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Maybe a bug, but it's a cute one. SHE'S SMALL

alright so these few reply is going to be some of the bugs i found, they're pretty minor so im sure Arc could fix this in the next patch.

Ami have 3 ears, if u interact with her here. U can see 2 models, 1 staying in place and the other sliding. I can't time it better to get a screenshot of it but here's 3 ears Ami
(1 edit) (+1)

Another cute bug, this one with our beloved Pixie and Molly. SHE'S SMALLER THAN BEFORE (i forgot to screenshot the Molly one)


last one i found, ramen recipe not back (for me at least)


Yeah, it was supposed to be fixed this version but somehow Arc managed to break it twice.


Again, not a bug. It’s coded that way.

I suppose Arc might put the characters on “smol mode” when the background image is more important.


Not really 3 ears, but her paperdoll is baked in the background for some reason.

I mean, you might notice that when you talk to Ami, she slides on top of the baked-in copy of herself.

Arc knows about this.


Not a bug, the characters can appear on the side like that to cover less of the screen. Most of the time Arc prefers to use the fullbody paperdolls.

But the main reason behind the text being so far to the right is to show the characters like that.

Ohh alright, that's understandable. Thank you!


Going to reply to this one, as following all your threads to their end point is like unravelling string ;)

1.  The small portraits are on purpose. They're used to either prevent the paperdoll from obscuring the background or to indicate that the speaker is further away/moving away from MC.

2.  The Ami thing should be mostly fixed in the latest version, but there's one or two places I still need to tidy up. It's legacy code that I forgot to remove when I implemented some new systems.

3.  The recipe thing was fixed, then I made a small change and that broke it again :P Fixed for the next version now, I pinky-promise!


Finally catching up with your game after a long time with it on my to-play list and I'm really enjoying it so far. Still just getting into it but it's got me hooked for now.

One minor gripe, I really wish there was an opacity slider for the text boxes, the text box blocks portions of a lot of images and constantly having to hide the box to see things really kills the flow of reading the game. Quite a lot of renpy games include that option or have it added by modders so I assume it would be pretty straight forward to implement.

Deleted 223 days ago

Not in Act Two, no. Her secret (as well as Sword Girl's) will be uncovered in Act Three, but I haven't coded it in yet :)


Hey, I purchased the game, and I'm looking to download it but the Android file is a ZIP file not an APK file, so I cannot install it. Would you please help me with this? I'm using the last download link which I think is connected to Android. For your information.


Arc uses a method of uploading the game to that allows people to use the launcher on Computers to update the game easier.

Problem is that it sometimes decides to put the APK inside a zip file. If your file manager can extract zip files, you can install it from there.

Otherwise, go to the Patreon or Subscribestar page for the game and use the public download links, they’re the same version than the one posted here on

As Chris said, it's something that Itch just does sometimes for no reason that I - or anyone else - can discern :P

The APK is there, inside the ZIP file. Your device should come with an app for extracting the APK file, but if not you can download free ones from the Play Store, such as Files by Google ( )

Hope that helps, and sorry for the inconvenience!

(1 edit)

Где моя обещанная бело  волосая волчица я её уже как год жду

(Для этого сообщения используется переводчик. Извините за странность)

Это очень старое изображение. Эта девушка была прототипом персонажа, который позже стал Каной.

После того, как добавили Кану, загорелую девушку-волка убрали.

Есть небольшой шанс, что персонаж, похожий на нее, может появиться снова. В конце концов, мы встретили не так много людей из ее клана.

Надежда  умерает последней

(2 edits) (-1)

Got a bug report for you (I *think*, it might just be a Ren'py limitation, in which case ignore me ^-^). For anybody NOT the Dev that may be reading this, THIS WILL CONTAIN A SPOILER FOR LATE GAME (at least, late game as of update 0.18.7) SO IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS (trust me, you don't, the story is so well crafted that by the time I got there I was NOT expecting to get that kinda outcome) THEN DON'T READ ON!!!

