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How to put Julie in Manor?


You have to do the naughty deed with her mom when you meet her for the first time :)

Yes, I know, Renee already lives in Manor but she 's not here

Because you didn't do the thing I just told you to do.

I did, and after Renee invited me again, is there supposed to be another event after that?

Ohh finally new update

I want to delete the game and download it later when its further updated. But i dont wanna start over.  What can i do? Im on android 13

You can try backing up your saves, but Google has made it extraordinarily difficult to do that if you're on Android 11+.

Saves on Android are located in:


So you will need an app that allows you to access the data folder.

So i just copied the saves. So when i want to install it again, do i just paste the previous save files into the 'saves' folder?

Yup, just put them back where you got them from :)

I don't know if this can work but... I had a similar problem with another application that I downloaded from and the easiest option was to download the new version (without uninstalling the application) And from there it tries to install the new application, in my case an update application window appeared, accept and that's it, it simply updated without deleting my progress

Basically download the new application and click install hehe

How to get maximum strength?


You can't get the little green pips (yet) but to max out available slots you have to first help out on the farm and then, when that doesn't increase your stats any more, you have to go exercise in Asteria's demesne :)

how to make Emma leave the room


Keep visiting her room when Claire is speaming to her through the door. Takes a few days of doing it.

Will the children have any sort of narrative importance? (Aside from causing everyone, including the person playing the game, to freak out during act 3)


They're optional, so they can't be integral to the storyline, but they'll have a lot more to do before the game is done :)


Excellent. I must give the baby a firearm

I have version 0.18. I want to update to latest 20.8. How do i do that and not delete my save data


You simply do what you did the first time you downloaded the game :) The saves will auto-transfer for you.

Note that if you're on Android, install the new APK on top of the old one - DO NOT DELETE THE GAME!


Does the game have any M/M or is this strictly M/F?


Mostly M/F (With rare F/F and M/F/F)

In act 3 i try to go to the church for the relic but says i need to conquer more districts the only ones left are the train station and company which theres no option to conquer. Or the all green flagged ones bynthe farm. Is this as far as its updates?


That's as far as the current updates go for now, yes :)

Got it. 

Wasn't sure I keep seeing this other map on websites when I've looked up an answer about this before , Thanks


Ziemlich traurig was Patreon mit deinem Geld macht... wenn diesen Monat was übrig bleibt werde ich dir auf SubscribeStar was da lassen. Das Spiel ist einfach zu gut um sich zu ändern


Danke schön! Ich schätze das sehr! <3


This obviously need more anal and light spanking. Other than that, this is the best game.


Haha, I'll see what I can do ;)

(1 edit)

Wait... is the game staying on Itch? Or no?-

P.S: Pixie stole my cotton candy ice cream...(it's a flavor that tastes like heaven) and all I've been hearing are faint whispers of "More.




Its staying on Itch, but Arcadian is having trouble securing funds to keep doing the project. Not that they cannot survive without it, but it helps out all the same.

Patreon, does not like children(even unsexualized ones) in  games like this so they took down the page, which means income stopped flowing. 

However, the game could still move to Steam so that there is a way to make money Although it looks like that won't HAVE to happen, it still might though. It's a tricky situation that Arcadian is kinda on pins and needles for atm, but for the time being, CK is not leaving Itch and is remaining free.


Im just glad Patreon wasnt able to kill CK. An empty void was bound to form had the little ones had to go. Especially the fairy kid(she is too adorable)


Patreon will take your children over my cold, dead body! CK will continue, especially with so many amazing people making the SubscribeStar Shift!


That's fantastic! You scratched our back by giving us CK in the first place, and now we can scratch yours by allowing you to finish it, your way.


I have an army of toddlers to kick ass with


I'm sure that's not breaking any international laws or anything :P


Nice argument. Small problem: give the magical child a firearm.


"I sense a great longing, and a desire to fill the void. Your soul desires....Corrupted Kingdoms!" and thanks to SubscribeStar, we can keep playing it!


The SubscribeStar Shift has been more successful than I could have possibly hoped for, thanks to the amazing support of so many truly wonderful players!

We're still not quite there yet, but the number is climbing daily, and I'm so grateful to everyone for helping out! <3


Hey, are there any futanari in game?


No, but future DLC, maybe yes?


Ich kann mehr nicht geben, aber ich werde Ihnen $1 pro Monat geben. God speed.


Vielen Dank! <3

(1 edit)

I need some help. Just started and i cant find how to progress. Pixie only says to take walk but i see no location or option to do so. On Android if that helps. 

Also good luck w ur migration from Patreon


Thank you! :)

Hmm... have you tried talking to Emma in her room at night? That's usually where people get stuck in the prologue.

that seems to have been what i was overlooking. Thanks

Make sure you've visited the bar also, if you haven't already

(1 edit) (+2)

Looking forward to the next update.   I have seen several others and really like your artwork.  Animie is just plain captivating.   I like how the kids are"protected" in the daycare. Totally away from the mayham and "other" items  in the story. 

 I Enjoy taking Emma and , MistyAnne , to the concert, or  Lily and Sissysue to the park.  ( My kid names) 

Your imagination and ability to create this game is to be praisd.   So many are just sex with little interest.  I played  twice to act 3 now taking notice that there is a lot to do  which takes a lot of character and game  development.  

My head explodes when I think of all the code! 

 Yes I make sure I look after Gwen on Wednesdays! 


Thank you for the kind words! It really does mean a lot to know that people play and enjoy the game :)

I hope you enjoy the next update too, though I'm not sure when the one after that will be... it depends entirely on whether or not everyone can hit the SubscribeStar goal by the end of the month. Fingers crossed!

