...
  • HOUSE LADIES: The rest of the House Ladies return! You can find them in their rooms in the East Hallway!
  • HOUSE LADIES: All of the House Ladies now have their own Paperdolls!
  • JULIE: You can be naughty with Julie in her room in the East Hallway!
  • LAURA: You can be naughty with Laura in her room in the East Hallway!
  • RENEE: You can be naughty with Renee in her room in the East Hallway!
  • RENEE & JULIE: You can be naughty with both at the same time in their room in the East Hallway!
  • CHELSEA: A new narrative event for Chelsea! Explore the Apartments after you have recruited her!
  • HAZEL: A new narrative event for Hazel! Explore the College after you have recruited her!
  • NOELLE: A new narrative event for Noelle! Explore the Mansions after you have recruited her!
  • OPHELIA: A new narrative event for Ophelia! Explore the Old Club after you have recruited her!
  • RACHEL: A new narrative event for Rachel! Explore the Bridge after you have recruited her!
  • TERRI & TAMMI: A new narrative event for Terri & Tammi! Explore the Park after you have recruited them!
  • SHOPKEEP: The Shopkeep no longer sells dice upgrades (see below)! Instead he will now sell an Elixir that grant permanent boosts throughout the fight for so long as they're active (more Elixirs to come in the future!
  • SHOPKEEP: You can no longer visit the Shopkeep's store before the dream with the Numbers, so players are warned about him before making a purchase
  • RECIPE: A new recipe: Roasted Beets! Unlock by exploring the Apartments!
  • RECIPE: A new recipe: Spicy Oysters! Unlock by exploring the Mansions!
  • RECIPE: A new recipe: Rainbow Cotton Candy! Unlock by exploring the Park!
  • COMBAT DICE: There has been a change to how Combat Dice are upgraded! Now you can grow your dice to D6's by recruiting Hazel, Ophelia and Rachel and exploring their locations. The Shopkeep will no longer upgrade dice, and will instead offer special Elixirs that give you boosts which last all combat (but may come with their own, dark price...)
  • AUTO-WIN: You can now choose between Physical Victory, Seductive Victory and Shatter Victory in the auto-win option in the War Room
  • Misc: Changed meeting Annie from a dialogue menu option to an automatic scene to prevent edge cases where players could rescue Kana before meeting Annie and thus make her very confused about where Kana is
  • Misc: Added Laura, Renee and Julie to the angry lineup of defenders during Chastity's Act Three return event
  • Bug: Player will no longer meet Jessica in random locations then be surprised by her new outfit later on at the front door
  • Bug: Player will no longer meet Ami in random locations then be surprised by her eyepatch later on at the front door
  • Bug: Manor will no longer be attacked by Goons before the player has completed the battle tutorial
  • Bug: Minion One and Minion Two's names were swapped in the forest fight. They have now stopped practicing their ventriloquism and will focus on the fight
  • Bug: Text for the Chastity dream wasn't centered correctly. Now it is!
  • Bug: From somewhere in the void, rocks shift... crack... tumble... a flickering light is seen, and a small voice echoes in the darkness: "Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives are back!"

I hope you enjoy this update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 20th of November.


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Version 0.20.3 Nov 13, 2023

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sorry just wanna ask since i'm stuck here for a couple days, all the girls already reached their current limit except for Jessica, Pixie and Lyx.

For Jessica it says i need to keep investigating, as for Pixie i still couldn't take a bath with her, as for Lyx need to keep doing Magic training with her but i still don't see the Manor Garden and Mountains. 

Is there anything that i am missing ? also the Nexus thingy. 

I cant find the ladies in the east hallway what should i do?

Your posts might not be seen if you’re not commenting on the most recent one.

Either way, you meet them in act 2 as part of Jessica’s story.

They have another event later and with that you can ask Jessica in the kitchen to get them to move into the manor after repairing the eastern wing.

If you have them in the manor before going into act 3, they’ll be there.

Deleted 1 year ago

No, you just haven’t met them.

Ask Gramps to train martial, it should continue your training for the last two or three points.

(2 edits)

Also, to add to what Chris said, you don't give him the lead, you literally just click on the dialogue option that says:

"Do you know someone who can make a bomb..?"