---------------------------SPOILER BELOW-----------------

During combat when you're taking back the neighborhoods (it works on on any of the neighborhoods it seems), the menu (with save and load and such) as well as scene reversal (like with the mouse wheel) are disabled, which I assume is intentional so that you can't cheese combat (which makes perfect sense), but after the battle ends and you regain menu/scene control, you can mousewheel BACK INTO the combat freely and reperform actions. I haven't done it to see what happens, but it gives me the option to, and considering the way you have it setup I assume it's NOT intentional, so I thought I'd let you know!

Also, a question while I'm below the spoiler line: with the two sisters from The Glades, it mentions that if you "keep pushing" you'll end up finding the other sister. Is that a matter of like...a chance for her to appear if you keep looking for trouble enough, or is that something not currently implemented in this version?


The rolling back into combat thing can be fixed. I’ll run some tests and send it to Arc.

And the second twin doesn’t appear yet.

I do wonder, will she become a boss on another district? Or a story event fight?

Methinks the second.


Yeah the way that the text was worded when it occurred, it really makes me think it's gonna be a locational story event fight, possibly something involving the Fae once that system gets expanded a bit more. I *believe* I've now played through all the content the current version has available (all girls except Lyx say no more content available in this version, Lyx says to wait until Act 3), I've taken over the entire district surrounding the manor and no other location allows me to scout/mount an attack. I'm *really* impressed with this game, I can't wait to see what happens next (some of the story cliffhangers are killing me rn lmao).

Thanks for the response Chris, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

(1 edit)

Next bug report. It's another minor one. It's about the fade-out transition from the world map to an area. When I go to the Flat, for example it shows the background of a place I previously visited (like the Church) as the fade-out transition happens. I expect it to show the background of the world map fading out and it fading in to the new area.

This issue doesn't happen when going to different places within an area like Shops or the Flat.

Oh, and the music on the Map stays what it was in the most recent place visited IF I leave that area via the on-screen options. For example, magical music of the Church on the Map.


Neither are bugs - the first is a limitation within Ren'py (the map is a "screen" which is overlaid on top of the scene and can't inherit transition statements) and the latter is intentional.

Remember that when you open your map, you're not teleporting to a "map" location or wandering aimlessly out into the streets. You're standing wherever you're standing and opening your map to decide where to go. The music doesn't change because you haven't yet left the location you're in.

Deleted 1 year ago

The “get support from ???” means you gotta do that faction’s story.

As for the Fey stuff. You need to use the info that contradicts what someone else said.

But if you’re not going to try to bruteforce it…


Make that what you will…

And Chastity’s scene, you get after you complete all leads.

Hmmm, just a quick question, Jessica with the adultress trait wont do anything without your permission, right? She'll only cheat on her husband with you and hopefully not with anyone else.


Nah, not that type of game, ever.

You are the one who cucks, not the cucked.

The quirk (for now it doesn’t do crap) just means that scenes similar to the one she got the quirk on may happen in the future.

It’s one thing that she’s cheating on her (pathetic excuse of a) husband. And another to have him watch.

I do wonder if Jessica’s quirk will only gatekeep her content or will other characters - like Madison and Gwen - also be affected by it.

Thank bloody goodness, I ain’t sharing any of my women ever. A bit hypocritical I know xD

Pffft, sounded a lot like a wrote version of Heisenberg, thanks mate, clarified a lot for me.

Aye, kept the save on that spot if it was something I needed to change in the future, that or piss off the bastard that dared to kill me, just surprised there was That other option, never!

Glad I got the answer, do wonder though, if it will affect others as well, hopefully in good way and not bad.

Is this finished?


Nah, far from it.

Game still has at least one or two years left before it’s finished.

how do i get the third h scene for jessica


In the gallery?

That’s her 4th heart event scene.

If you’ve played it already, the unlock might’ve bugged, so feel free to use the “Gallery Unlock” cheat on the MC’s laptop.

can someone help for some reason after I downloaded this, the page disappeared and I had to search it up from google in order to find it


When I download games from itch, I usually drag the link of the game's page to the directory where I keep the game's archive file as well.

