So, for those of you who didn't know, Patreon has shut down my page and with it 90% of my income.

"But why?" I hear you ask, through the microphones I've secretly placed in your home. Is it because I violated the law, or engaged in depraved acts beyond all ethical boundaries? Did I push the limits of human decency too far? What vile and disgusting act could I have possibly committed that justifies having my game and my income destroyed?

I put Alice in the game.

Yes, that's it. Alice exists. Patreon's new policy is, and I quote: "We do not allow the presence of underage characters in Adult/18+ content." Which means no Alice, no Lil' Roxy and those kids of yours? Definitely not. The fact that none of them are sexualized in any way is irrelevant. They exist, therefore the game is no longer allowed on Patreon.

So the page is completely done, finished, gone forever?

Well... I've been told that if I wait two months I can remake the game completely and submit it to the Trust and Safety Team for review and possible acceptance as a brand new page and account. But the kids would have to be gone. Erased from the game and the lore completely. Chloe will no longer have a little sister, Lil' Roxy will be unmade, and all your kids will be erased from history. If I want to get back onto Patreon I have to eviscerate CK.

I won't do that. I refuse.

Patreon will keep drawing new lines, keep shifting the goalposts, keep trying to squeeze adult creators off their site until all that's left is a shiny, sterile, puritanical paradise. They don't want me to be a part of that and, frankly, neither do I.

I could try moving everyone over to SubScribestar, but that has traditionally not done well. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? Not very.

So what's the solution? A roll of the dice. A gamble.

I'm bringing Corrupted Kingdoms to Steam.

Now, Steam won't allow modded Koikatsu (the engine I'm using for renders) on its storefront, so that means I need to remake all of the graphical assets. This is going to alienate and irritate a lot of people, I know, but I don't see another path here. Without the Patreon income I only have a few months before my resources run out. Some people won't like the new graphical style, some won't ever read this and will think I abandoned the old version for a chance at a bigger profit on Steam, and some people simply don't like Corrupted Kingdoms.

The pitfalls are many. Steam may not allow the game on the store, or it may be review-bombed, or people may simply not buy it, to name just a few.

But I have to do it.

Is it a risk? Absolutely. But it's this or throwing Alice and the kids in the dumpster, and I won't do that. Not for any amount of money. Patreon will never be satisfied. So even if this bankrupts me, I'm finishing this story, and I'm finishing it right.

Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?

Let's do this.

Get Corrupted Kingdoms (NSFW 18+)

Download NowName your own price


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(2 edits) (+1)

I would say patreon were overstepping there bounds and then I saw the short girl at the gym the protagonist keeps teasing by calling a child and realized your cutting it close

And then I saw the car wash scene and the occupanying dialogue and realized patreon kinda has a point, or would if that was their actual problem

There's alot of characters and dialogue specifically in that car wash scene that imply some unsavory things

Deleted 86 days ago

I posted something much angrier but i deleted it because it was stupid and asinine. Im aware this topic is old so ill just say none of the stuff u mentioned bothered me, albeit im on the most recent version so i dont know if anything was changed by now. The world the game is in is very unsavory and dark, but it would be far mroe boring if it wasnt.


I have been out the loop for a while and came back to Patreon to see how this game was going (Cause I wanted to play a good game) only to see the creator gone from it. I didnt know til I read this that you were basically kicked off it. I really like this game and want to see you finish it, you inspired me to write and make my own games again. I'm glad you are still working on it and I am gonna support you all the way as you get to that end goal. Can't wait to play the new content and get back to this game. Sorry Patreon is dumb and hope you continue doing good and giving us an amazing story and characters to experience. 

(2 edits) (+1)

That's odd, I've played multiple games with side or even main characters be underage (but have no h scenes) and they were completely fine (e.g. Emiko from CoR. Hell, I've even seen a creator post gameS with lolicon content (don't worry I'm not subscribed to that creator) on Patreon and yet nothing happened to them despite me reporting them. Had they checked those then ? This is absolutely stupid of them.

Edit : also why are Koikatsu models not allowed ? I've seen games with fucking AI-generated images be allowed.


Because steam, despite being one of the better platforms, still has double standards and rules that dont apply to everyone. If they are gonna keep this game off there, they should ban everything m-ratyed as well. EIther the rules apply to everyone equally or they apply to no one. PERIOD.

(1 edit) (+1)

That is complete utter nonsense. I've played a couple other vn's similar to this, that had underage characters but they were simply part of the story or a side character, no lewd events or context involved with them. I've always played these NSFW games more for the storyline and character progression over any other reason, lewd events are just a bonus for me. Patreon seems to be getting worse and worse with the censorship and regulations, I won't be surprised if they eventually outright ban nsfw games entirely at some point. What a shame

Hello author, I am trying to communicate with you using Google Translate. I sponsored you on Patreon before, but I cannot sponsor you on SUBSCRIBESTAR. There is no corresponding sponsorship method. If you list it on Steam, I will definitely support the purchase.


let's keep our feet on the ground, putting a child in the story of a game 99% based on sex is a risk, there are many creators who put minor and childish-looking characters because they know they make money by feeding the rotten part of societies (ped0s), one day I replied to a comment on your game page here from a guy asking when Alice would have her scenes too, I heard "what's the problem?", so part of this ban has a reason, don't victimize yourself, edit the game, remove the minor ones and go back to Patreon, everything will go back to normal.

