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Hey i got a error when knocking on claire's door?

is this the code for that i can unlock the shop?


here is the full code


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

SyntaxError: invalid syntax (game/script/a3_manor_westhall.rpy, line 348)

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script/flat.rpyc", line 118, in script call

  File "script/lily.rpyc", line 1351, in script call

  File "script/flat.rpyc", line 118, in script call

  File "script/lily.rpyc", line 1351, in script call

  File "script/time.rpyc", line 382, in script call

  File "script/myroom.rpyc", line 158, in script call

  File "script/myroom.rpyc", line 158, in script call

  File "script/myroom.rpyc", line 158, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]

  File "script/time.rpyc", line 365, in script call

  File "script/myroom.rpyc", line 158, in script call

  File "script/myroom.rpyc", line 158, in script call

  File "script/a3_manor_livingroom.rpyc", line 99, in script call

  File "script/a3_manor_myroom.rpyc", line 156, in script call

  File "script/a3_manor_myroom.rpyc", line 156, in script call

  File "script/a3_mansion.rpyc", line 616, in script call

  File "script/a3_manor_livingroom.rpyc", line 99, in script call

  File "script/a3_manor_myroom.rpyc", line 156, in script call

  File "script/a3_oldclub.rpyc", line 347, in script call

  File "script/a3_oldclub.rpyc", line 347, in script call

  File "script/a3_oldclub.rpyc", line 347, in script call

  File "script/a3_oldclub.rpyc", line 630, in script call

  File "script/a3_manor_westhall.rpyc", line 89, in script call

  File "script/a3_manor_westhall.rpyc", line 89, in script call

  File "script/a3_manor_westhall.rpyc", line 89, in script call

  File "script/a3_manor_westhall.rpyc", line 348, in script

  File "C:\Users\Kenzi Sulaiman Chito\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa10148.25093\CorruptedKingdoms-0.21.2-pc\renpy\", line 2133, in execute

    if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):

  File "C:\Users\Kenzi Sulaiman Chito\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa10148.25093\CorruptedKingdoms-0.21.2-pc\renpy\", line 1151, in py_eval

    code = py_compile(code, 'eval')

  File "C:\Users\Kenzi Sulaiman Chito\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa10148.25093\CorruptedKingdoms-0.21.2-pc\renpy\", line 1088, in py_compile

    raise e

  File "C:\Users\Kenzi Sulaiman Chito\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa10148.25093\CorruptedKingdoms-0.21.2-pc\renpy\", line 1034, in py_compile

    raise orig_e

  File "C:\Users\Kenzi Sulaiman Chito\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa10148.25093\CorruptedKingdoms-0.21.2-pc\renpy\", line 1027, in py_compile

    tree = compile(source, filename, py_mode, ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST | flags, 1)

SyntaxError: invalid syntax (game/script/a3_manor_westhall.rpy, line 348)

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


Corrupted Kingdoms 0.21.2

Tue Apr  2 14:52:03 2024


hm, looks like the python script isn't working as intended. Try reinstalling it, also wipe your pc's cache and reboot it using the command ''shutdown /r /t 0'' (without quotes tho). If that doesn't work wait for a new update or download an older version. You could also try a different device, maybe a tablet or an android phone?


This looks like a bug that's been squashed in the upcoming version. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Will we be able to have kids with the other people that can be invited to the manor in a future update


My hope is to allow players to be able to have kids with around 90% of the girls - the only exceptions being those who literally can't have children due to their biology.

I'm a solo dev, though, so as with everything else it comes down to how much time I have and how much player interest there is in each girl.

now hear me out......

Pls add a option where we can make the kids see their mother?

I wanna see Family bonding with asteria!


Already in the game :) All kids have a mother/kid event in Act Two.

are there any plans to add all the hentai scenes to the xtra section?


Yes, all h-scenes (and many important scenes) will be added to the Gallery before the game is finished. I'd do it now, but it takes quite a long time to add and test each scene and I want to focus on pushing the story forward at the moment :)

how to make Veronica fall in love with you?