The collection page can be somewhat fuzzy, but if you add the game to your collections, then your browser's search function (typically Ctrl-F on most browsers) may help you find the title,

The game opens but does not play on Android just crashes if possible pls fix I love this game alot and I'm coming back to this game to see what's new but can't until fix pls

There's nothing I can do to fix it, unfortunately - it's not a bug with the code, it's some kind of incompatibility between the game and your device/OS. The only things I can suggest are:

1.  Try turning your device completely off (not restart - full power down) and back on again. Solves 90% of the weird errors people report.

2.  Free up more storage space. Androids can get weird about storage.

3.  Download the Joiplay app and install the Windows version of CK

Sorry I can't be more help!

(2 edits) (-2)

It's funny this early-game typo still exists.

It's a quotation. It should be "Identify yourself at once".

Also, there's a consistency issue. the Bar Girl (I know her name but won't say) when you first enter the bar is wearing the default outfit. When you talk to her, she wears the player-set outfit. Can I be Typo Hero's assistant? :) I have 0 reputability.

(1 edit) (+1)

It may seem strange, but that is actually the correct way of having that quotation. When a character quotes another character, it is with apostrophes instead of quotation marks. If it were written in full-quotation form, it would look like this:

"'Identify myself at once?' Who talks like that?" 

So since it is a character quoting another character, apostrophes are used instead of quotation marks. 

Not really a "typo"... It's actually the subject of a fairly interesting literary debate! For example, in formal text I could write "She informed the main character that he should 'identify [himself] at once!' which is an archaic mode of expression." and that would be absolutely fine. But of course you can't do that in dialogue - those symbols aren't recognized as a part of diegetic speech. So is it okay to still change the pronoun, with the square brackets being implied? Or no?

I fall into the "whatever feels most natural coming from that character's mouth" camp, and to me the MC feels like the kind of person who would echo the quote with a focus on himself (he's fairly self-absorbed) rather than deliberately stick to the original syntactical structure.

Can you tell I taught English for a while? :)

As for the Lily issue, I shall look into it! The issue is that every time you enter the bar, her outfit is the default one rather than the player-set one, yes? And when you talk to Lily, then she switches to the correct outfit?

You can be Typo Hero's travelling artistic sidekick - "Continuity Error" ;)

@Iluna Sorry. I wasn't clear with my thoughts on the quotation. TheArcadean explains it, though. I meant that I expected a quotation to be an "echo" of what the other person said.

@TheArcadean OK and thanks for giving me title of sidekick. Although. I don't know how good I'll be as one for continuity problems. :/

Also, I was thinking when you said that used to teach english in the past: If it were a class of young kids, how would they feel if they found out their teacher would become the  writer of a fetish porn visual novel about mind controlling human and monster  girls into loving the main character?

I taught EFL for five years in Tokyo - two years of all ages from four to eighty-plus, and three years of Kindergarten. The "all ages" group would probably either high-five me, want to play the game, or both... and I sincerely hope the kindergarteners won't learn about adult games for a very long time yet ;)

kinda need help how do i investigate and learn more about the organization 


You need to do the main story leads.

If you don’t have them, for some reason.

Visiting Gramps

First, check if he’s still in the garden. Then go to the map and take a train to the mountains. Talk to him.


Gramps won’t spill the beans until you’re ready. So do the 4 levels of training. Then talk to him again.

Someone shot the messenger

Gramps still won’t talk, he needs you to fetch a pigeon on the lake. It’s on the map, you have to check it at least 3 times. Bring him the pigeon back once you found it. A bit more talking and now you should have the main story leads.

Ok so like. I can't play anything. It says can't open file. Even to install it On Android. 

I feel like you're not opening it with the right program... sometimes Itch decides to package the APK as a ZIP file. Are you unzipping before you attempt to install?

(1 edit)

usually it'll do that if you don't have enough excess space to install it, usually you can get away with installing two different versions at once and then deleting the older version after the latest is installed just have to make sure that you go into the game first before you delete the old version but also that has to do with APK files rather than a zip file


Future systems?? :o sounds like lots of fun! keep up the good work man, the game is awesome! Always looking forward for new stuff! <3

Thank you! The new systems aren't anything fancy like the combat system was, but it should open up a lot more possibilities for players and some fun events and options :)

how do yu get rehab?

