The latest update has been released!

(Want early access, plus extra goodies? Head on over to SubStar!)

As many of you may know, I've been wrestling with a number of personal and family matters since the beginning of August, and I haven't been in a great place. Story events I tried to write came out twisted and - frankly - unpleasant. So! This update is entirely devoted to a new UI overhaul I've been working on for a while. Partly because I need to set things up for some future mechanics, partly to clean up a lot of stuff that was getting way too messy, partly to make life a lot easier for translators in the future and partly because UI design is one way I cope with crippling depression! Apologies for those of you who were waiting for new story stuff, but I promise - there's tons of content coming in the next update! I hope you enjoy! :)

NOTE #1: Not all screens have been updated to the UI. If you see a screen using the old UI, don't panic, it's not a bug! I just didn't have time to rework it. All screens should be converted for the next update, plus a long-overdue refurbishment to the Gallery and Fan Art pages (to all the amazing artists who have been waiting for me to add their work to the game, I love you, and I will add everyone's incredible work to the new Fan Art gallery in the next update)!

NOTE #2: There's a decent chance that the new UI/X will have created a few edge cases, so please be patient and report on anything you find! Thank you, and sorry in advance for any inconvenience!


  • UI: A huge UI/X overhaul! Details are listed in the bullet points below:
  • UI - DIALOGUE: Dialogue boxes are now slightly larger and more ornate to allow for longer dialogue chunks, a cleaner quick menu and to move away from the 'black boxes' aesthetic. New mechanics (coming in the next update) will iterate on the new design and add a fun new toy.
  • UI - QUICK MENU: The Quick Menu has been moved from its distracting position at the top of the screen and into the dialogue box to give everyone a more pleasant-looking experience (and make things easier on PC players who had to keep popping open the top nav bar to get access to it)!
  • UI - TOP MENU: The old nav bar at the top of the screen has been completely overhauled! The clock has moved to the centre of the screen and been given a sleeker look, and the old buttons in the top-right have been compiled into three new buttons: "Notes", "Inventory" and "Options".
  • UI - CLOCK: The clock now has a new position and a new look! It will now be visible any time the general UI is (which will help prevent confusion in people who hid the top bar and then passed time) and will clearly display what time of day it is.
  • UI - NOTES: Stats, Powers, Leads and Girls icons have been moved into the "Notes" icon to help keep the main screen looking a little cleaner and to reduce visual clutter.
  • UI - OPTIONS: The old preferences screen has been renamed to "options" and given a sleek new look! Options are now divided into "Display", "Audio" and "Extras" categories for quick and easy scrolling to what you're looking for. Additionally, you can now hear preview sounds of Sound Effects, Vocal Effects and Clock Ticks with in the options menu so you can easily adjust each of the volume levels to your personal preference!
  • UI - SAVE/LOAD: The Save/Load Screens have been given a massive visual overhaul! Save slots are now clearly numbered, and there are ten to a page. NOTE: I have had to resize the save thumbnails, but Ren'py doesn't apply this change retroactively! Your old saves will look weird until you overwrite them!
  • UI - CHOICES: The Choices UI has be overhauled with new button graphics and new positioning. This MIGHT cause some weirdness in older events if there's more than five options on screen, so report any oddness you see!
  • UI - SLEEP WITH SOMEONE: New UI added for when you select "sleep with someone"! (In Act Three only - I didn't have time to apply this to Act Two yet, sorry)! Now you'll get a fun little graphical UI which will allow you to pick the location and then the girl. This uses the new Avatar Portrait system that will be showing up in various mechanics in future updates!
  • UI - LIVING ROOM: The dialogue options for "garden" and "bathroom" have been moved to "sub-location" icons, visible above the normal navigation icons at the bottom of the screen. This is something I'm experimenting with and may apply to other game areas.
  • Bug: The "draggable" error that appeared for some people when trying to engage in combat has been fixed! This required an edit to the Ren'py SDK which SHOULD be fine, but report any weirdness!
  • Bug: Wiki link on the main menu has been updated to point to the new and improved wiki. Thanks, team!
  • Bug: Typo Hero has decided to give the Dread Arc a break this month and will stay home to sharpen his sowrd. I mean sword! Damnit!

I hope you enjoy this update! Next Early Access update will be Wednesday, 30th of September!



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The bug is coming up in this vision


I wish you well good Sir, you have hundreds if not thousands of people rooting for you. We will stand by you!


The dialogue boxes are a little wonky right now. Starting a new game, the light blue font for choosing a name is extremely difficult to read off the off-white background, and the text starts in the center of the box and goes off the screen. Also on the black screens with the text in the center, the BACK AUTO SKIP  HIDE MENU buttons block the last half of the text. Not really sure what to do there, but I think I'll wait to play for a patch to fix some of this...


The living room in the manor seems to be completely broken.  I got access to it after version 0.22.0, and at first going there would send me to my flat, but with all the manor buttons still enabled.  After I left the manor for the first time, though, trying to go to the living room kicked me back to the title screen (I assume because the "flat" location no longer exists).