(1 edit) (+20)(-2)

On what ground? You can pretend that this bs rules will help with pedophile and what not but this is an erotic visual novel game, not real life. And Alice has been part of the story for almost the entirety of the development from the start. 
Maybe if you didn't skip every dialog and actually read them, you'll understand what I mean. 

And the problem wasn't only just minor characters too, if you can read, there's policy conflict with engines that they don't allow which means the creator need to redo everything from the start.
Years of progress unmade.
Money wasted.
And the story will be forced into something else to abide bs rules that doesn't involves with what the developer envisions to be made.
Why do you people have to make big deals out of nothing? "make money by feeding the rotten part of societies (ped0s)"?  What does that have to do with us? Are you saying everyone that supported the game are suddenly pedos? Are we all going to jail? If not then why suddenly there is a problem?

This gray area of "Oh! Maybe this is 0.000000000000001% of the reason why pedos existed" is so fucking vague it looks ridiculous to me. This may as well be the reason for global warming, or might as well serial murder, racism, and all bullshit in the world you can imagine.  

Who are you to decide that we are not the victim when devs were pushed into an ultimatum of either destroying what they want to create, or create something they didn't want. 

"Don't victimize yourself, edit the game, remove the minor ones and go back to Patreon, everything will go back to normal." People like you are the reason why SBI existed. How many masterpieces will you have to force inject your ideology into and ruin until you're satisfied? 

I don't know what is going with American politics, and I don't even want to know. If Patreon decides it is in their best interests to apply these rules then it's their choice. 

But if they don't respect artists works on their platform, I don't think they deserved any artist at all.


People like the one u are responding to will never be satisfied. You could remake the world into literally their perfect vision and they would still find things to be offended by. ANd dont bother ever trying to understand any politics form anywhere, it is all lies and bullshit from filthy greedy criminal bastards.

I mean the guy only play for the sex scenes(and thus where the 99% came from) so I can see why he wouldn't give a shit about the story or any of the character. As long as they're hot. So I get it, but damn I was really upset that day. 


Children exist in real life. Real life includes sex. Does that make every single human a pedophile? Because by your logic, children existing in the same world as sex does that.


One of the best adult games I'd have ever played. Been 6 months I haven't played it, waiting for the finish then I download it again. Great content and Fuck Patreon


late to the cheer squad? most defiantly! but do I give a shit? NOPE!! I give about as much of a shit about how you change the rendering style so long as it isn't a regression! I also think that Patreon just lost a great content creator :)


cheer up


hope you make it man, the game is awesome and i know im going to buy it once its finished, good luck


Stand proud Hakari the gambler, we are hoping you'll be fine




damn... patreon, I'm disappointed... 


God damnit it's MGI all over again...


 corrupted kingdom is one of the few that is enjoyable of the 18+ games i played so far which uses koikatsu i can name on my hand the ones that are nice and this is one of them, this game will be reborn anew and better because we believe in you and its not a chastity caged patreon that will make this game drop dead when patreon first came around it was nice and fun to get support from it and now? hahaha.. its almost like they want to distilate the rules of freedom themselves created to help devs so they can get a disgustingly pure community to the point many devs are leaving it and i saw plenty of games be done for because of a rule patreon changed like your case so best luck to you and the game this game deserves its support and so does your efforts ive been following the game for a while even if i wasnt playing it for some time the amount of updates you give this game shows your determination on making your game and because patreon is becoming a prude he is choking many 18+ games creators out of its site i dont want this game to die and i hope everything goes well for you -Abyssal28

(1 edit) (+1)

Stay strong my friend. Patreon will eventually see that their loss of revenue far exceeds their desire to have a whitewashed family image to impress their investors/advertisers


Thank you, and here's hoping! In the meantime, the more people shifting to SubscribeStar, the better off all devs will be! :)


I have faith that everything will work out 🙏, a hug from a Brazilian fan


A hug right back from a developer who calls nowhere home! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Alright, people, the goal is clear - get your arses over to SubscribeStar right now. We're about to save this man's livelihood. Godspeed.


Together we can make the Patreon to SubscribeStar Shift happen for only the second time in adult dev history! Let's do this!

(2 edits) (+2)

This sort of broad-stroke censorship is ridiculously hypersensitive and it will just keep getting worse if people don't stand up to it. Best of luck to you, and I for one will definitely purchase the game on Steam when it comes out over there!

Unfortunately it looks like SubscribeStar allows only debit/credit cards and not PayPal, so it is difficult for me to support you there. But on Steam at least I will.


Part of why SubscribeStar doesn't have PayPal support is because of PayPal's own puritanical sterile rules against transactions related to erotica of any sort.

I see! That's a shame. Sigh. And I guess something like iDeal, which is the system the Netherlands uses for online banking, probably is too niche internationally for most such websites to include. Too bad, but understandable.


Thank you! I appreciate the kind words :)

SubStar does accept prepaid cards for people who don't have credit/debit cards, so that may be a possibility if your local area sells them?

They also have a page on alternate payment methods right here:

Just in case that's of any interest!

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