You mean the Rehabilitation Centre? You can't, yet, although the next update (next week) sets things up for being able to build it - probably in the update after that, in two weeks :)

Probably a dumb question but how do i patch the game on android?


I'm not sure if the Itch launcher works for patching Android files, but apart from that... you don't, sorry. Ren'py has no innate patching feature and the nature of APKs means that it's functionally impossible for a solo dev on a weekly schedule and without access to the Google Play Store's API to do it myself :/

You can download the new version's APK and just move the save files from the old APK to the new one using something like File Manager. That's how most people tend to handle updates for Android; hope this helps!

You don't need to move save files - the game will do that for you automatically - and you can't move anything to or from an APK as that's just the installer :)

Install the update using the APK, click on "update" when it asks, and then you can delete the APKs - they've served their purpose. That's it! No need to shuffle files around (unless something goes horribly, terribly wrong).

if i'm honest kinda lost at the get 3 dates in a club

Buy the bar, build the club, go to the club, invite a girl to a date there. Repeat the last stage two more times :)


I love this game, really ^^
At the point that i'm immersed in the lore of it.
Every interaction in the game it's so... idk how to say it, realistic? relatable? but I love every part of this game XD

It's one of the best games of this genre that I've played in so much time.

Please, keep up the food work, this has a LOT of potential in matter of animation, and writing :')

Hey, thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! I really means a lot to any dev - especially a solo one - to hear that his work resonates even slightly with someone :)

I hope you enjoy everything I have planned for the future of CK (and its sequels)!


Wait... So you did aaall of the current content in CK by yourself? :00

And it's going to have sequels? :000

Wow... To think that all this amaizing, funny, lewd and exciting content was made by a solo dev... Truly amazing :')

And inspiring in a certain way xD

Also, I have a question... Is there a way to replace the shatter in Chloe and replace it with awaken?... I'm currently on chapter 2 


You can’t, if you pay close attention to the ending of act 1, using Awaken on her didn’t do crap.

Shatter was the only option because unlike Gwen - who wanted to find somewhere (or someone) to belong - Chloe just wants us dead, Awaken can’t work with those desires.

I see... Well, thank you ^^

Cut scenes seem to have a brief pause at the end of their loop- is this a known bug?


Sometimes if the “loop stutter” is noticeable enough, it gets fixed.

But plenty of times it’s just the end user’s machine doing it. Not exactly something Arc can fix.


Pretty sure its a bug, but the ramen recipe is gone after u unlock the sugar water. Maybe it's just me ?


Reported and fixed for the next version.

Next version will have a safeguard that gives you back the recipe you lost.

Hello! How many hours to complete all (last update)?


Every update is on average less than 15m of playtime. Sometimes even less.

Weekly updates, just one dev… Go figure.

But the entire game from start to finish is getting close to 20 hours.

This is why I've opted to wait until v0.19. Give me a good chunk of content to play through hopefully

Well, it’s not really guaranteed.

Some people believe every 0.x.0 means a milestone or anything. But no, the version number is just a counter :P

Although, yeah. For most people I’d say it’s best to just let content pile up. I - as bughunter/tech support - can’t afford such a priviledge.


AHHHHH I finally hit act 3 (lots of issues with my pc but finally able to sit down at it again) AND HOLY MOLEY, I... did not expect that, and some of the results of the end literally made me tear up, good writing, I've said this before but you're really good at getting me invested into characters


Thanks for the kind words! It always means a lot to me to hear that people connect with the characters, and I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future! :)

How do I update my save file from the previous version of the game to the most resent? Ik there are instructions on the other updates but I don't really know if I'm doing it right


Phone or Computer?

For phone, just download the new APK and install it. NOTE: Don’t uninstall the previous version, install the new one as an update.

On computer, just download the new thing and run it. Once you’ve seen it works you can delete the old one.

You could also use the launcher to keep the game up to date easier.