You mean how to advance her questline? Once you're in Act Two, click on the Heart icon in the top-right, then Veronica, then check under her "HINTS:" section :)

thank you


Is finally update I miss this game now I not going download again for 50 time in row goodbye my favorite game


wtf dude? Arcadean is a solo dev with something you don't seem to have, a real life (no offense tho). If you don't know how hard it is to fit coding, writing and rendering images/scenes completely alone while also having a life and duties to fulfill try it for yourself or cut the crap and download the new updates like every other person here


I do know how much you need to code games and update but I don't care anyway 

he worded it like a complete asshole yes. But that's a thing a lot of people do. Wait several updates so they can get more content when they come back. I did it when act 3 started

I'm gone for a few weeks and find 2 updates and drama! Well, drama in "kicking pedophile to the trash where he belongs",  but still... 

I actually planned on Pixie raiding the freezer for the 2 gallons of ice cream and she actually left some of it! Something about her feeling sorry that I was forced to do jury duty and therefore had less time to go after hot babes. OR She just didn't like the monster cookie ice cream, but given she eats all the other ice cream with gusto, I think she just felt sorry for me. 

Has SubscribeStar been working well for you?


Oh, he'll be back. He does the rounds of devs that have banned him, calling all of them pedos, until Itch bans him. Then he takes a breather for a month and right back at it again! Everyone needs a hobby, I guess.

Sounds like either Pixie felt sorry for you, or she ate the ice cream and replaced it with something that looks like the same ice cream. You might want to get that tested... you know, just in case ;) My condolences on the jury duty, by the way.

SubStar has been doing very well indeed, thanks :) The community has come together in a huge way and I couldn't be more touched or humbled!


Wish there was a way to ban him permanently, that's a lousy hobby to have! Much better to play awesome games as a hobby than troll devs!

Jury duty isn't so bad, it's more "have to clear out my schedule while on it" that's irritating. At least it's only for a month at max.  I thought the ice cream tasted a little odd, maybe Pixie did sub the ice cream! Oh well, at least she actually left something for me! Wait... if this is a substitution, did she...yanno....mess with it? I don't feel any different...

(1 edit)

Just wondering how I continure with claire and continue with the new update with lyx in act three

Everything you can do and need to do is listed in the changelogs. If you've done everything in the changelogs then you've done everything that's available up to this point.

Hey. This is unrelated to the discussions below but is it possible to get unbanned from the discord server? I was banned due to my account being hacked and spamming on the discord server.

If you have control over your original account again then yes. Just give me your username (via DM) and I'll unblock your account.

How would I DM you? Through discord or this platform?

Discord is better, but either is fine :)

I tried messaging through discord but the messages won't go through unless I share a server with you. And I don't think has a messaging feature.

How can I discover/unblock Chloe? in version 0.29? I'm currently stuck there, I'm already on day 180.

You mean Claire? Keep playing the game, taking over locations, and do the night-time event on the bridge once you own it.

How do I view previous cutscenes? For example gwen and chloe in the library


On the main screen click on EXTRAS then GALLERY. A lot of scenes aren't in the Gallery right now, although I'll be adding them in slowly over time (It takes a while and my priority right now is story content).


As someone that restarted recently, I am saying that there needs to be an option near the end of game to spar with (try to kick the ass of) gramps for being so cryptic. I am not saying that MC needs to win just that he can try if the player is so inclined.


He your grandpa man, calm down


Yeah, and I could have learned and trained instead of being a split person.  Just saying the story would have been completely different (avoiding examples for spoilers) if Gramps actually answered things instead of "hohoho"ing.

uhh the lore itself is implying that gramps did what you are suggesting and it fucked up so badly. (hint: First)

Where can I find chloe?

If it is early in the game it would be the west hallway.

How to trigger the act 3?

Just follow the leads. They will get you to the nest section.


I am having an issue, I am on day 60 and Morgana has not given me the ability to meet the others though the crystal. 

(1 edit) (+1)

will using the "unlock all scenes cheat" really break my game? if so it sounds Like I shouldn't mess with it.


It hasn't broken anyone's game so far so it's probably safe :P


ty, I wanted to make sure

I Just ran into a problem where I'd go to the bar to find books and there would be none. This has happened for multiple in game days, and not a single book is showing up. On top of that, I also had a problem with Annie. She never gave me the option to help out other than the very first time. I completed the quest with the cat-girl, but still didn't recieve any new dialogue. Does anybody know what could be causing this or am I doing something wrong

Look in the bar in the morning for the books.