Also, for some reason, single-line narrative text on the black screen is written under the text controls, which is annoying.


Yeah living Room is completely bugged. Screws anyone trying to do Act 2 of the game as you physically cannot progress

Im having the same issue, that there might be something wrong as I was skipping a lot of text so I slowed it down and seemed to get back to where I was and had the same issue. At that point I tried avoiding the living room but eventually using any room or trying to skip time cause the game to the main menu screen.

I'm using a translator to write this so sorry for any mistakes. First of all, thanks for the update. I've been playing for a long time and I love the story (the main reason I keep playing), but about your new HUD that you put in, I need to say, it looks very strange. I play many games with the default Ren'py HUD so for me it was a strange feeling, especially because the colors don't match what I see of the game. I don't know if it's too difficult for you or if there's no way to do it, but could you put a way to turn on the old HUD? I say this as someone who started playing games on this engine because of your game and for me it's kind of strange to see my reference of good use of the engine distancing itself from it. 

Hey Arc, you made an error with the date of the next update. It's kinda past the 30th of September now


nah we are talking about September 2025


I don't know how hard it would be to program, but would it be possible to add a slider to change the opacity of the text box? It would be nice to get a better view of the background, especially for more intimate scenes.

(7 edits)

is this the limit of pregnancy or there will be more? (like gwen chloe qarinah or the humans we gather in the manor)

(3 edits)

The paper dolls of most of my kids and most of the side girls are appearing over the dialogue box, pretty much always hiding the name of the person talking and occasionally some of the dialogue.

...which I don't necessarily mind, because MY KIDS ARE ADORABLE and I like seeing them more than some dialogue box or a silly name that I definitely remember anyway (for my kids or the girls, yes... for less common characters... maybe not).

Edit: Now some of the main girls are doing it, too (like Lily and Pixie... when talking to Lily).

In a slightly different problem, I now can barely see Lyx at all, because she's hidden behind everything. XD

I know you'll be adjusting things, but I still want to point stuff out.  

The second line of locations - when you visit the Living Room for example - both looks kind of strange warping in like that, but of more concern... it pushes the clock off the top of the screen.  

And the clock won't come back.  It's gone.  I think it went to buy some milk and maybe a pack of cigarettes.  

But even when navigating to other rooms (or any other areas on the map outside) that don't have this second row of locations, the clock is still gone.  I hear time passing - the frantic beeps as the non-existent clock marches inexorably forward after I do anything - but I don't SEE time passing.

When the game decides that enough actions have transpired to move into the next "time block" (Morning --> Afternoon, for example) the clock will finally return.  Mockingly.  

I should note that this happened exactly one time.  I've been trying to replicate it and have had no luck.  It might just be an oddity after you load an old save.  I'll keep fiddling around.

I made it happen again!  But it's not the second row of locations like I thought, it's actually connected to another issue I reported in a separate comment - the side girls appearing on top of the dialogue box!  I think their paper dolls (or whatever) aren't scaling correctly, and I the added height of some of them is what is causing the clock to disappear.

And now that I can replicate it, I should also note that advancing to a new time block does NOT always make the clock return. :/

(2 edits)

So getting the clock to decide to show itself again is going nowhere and I can't find a common denominator to why or how it shows itself again.  One time headpatting Kana brought it back, but not any other time.  One time changing the time block brought it back, but not any other time.  One time sleeping brought it back, but not on subsequent attempts.  One time talking to Viola brought it back, but not other times.

...maybe it's just shy?


The new "Notes" button is... f-fine... but I feel lost without all my old icons. T_T

I have to play again. I stopped to wait for more content, but I'm curious about the twisted and unpleasant story stuff that came about from behind the scenes issues. 

Not that i would actually like them but i always find that Meta stuff fascinating 

New UI doesn't "remember" what page I'm on for the save files, so I have to keep scrolling every time I want to save or load.  It would be nice if you were able to make it stick so I wouldn't have to search each time.

Also, I now have 83 pages of save files, but only six saves per page and 4 empty slots per page.  That seems maybe less than ideal?  Not sure if there's a simple way for you to condense everything down, but it's kind of weird.  

...what?  Do I need 83 pages of saves?  Of course I do!  What kind of question is that??? o_O

(1 edit) (+2)

Honestly, I think I prefer the old, more-plain UI. I'm sure I can learn to love the new style, though. Here are the notes I have so far:

  • Minor note -- you mention possible problems with more than five choices -- five choices (such as in the west hallway) is already overflowing and partially-covering the clock. The choice boxes could afford to be closer together, or to fit more tightly around the choice text.
  • The new top bar buttons are overly-abstract and do not have distinctive silhouettes. The pastel colours don't help there. Perhaps consider reintroducing the old icons into the new Notes menu, alongside or behind their new text labels? In the same vein (or perhaps the opposite vein), it's not clear that the History and Credits buttons in the options are the History and Credits buttons, because there's no text label to that effect.
  • Returning to the topic of pastels, the shift from light-text-on-black to dark-text-on-light makes the whole screen brighter in a way that's harsh on tired or sensitive eyes. The darker UI with light text was a lot easier to read. Maybe you could value-invert/palette-swap the new UI and add a Dark Mode toggle?
  • This is the big one. While the other points here are variably matters of taste, this is less so: the new save menu is a big step down from the old layout, functionally. Scrolling lists are easy to get disoriented in, file numbers or no -- with static pages, grids, and big screencaps, spatial memory is more-readily involved in organising saves. Functionally, there are now only three saves per page, not ten or six, because only those visible when you open each page really matter, and the new tiny thumbnails (yes, I saved) make it that much harder to recognise the save you're looking for. Plus, no-one was using 600 save slots anyway -- why would we need another 400? XD

The new dialogue boxes are pretty though, as is the new options splash. Nice work. If you got this far, thank you for listening to me gripe. You've made a very good game so far.

Nice job with the release, i hope all goes well for you :) just curious but is it possible to skip the whole clock moving forward by 30 min at a time? Like just the whole sequence, its kinda droll waiting for it sometimes when it can be 8+ in game hours which forces you to wait for the transition.

Just turn off animated clock in the settings. That will make the changes in time immeadiate


I hope things go better for you if you have ps4 or ps5 hit me up on there to vent. I dont have a mic but will get one this coming month


guys i think we are slowly losing Arc to the Typo Hero


Lol the channelog is the same as 0.21.9 i knew it looked familiar lol

Actually this is the changelog for  0.21.8. So this is the third time now seeing the exact same changelog. Which is quite funny. 

Hate to ask randomly, but im stuck since I need it fixed, but do you have a problem with going to the living room in the manor? Everytime I go there(I started a new save on both PC and Mobile) but anytime I go there on any save regardless of what point in the story I'm at, I either get glicthed to a different location but can see the manor's room buttons on the bottom or the game sends me to the title screen.

Does this affect the graphics at all? By this I mean will they be more/less demanding or the same for mobile devices?

Same i think


Changelog from substar! Because the typos are taking over the post slowly...~


  • UI: A huge UI/X overhaul! Details are listed in the bullet points below:
  • UI - DIALOGUE: Dialogue boxes are now slightly larger and more ornate to allow for longer dialogue chunks, a cleaner quick menu and to move away from the 'black boxes' aesthetic. New mechanics (coming in the next update) will iterate on the new design and add a fun new toy.
  • UI - QUICK MENU: The Quick Menu has been moved from its distracting position at the top of the screen and into the dialogue box to give everyone a more pleasant-looking experience (and make things easier on PC players who had to keep popping open the top nav bar to get access to it)!
  • UI - TOP MENU: The old nav bar at the top of the screen has been completely overhauled! The clock has moved to the centre of the screen and been given a sleeker look, and the old buttons in the top-right have been compiled into three new buttons: "Notes", "Inventory" and "Options".
  • UI - CLOCK: The clock now has a new position and a new look! It will now be visible any time the general UI is (which will help prevent confusion in people who hid the top bar and then passed time) and will clearly display what time of day it is.
  • UI - NOTES: Stats, Powers, Leads and Girls icons have been moved into the "Notes" icon to help keep the main screen looking a little cleaner and to reduce visual clutter.
  • UI - OPTIONS: The old preferences screen has been renamed to "options" and given a sleek new look! Options are now divided into "Display", "Audio" and "Extras" categories for quick and easy scrolling to what you're looking for. Additionally, you can now hear preview sounds of Sound Effects, Vocal Effects and Clock Ticks with in the options menu so you can easily adjust each of the volume levels to your personal preference!
  • UI - SAVE/LOAD: The Save/Load Screens have been given a massive visual overhaul! Save slots are now clearly numbered, and there are ten to a page. NOTE: I have had to resize the save thumbnails, but Ren'py doesn't apply this change retroactively! Your old saves will look weird until you overwrite them!
  • UI - CHOICES: The Choices UI has be overhauled with new button graphics and new positioning. This MIGHT cause some weirdness in older events if there's more than five options on screen, so report any oddness you see!
  • UI - SLEEP WITH SOMEONE: New UI added for when you select "sleep with someone"! (In Act Three only - I didn't have time to apply this to Act Two yet, sorry)! Now you'll get a fun little graphical UI which will allow you to pick the location and then the girl. This uses the new Avatar Portrait system that will be showing up in various mechanics in future updates!
  • UI - LIVING ROOM: The dialogue options for "garden" and "bathroom" have been moved to "sub-location" icons, visible above the normal navigation icons at the bottom of the screen. This is something I'm experimenting with and may apply to other game areas.
  • Bug: The "draggable" error that appeared for some people when trying to engage in combat has been fixed! This required an edit to the Ren'py SDK which SHOULD be fine, but report any weirdness!
  • Bug: Wiki link on the main menu has been updated to point to the new and improved wiki. Thanks, team!
  • Bug: Typo Hero has decided to give the Dread Arc a break this month and will stay home to sharpen his sowrd. I mean sword! Damnit!
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