When I downloaded the new version, ran it, but my saves didn't transfer

The Itch launcher can sometimes erase manual saves (I have zero idea why and it's not something I can affect in any case, sadly) but it does keep the autosaves.

Autosaves can be found on the LOAD screen - just click the "A" to the left of the page numbers down near the bottom.

Does the itch launcher still have my data if I initially downloaded games without it?

Nvm I finally found out how to do it and it was easier than expected, thank you guys

After a few months of not playing, I have gotten back into this game, and this is the first time of me commenting, excluding me complaining about the lack of content on the Wiki the other day, I have a few theories, questions and... other things that I can't remember what is called. In other words... I have gone mad and will make you suffer with me. Let's start simple! Where does this game take place? Looking at the location, with mountains close to a seaside town, that was once a trading port, does not narrow it down, as there are many locations like that, such as the Lakes, Appalachia, and third example. Then there is the uniform in the college. I Google what countries have school uniforms. I got this image of wikipedia:

Then there is the language: English. All this evidence made me think if this took place on Earth, then it would probably be happening in England. Then I remembered that lots of people have guns, namely the Organisation. But would they count as a security force? was my next though. So yes, you are British. You get bad teeth. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

Next, how old is the MC? He has to be over 18, because of real world laws. I would guess between 20 and 30 as that would seem to be the best bet for a protagonist, as most protagonists in fiction are more likely to be younger

I swear I had more, but I have forgotten. Anyway, Arc, if you see this, can you confirm this? Also what is happening with Lomleg, the robot Lyx made. Did you forget, or is it happening in act 3? It's just not that clear


Honestly, if you’re up for crackhead theories and stuff. I believe they would be much more appreciated in the discord server.

Arc is the only one that can answer in depth (but problem is… will he answer?).

I can tackle some of it to start.

The location of the game is deliberately vague. Partially because Arc is trying to make elements easier for people to self insert.

But also Arc’s the type of guy that travels a lot. Due to that, he tends to incorporate elements from various cultures into an odd mismatch.

There’s also plenty of japanese influence in buildings and props due to the fact that the engine used for the visuals was made by japanese developers.

MC’s age, also left somewhat vague for self-insert purposes. But that’s kinda bullshit, you can’t tell me he’s older than 30.

But he went to college, and is old enough to consider Veronica just a kid. So my bet is around 25.

Arc has a lot of things to juggle, some take more priority than others.

Tho, I do wonder if Lomeg was an act 2 thing or if he’ll come back in act 3.

my man is overthinking about a game thats intended to make the players jizz.. geez


The porn is just the bait, mah bruddah.

Chris kinda covered it all, but just so there's an "official" response... :)

Location is left deliberately vague:

1. Uniform is for college, not school, which is privately run and therefore up to the owner of the college, so could be anywhere.

2. Language is English because that's the most widely-spoken language and thus the best for an initial game release, but other languages will be included once the game enters beta. So still not a "tell".

3. Who says this is even the Earth we know? The Nexus is a thing, after all, and at no point have I said "Hey, player! This is the Earth you're living on, too!"


Age of MC is left up to the player. For legal reasons he's 18 or over, but if you want to imagine him in your head as a different age, I can't stop you.

Lomeg will make a return in Act Three, but you need access to Lyx plus a powerful battery first. MC wasn't really bothered about it in Act Two (frankly, it would have been a problem then if he'd had a large cardboard-covered robot following him around) but now? He's definitely into the idea of a WarBot, yes. As is Lyx, worryingly...

How many acts are currently in the game? I am at the start of act two and I am wondering how many acts are there still for me


It’s 3 acts. Also the prologue and epilogue.

Bear in mind, game is work in progress and Act 3 is very early in development.

But Act 2 is considerably long compared to Act 1.