If Annie only gave you one chance to help out then you're running a broken translated version or someone's edited some variables they shouldn't have. She stops giving you chores once you've done them all and your physical stat is at a certain level, but that takes a few events.

There's only one catgirl in the game - Erica - and she doesn't give you a quest so I'm not sure what that's about sorry.

(1 edit)

I've been having the same problem.  I'm using the app, maybe that's it?
Edit: My bad, it's repeatable in Act 2


I got IP- banned on discord because my account got hacked. I made another one and can't join the discord to receive the latest updates :( . I hope that you can help me. My new discord username is chaoslp45.

(1 edit) (+1)

The only way to rejoin the server on the same IP is to unban the original account (Discord uses blanket IP bans with no exceptions built in) - so you would need to regain control of that account or get Discord to delete it. This is a Discord thing and server admins have no control over it, I'm afraid!

(I don't know why you were downvoted, it's a legitimate question to ask)

I asked the discord staff about this and they replied with: (in german, english translation is under the german text)

Sperre: Möglicherweise wurdest du von diesem Server gebannt. Sperren basieren auf der IP-Adresse. Du musst dich also an die Server-Administratoren wenden und sie bitten, alle Sperren in den Servereinstellungen aufzuheben. Nur weil dein Name entfernt wurde, heißt das nicht, dass die Einladung funktioniert.

Which means, that the server administrator has to look at the banned IP adresses.

(Sorry if my english is not the best, but in Germany, we say "Das ist nicht grad das Gelbe vom Ei", which means, that it's not good)

I can't get any further because of the witch(Lyx). She just doesn't give me a dialogue where I could pick mushrooms. Please help me!

I'm not sure what you're stuck on, sorry. I assume you're in Act Two? In which case you should be able to just go through her Magic lessons one by one.

(2 edits)

The problem is that she doesn't give magic lessons. Basically just a dialogue and one action where she just asks for cum and that's it. Just like the character, she is not open. I still don't understand how to solve the problem. I'm still counting on your help) 

If you're talking about what i think you're talking about, you have to pick the mushrooms in a field that you can find by Exploring the Outskirts. It's been a while so I'm saying this purely from memory but I think you find them at South -> South -> South maybe? 

Either way, that field is where you get the option to pick mushrooms and bringing the correct one back to her will let you move on to the lessons iirc. 

I lost my save data, is there a way to get a save that has everything up to the start of act 2 or 3? (where the city is under attack and you get locked in the house for a bit).

There's a beginning of Act Three save pinned in the #game-chat channel on the CK Discord server :)

Thank you, it seems android has become worse while I wasnt looking, and it refuses to let me change the save :L

Don't suppose theres a download of the app with tge save in it? If not, thank you for your help anyway.


Tengo el juego para versiones Android y cuando quiero descargar la ultima version me aparece

"Error al leer el Archivo"

Ayuda porfi?

Intente descargarlo nuevamente. Además, necesitas tener mucho espacio de almacenamiento libre: más de 5 GB.

si ya me di cuenta jaja, ya pude y cuando vi las lineas del mapa de guerra dije "Vamos mas guerra!" luego volvi a leer el contenido y al no ver nada de guerra dije "a"


Hey @TheArcadean, I just thought I'd mention that your creator page on itch still has the old Patreon link.

He knows he crossed it out tho


Thanks, fixed now! :)

I have a problem with the Android version of the game, it takes me out right at the beginning of the intro in the train railway scene


Man i havent touched this game in 3 years, glad to see its still going, Think ill come back to it in a bit

I'm just think about it The game is going to be ending or continue to update

Hello, I'm facing problems when downloading it says that my download is denied i have checked my wifi it wasn't the problem i have check the firewall/security yet it wasn't the problem, Is there anyway to fix this, People of the internets?

Have you tried downloading from Subscribestar? I have problems downloading from itch so I just go there

Haven't tried so i'll try

It worked, Thank youu ^^

Hi this is my first time having a laptop, how do you update games on windows?