(6 edits) (+1)

Could you maybe start monetizing on itch? Like have a payed early access? I've seen quite a few devs so far do something similar to get around guidelines and such on other platforms. Of course i dont know what the guidelines on itch are but I'd assume it's fine since they haven't kicked the thousands of adult game creaters off the platform yet with some being arguably much worse than what's involved with your game. I also dont know if itch takes a percentage of income or how much in that case either.


I could, but Itch isn't designed for that so it takes a lot of manual fiddling for me to emulate it. Currently I'm hoping that enough people migrate over to SubscribeStar (which is Patreon but better in every way) that I can finish CK as I started it... fingers crossed! :)


all good man. You do you. I'd love to see this game cross the finish line as it was intended instead of eating shit at the halfway point and having to start from scratch.


You know the best part about falling down? Getting back up again.


Migrated just now


Thank you so much! <3


Come on, I hope you can get through this difficult time. I have been playing your game for 4 years and I really like it because it is free and of high quality. Due to personal financial reasons, I am sorry that I cannot provide support or rewards for you, so I can only express my support for you


You da real OG!

Don't worry about the support - it's important for you to take care of yourself first and foremost! Just spread the word about SubscribeStar if you can, and if not then still, thank you for the kind words!

If you release it on steam I will not be able to buy it, cause the german steam store blocks every adult game with sexual content.


Don't worry, he's working on another solution for those in Germany.


Btw, the game will still be here and updated with content, but if you want to support Arc then you can subscribe to SubscribeStar or wait for Arc to find another solution for German players.


As Yasuken mentioned, I will still be uploading the public versions here on Itch as usual, and I will work out an alternate way for people in Germany and similarly restricted countries to buy the game. I'm not going to abandon you!


To anyone looking to find out what happened: join the Discord link above, or check out the SubscribeStar... If you were already subbed on Patreon, you'll get a better idea of what's going on, and how to continue your support of this wonderful story! Arc isn't giving up, and neither are we! If you love this game, help us make this happen! there are Vanguard roles open (for those of you who know what that means; if you don't, come find out!)


Thank you so much! The more the word spreads and the more people sign on to SubscribeStar, the greater the chance that I won't have to move development to Steam! :)


I'm conflicted. This game has it all both story and gameplay but with Patreon doing its usual bs it's scary.  I feel for you dev and I hope stuff stabilizes.


Thank you, I appreciate it! :)

A lot of people have migrated over to SubscribeStar and if enough people pledge there then I can go back to business as usual (though with a lot more creative freedom!) so fingers crossed!

Either way, though, CK will continue!

Any cheats?


In the laptop in your bedroom from Act Two onwards :)


Please please PLEASE give us some way to un-shatter Chloe, she doesn't deserve that


The question of if you can - or even should (remember, she was an unpleasant person and a callous sister before) - is one that will be thoroughly explored in Act Three :)

Counterpoint: Alice. I must protect the babie at all costs

how much has the game been updated since i last played can i now conquer trainstation? 

No... Not yet.


Patreon trying to kill CK really sucks. I really wish I had money to give, but unfortunately, I'm broke. Good luck trying to get the game on Steam, Arc.


It's okay - thank you for the kind words, and make sure to take care of yourself! :)

What the hell happened here. Why did my father do his gaster impression and get un-personed

What are you on about?

Google shattered across time and space

what happened to your patreon?

Patreon flagged it for having minors in an 18+ game despite them not being part of any of the 18+ stuff. It's going to be coming to Steam, but they said they'll have to remake the graphical assets because of Steam's policies.

(1 edit) (+2)

or if SubscribeStar has enough subsciber, it'll remain how it is.

Deleted 201 days ago

I wish I could use the bomb on Morgana 's crystal. 


I wanna use it on Morgana


These comments are actual gold, lol.


Same ngl

I need help. The story does not progress after I met the succubus for the first time. I have no idea what to do.

Deleted 218 days ago

Go to Sailor on the street and spend 50$ to fix your pants, then meet Lily and ask for her help, finally meet Jessica and the story will move forward

I will go try that. Thank you for responding.


hey is anyone having  is problem every time i go to Arc Patreon page it saying  This page is under review.


yeah, me too


My Patreon page is currently suspended/removed. I've emailed Patreon but I'm not sure when - or if - the page will be reinstated.

More details will be posted to the CK Discord, and possibly I'll be hosting a livestream later on so people can ask questions.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Help. How do i keep my save files after i delete the game? Im on android 13. I want to play it again after it gets updated further but i dont want to start over T_T


I've been able to download the new apks, run them, choose update and old saves work just fine.

how do i find claire again? (v0.20.8 public release)

She'll find you :) Just keep conquering locations.

Hey te acompanho desde as primeiras versão do jogo eu sou do Brasil muitos daqui queriam saber se você vai trazer linguagem em português no futuro? Amamos seu trabalho você tem potencial 

Mais um Mito BR aqui comigo ai sim

é nois irmão hehehe 

Deleted 225 days ago

This game and this community are kink-positive: people like what they like and it's all beautiful to someone. Please avoid using words like "disgusting" when talking about kinks.

That being said, futa/femboy content is always put up as an option on the polls but it never does well so at this point it's very likely it'll never be added to CK. If it ever received a sudden tsunami of support then it would be added as optional DLC that people could choose to install or not.

Deleted 225 days ago

what are the paperdolls and how/where to get them?? Thanks! :P


that... is just the character's avatar, bro

how can i find the club?

(1 edit) (+1)

You buy the bar and then you buy the upgrade which is the club

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