Hi guys,

haven't played for a year and i've downloaded the new version to run my save and it throws an error on my most recent save, i don't mind playing from the beginning again tbh... 

the start music is really great.
anyway, here is the error.

and sorry if this has already been posted i wasn't sure where to post bugs or issues specifically.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 278, in script


  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 282, in <module>


  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 463, in __call__


Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 278, in script


  File "renpy/", line 1131, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 1052, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 282, in <module>


  File "renpy/", line 346, in call_in_new_context

    return renpy.execution.run_context(False)

  File "renpy/", line 938, in run_context

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script

    python hide:

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script

    python hide:

  File "renpy/", line 1131, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 1052, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>

    python hide:

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide


  File "renpy/", line 299, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3377, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs) # type: ignore

  File "renpy/display/", line 4252, in interact_core

    rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1175, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 53, in event

    return self.new_widget.event(ev, x, y, st) # E1101

  File "renpy/display/", line 1175, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1175, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 743, in event

    rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1175, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1399, in event

    rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 279, in event

    rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1175, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1399, in event

    rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 279, in event

    rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1175, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 279, in event

    rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1070, in event

    return handle_click(self.clicked)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1005, in handle_click

    rv = run(action)

  File "renpy/display/", line 329, in run

    return action(*args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 463, in __call__


  File "renpy/", line 766, in load

    log.unfreeze(roots, label="_after_load")

  File "renpy/", line 1078, in unfreeze

    self.rollback(0, force=True, label=label, greedy=greedy, on_load=True)

  File "renpy/", line 889, in rollback


  File "renpy/", line 807, in load_failed

    raise Exception("Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?")

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64


Corrupted Kingdoms 0.18.6

Mon May  8 19:15:01 2023



Yeah, that error is not exactly something Arc can fix.

As the thing says:

“Couldn’t find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?”

It’s because of the nature of the game, it being a work in progress.

Sometimes saves may break if Arc changes the script (rewrites, typos, etc)

That why ideally you should try saving in “safe spots” and avoid saving in the middle of dialogue.

An example of a safe spot would be the MC’s bedroom.

Which is why the autosave only saves every time you go to sleep.

(Check the A page in the save menu, you might have one there.)

Cool I can try that 

thank you for looking into this for me 

Why is it that the Wiki has been abandoned for what seems like awhile? I... don't know enough about the game, or how to edit Fandom good.


There were a few members that were the main writers.

They’re still around, but there’s a lot of stuff to write.

And waiting just makes matters worse.

Help is appreciated tho.

I’ve been trying to write some articles every now and then, but I run out of steam very quickly.


I am on an Android and just a few seconds after pressing play it just crashes and it's just confusing

same problem :(

Are you getting an error message or just a straight-up "game turns off and throws me back to homescreen"? Does it always happen at the same point? If you quickly tap through can you get further?

Try completely powering down your phone and turning it back on again - it's a meme at this point but it really does solve 90% of the weird error reports that come in.

how do i recruit the area bosses?

Just conquer the district, that's it :)  If you win by reducing HP or WP to zero, select the "Throw her in the dungeon" option and then you can visit her to "convince" her to join. Alternatively, if you win using Shatter you can just immediately select the "Recruit" option after the final battle.

alright thank you

Im on android and i want to transfer my save from 18.0 to the current am i able to do that


As long as you don’t uninstall, your saves should stay.

There’s a way to backup your saves, but like I said, if you don’t uninstall it’ll be fine.

Just download the APK of the new version and install it as an update.

Actually thank you so much for that I didn't know that was possible that's gonna other games easier to deal with 

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

You find clues in certain places, but the order is: “Save” the Witch: North West South | Find the Hat: South South South > Drift | Talk to Witch: West West West


Someone gave you the directions already, but yeah.

The system doesn’t work like a map, it’s just a combination of directions in a specific order like a password.

And it’s set up so if you go to a “null” direction, the game will make you stumble upon a location you haven’t seen before.

Locations you have seen you can check on the Remember option. Also, the locations in the remember thing are kept through saves.

But yeah, the Goblin Witch, you find her then she tells you to go all the way south (S->S->S) after that when you find her hat you’re supposed to check it in your inventory to know where to find her next.

Burning building is in the town, it even gives you hints if you check other places.

But yeah, you’re not the first one to dislike the explore system.

I can't reach the good education level because it always shifts from decent to pretty good, how do I increase my authority from this point on?

(2 edits) (+1)

Well, by default the education raises one point per class, and drops five during the weekend.