In this case you just download the game again, extract it to a fresh folder (don't overwrite the old one) and then play :) Your saves will be automatically transferred for you.

In the west hallway There are three rooms, how to open the last one?


is it just me, or is the later bathroom location cropped right from Hero's Harem Guild?


Corrupted Kingdoms and HHG both use modded Koikatsu to model their scenes and characters (same with every other game using this software) so many - if not most - of the assets between them will be the same.

Also, for the record, Corrupted Kingdoms predates HHG by two years and was the inspiration for HHG. The dev started out on our server ;)

(2 edits)

I have a Question, If you Tell someone No, Does that Mean That I Miss Out on My Chance to Unlock their Sex Scene in the Gallery? 

I believe so yes

If you complete the story you can just unlock the entire gallery

so if i beat the entire game? Because I noticed there is a cheat section that unlocks the entire gallery, but it says that it includes spoilers and can F up your game. 

Yes - if you don't see the scene you don't unlock the scene :)

ok ty.

i cant find claire anywhere, is she removed till next update?

Same, I've been looking for her in act 3

Go to the kitchen at night

already done that but still nothing happen

Same, i only get the Emma encounter

Go to Emma's room in the afternoon.

(1 edit)

What do I do eith the previous installation files because they sre taking up space but I dont know if I still need them or not?

You can delete them :)

alright thanks

How do I talk to Lyx after I found Dhena in the cave?

Keep playing and she'll pop up.

Can i miss some content ? like i wasnt playing the college teaching stuff and its still very low level, will i be able to play it later or should i redo act 2 ? Oh and also Lucille is gone from my east wing only Puppet and Laura it seems


Lucille can be found in the hallway on monday mornings

Is there a way to continue the game from my current save?, since i don't have acces to the new update on that save


Yes, all saves are automatically transferred between versions so long as it's on the same device. If you're on Android, though, do not delete the game or you'll delete all your saves along with it.

I am still on the same device but all characters still say that theres nothing to do

I am still on the same device but all characters still say that theres nothing to do


If you have time this game is a very fun experience. Totally recommend it.

Thanks for the kind words! :)

Does anyone know how to fix the renpy  conflict bc I sadly can play this till I do and it sucks bc I love this game

You're going to have to specify what "the renpy conflict" is before anyone can give you any advice, sorry.


I dont even know that cant find the problem

You already found the problem - the problem is that you're getting a "renpy conflict" error. You know the name, so obviously you're getting some kind of error message. What is the exact message, under what circumstances does the error appear and what have you tried to fix it?

Saying "how to fix this error?" is like going to a mechanic and saying "how to fix my broken car?" It could be a thousand things, so we need more details.


no there's no message its just I tried another game that uses Ren py and it did the same thing Idk know what the conflict is  but it was my educated guess and if there's another way I can play it bc I don't have a computer I can play it on atm

wtf bro... 


Just for scientific research, can we also make l0v3 with our 0uFsPrInGs?




But why though?!? Just why stop to the mommies when we could also show the little ones some special love.






I won't kink shame u. But I actually wouldn't enjoy lewd scenes with the kids. I actually love the kids in a way that isn't like that. 

Just like the guy with an eyepatch who's name eludes me now. There's been options for votes to have him transform into a fem version and and give him a sex scene. But I would actually hate that since it really doesn't mesh with his personality or interactions with the MC.

i will kink shame that singular thing. no


Won’t happen.

Even without Patreon’s bullshit rules not applying anymore.


No. There is not, and never will be, any underage content in Corrupted Kingdoms or any of my future games. The children are precious little cupcakes and must be protected.

(1 edit) (+3)

 No, that is gross, you damn pedophile


Incredible game. A lot of content and made me laugh a good few times. Can't believe this is up for free because it's clear how much effort went into it. 


Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying the game, and I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future! New updates every two weeks! :)

how do i talk to LYX

You're going to need to be way more specific than that.


Best date/life simulator ever (under Sims 3), i'm really enjoy it, coolest story, interested characters, charismatic and attractive visual, i'm really in love with some (Gwen, Jessica, Chloe, Lily). Also kids are very cute and i'm glad by this details. I gonna support as soon as possible


Haha, well I'm very content to take second place after Sims 3! Thank you for the kind words! :)

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