Deleted 1 year ago

How do you get girls pregnant? The favorability level is full, but there are always reminders that something is preventing the girl from getting pregnant. What is this "preventing her from getting pregnant" thing?


You need them at 4 hearts, then bang them until you get the popup.

And “preventing her from getting pregnant” it has many reasons for that.

One of them is the girl being already pregnant.

Another one, that could actually stop you from using the system altogether, is meeting a character that talks you about the pregnancy content.

You need to talk to the council girls in their demesnes through the nexus, so she takes an interest on you.

And if you don’t know what the nexus is, progress with Pixie until you get invited.

Thanks, pregnancy problem solved. Another question, the scene at the car wash requires me to borrow a car from Jessica, but when I talked to Jessica in the morning, the option to borrow a car didn’t appear. What’s going on? Do I need to complete a certain scene task before I can trigger the option of borrowing a car from Jessica?


You just need Jessica to love you a bit more before she lets you borrow her car.

Is there a way to find Maven after Kana's quest?

Not until act 3…

if i delete the game, the save will be delete to?


On phone? Yes, once you uninstall the saves are gone.

On computer, normally the game keeps a separate location for saves.


Ey my man. I just wanted to give some appreciation for what has to be the most dedicated dev(s?) of any game I have found on here. The story is incredible and engaging, the characters all are fun and unique. I don't know how much time I've spent playing this game but not a single second of it has been wasted. 


Dev singular - just me I'm afraid! But thank you for your kind words, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! Messages like yours make it all worthwhile :)

I've played up to the current furthest you can go but the house ladies don't seem to be appearing, I did the quest with them in Act 2

In Act Two, you have to do their follow-up events and then talk to Jessica about inviting them to move in.

(2 edits)

im a bit confused with the house ladies since i can remember how ch.3 started. what event ends ch.2?

Nvmd, found them.

Idk if this has been reported yet so there


Reported and fixed for next version.

(1 edit) (+1)

I decided I needed some heartbreak today so I sat with Kana for about three days.

Thanks for letting me do that, Arc! 


You're welcome! And also I apologise :P

I should start act two over again cuz I have yet to get them in the house

You don't need to completely start the act over if you have an autosave or manual save from anywhere in Act Two - they're recruitable right up until the point that you trigger the Act Two finale :)

Ok, but where do I find them?

(1 edit) (+1)

Laura happens automatically, Renee and Julie will call the living room phone on one of the days, I think, and Lucille can be found in the park on certain evenings. It's been over two years since I wrote the triggers so my memory is fuzzy :p

(1 edit)


On second thought, I'll just start over Act Three, again, since some scenes are having changes.


Any changes to existing scenes are either re-watchable by everyone, or are so minor that they don't really warrant a proper changelog entry (such as typo fixes or minor tweaks to dialogue). I wouldn't say there's any reason to restart, personally, but if you really want to then go for it and I hope you don't get bored! :)


It's for the immersion!

Also, I don't think I will get bored by it. It's just like rewatching your favorite part in an anime.


Aww, well that makes me happy to hear! :)

Hi, just a quick question. Is it possible in this release to conquer the Church disctrict? I cant get the option no matter what.

I don't think so. Not yet. At least according to the change log above.


No - for reasons that were made clear when you tried the first time :P


Hi,when will we update Astria, Morgana, Rosie, Karina, and the rest of the characters? Can Karina get pregnant?


I assume you're playing a translated version, as I have no idea who "Rosie" and "Karina" are, sorry! No timetable on when characters will get updates - I'm a solo dev so it's going to take a couple more updates before everyone's back ;P


It's probably "Roxy" and "Qarinah" 


Oooh, good catch. In that case, it falls under the "no timetable" heading - but I'm working hard to get them back in the game as quickly as possible! :)

Deleted 230 days ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Not a bug, and the Chastity event section is just a single line of dialogue where they stand against the Org so you missed only a teeny tiny bit :)


Did you get them during act 2?

If you didn’t, then they’re gone. You won’t get them back.

That’s just how it is, no second chances.

Main reason why there was a warning about moving into act 3.

Deleted 230 days ago

If you invited them into the manor, they should be in their rooms on act 3.

Deleted 230 days ago


But as for saves and stuff, your best bet is checking the discord server

Hell, I may even offer to tweak your save to “fix” certain mistakes you may have made.