You should get the upgrades.

  • Like textbook property upgrade in Jessica’s office (+1 per class)
  • Madison’s teaching advice (+1 per class)
  • Checking the library (+1 per class)
  • Potted crystal from field merchant (-1 per week drop)
  • Veronica’s teaching advice (-1 per week drop)

So without upgrades you do 1 point per class, dropping 5 on the weekend. With the upgrades it’s 4 per class and drops 3 on the weekend.

Also the points and ranks thing.

  • VERY LOW (10 and under)
  • PRETTY LOW (from 10 to 19)
  • DECENT (from 20 to 29)
  • PRETTY GOOD (from 30 to 39)
  • GOOD (from 40 to 49)
  • GREAT (from 50 to 59)
  • INCREDIBLE (from 60 to NICE)
  • THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY (70 and over)

small bug, when my support character does her lust attack, it makes the counter effect happen and i take damage despite the fact i blocked it

I'll look into it - thanks :)

another one related to the same issue, if your companion finishes off an enemy (only tested with lust but might work with phys) it wont actually register the killing until you do some damage of your own

Both bugs have been fixed for the next version :)

(1 edit)

hey so quick question, i've got an old .17.7 save file. I recently got a new computer and am trying to transfer my saves over to a new computer, saves show up fine on my old PC but when i update and transfer to my new pc nothing..

a bit stumped is there save data outside of the folder like in docs i need to transfer as well?

*edit, when transfering on my external the saves show up on my old machine, but on my new machine they're blank even when launching from the drive

(1 edit)

There are two save locations if you're using Windows, Linux or Mac. The second is supposed to be a backup system, but sometimes the game uses it as a primary location for some reason.

Since you said "PC" I'm going to assume you're on Windows, in which case the backup saves location is located at:

PC > Local Disk (usually C:) > Users > USERNAME > AppData > Roaming > RenPy > CorruptedKingdoms-1547378918

If you put your saves (plus "persistent" file!) in there, as well as in your game/save folder it should read your saves properly :)


hey just saw the reply, should be able to give it a go after my shift

cheers and keep up the great work!

Does leveling up change any of the MC stats for WR battles?


No, leveling up just raises your HP and WP.

From what I’ve read, the other stats will raise (or maybe lower) during story events.

HOLD UP,  this isn't a Friday?? I was so used to seeing the updates on a Friday, not that I'm complaining, I love the updates you make. Though I'll have to play it tomorrow, I've caught a flu, and it sucks. I couldn't even get sleep, but if I feel better at night, I'll play it as soon as possible!


Updates have never been on Friday…

A long time ago the public updates went on Wednesdays, but then got shifted one day to Thursdays.

Well, there’s also the thing of timezones, but Arc posts the updates around 12pm on GMT+7… give or take a few hours, that’s the average.

For my timezone it’s usually at midnight, so technically Thursday, but mentally it’s still Wednesday night.

Then again, used to send me the mail for the update the following day. Despite me having downloaded it.

I usually get the updates at 12 AM on Fridays due to my timezone, so I always log in Fridays to get the updates, and I also get the notification a bit later, but for me it has been Friday, or Thursday nights, around 11 PM.

Timezones strike again.

I realized my timezone was GMT -4, so it would explain why it's mostly late when I get the updates.

Hey question here, the surprise that lily says she have, will you be able to see it sometime near the future or will it only be patreon?


No paywalled content over these parts, friend.

Supporters just get the game 3 days earlier, that’s it.

Sometimes it’s better to wait until public, bugs might be ironed out.

But that content with Lily might have to wait.

I’m hoping that we don’t have to take over the bar district before we continue… that might take a while.


Thank you for keeping all the content free, it's frustrating having content blocked by paywall but i understand why creators do it. Anyways thank you :)


Not the developer, that would be TheArcadean.

I’m the tech support guy.

But Arc dislikes paywalls too. I mean, the early access is $1, despite Patreon telling him to raise the prices he refuses to.


only $1? That's pretty crazy, bumping it to atleast $3 would still be a bargain for patreons and he'd be earning way more lol

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