(1 edit)

Serious question: Where is Alice...? Did I miss something...?

:: EDIT :: At first I thought, surely, she'd be with the other children.. or maybe just a place in the mansion that I keep missing.... but I've searched, and unless I'm missing a trigger somewhere, Chloe's little sister is completely MIA.... and about that: WHY is nobody mentioning this...?

I know she was there when MC woke up, so I know she made it through the initial mess, and that Ard saved her... but after the initial action she just poofs... Is there just no interaction with her as there is with the other children?  So odd... I know what I bought this game for, initially, lol... I did NOT expect to become this emotionally invested in the family this MC has created... sheesh.


She’s in the manor, you dingus.

It’s just that people in the manor have a schedule.

Alice is in the front door on Mondays. On the garden on Wednesdays In the living room on Fridays.

I don’t remember the exact timeslot, so try morning or afternoon if she’s not there.


Yay Finally after all these YEARS,jokes aside can't wait to play it when i get home,this start of week has been a Literal Hell both Metaphoric speaking(Too much work) and Literally(Gotta love rio de janeiro),but this has made it a little better.

Kept you waiting, huh? ;)

Well hey, I hope the update helps pull you little out of the literal and metaphorical inferno! Crank that AC up, turn off your phone, and visit CK for a while! :)


Shopkeeper's Elixirs certainly make him seem a lot more threatening, now.  Before he was just eccentric and I loved him.  Now I don't trust him. >_>

The Numbers did warn you...

Thing is I already did that, I upgraded my die all the way to D6 and THEN I met the numbers again... ah shit

That decision has been retroactively erased - now the game assumes you got the dice upgrades from the Boss Girls :) 

Just a quick question, since I was perusing the new food options.  Have Organization attacks been disabled?  They've never tried to attack any location that I've conquered ever since I first woke up (and, I suppose, when Chastity returned).  I've turned on Caviar on Toast, even, and still nobody shows up. :/

I never seem to Dream anymore, either.  :/  Maybe I'm just forgetting about something you changed in an update.

The attacks on the manor being disabled before the combat system is introduced was a feature.

Wonder if something else broke along the way, or if it is just RNGsus doing his thing once again.

Like the dreams… Remember a time where the dream about the beast would keep appearing over and over again.

Not sure if it was just bad luck, or the code being wonky and instead of a 10% chance of happening, it had a 10% chance of not happening.

Looking over the code it seems like you're just having bad (good?) luck. The attacks on your locations have a very low trigger rate, and if you've conquered all locations in town then it shrinks even further. The dreams are way down at like a 5 or 10% trigger rate - people complained when they happened regularly :P


Laura is... even hotter than I remember. o_O  Dang.

Renee and Julie also got an upgrade.  Double dang.

Renee's left breast sorta clips through her sleeve in her animation.  Or is that just my potato computer being weird?  Wouldn't be the first time.

When visiting the Mansions I first stopped by to see Noelle, and I could have SWORN Robin called her Noodle. XD  I did a double-take and saw that, no, he said "Noelle" like he should, my eyes and brain were just conspiring against me.  But now she has a nickname in my headcanon.   My little Noodle~

More importantly (which I'm sure has already been caught by like five thousand of your Discord users), when talking to the awesome butler, Robin replies with "The young MASER" instead of MasTer.

I laughed WAY TOO HARD at "someone's pssssting in the bushes." XD  That exchange was amazing.

Again, probably already spotted and fixed, but when Ophelia's fathers are finished dueling their paperdolls cover over some of the words when they see and approach you.  I had to advance the dialogue until their paperdolls disappeared and then roll back to see what the line actually said.

...err, Shopkeep's paperdoll floats overtop of some of the description of the Elixir, as well.


Some of those have been reported, yes.

Others, not sure, I guess I’ll do a check once Arc updates the folder. If he doesn’t do the checks himself.

Honestly, it’s better to do the reports in the discord server because there’s a ticket system set up there.

Also questions are answered sooner.


But then I have to join another Discord.


I had a lot of fun with the "psssssting" scene, and you're the only one who's mentioned it! I feel validated and seen ;)

As for the bug reports, all of them should be fixed now, thanks, with the exception of the clipping which is just "a thing that happens sometimes". AAA studios can't avoid it, and neither can I!

Happy to validate you!  It was time well spent.

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