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In the third act, will it be possible to get new female characters pregnant?


Yes, but it's an optional system (and in the middle of a war isn't the best time) so it won't be super soon.

All Main Girls (except for Roxy and Qarinah because of their physical nature) will be able to get pregnant, and many of the Side Girls too :)


picked this up a few days ago..
never expected to actually finish it(or at least finish what was available)
excellent work. i laughed, i cried, i raged!.
looking forward to seeing how it all ends!.
keep up the awesome work!


Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it! New public update will be out in an hour or so! :)

got to say in the big act two climax, I thought "let them hold them off" was going to be a "let them hold them off, i gotta punch a dryad in the tits" rather then "let them hold them off while i go be a wuss" should have known better, but I wanted more scenes of her getting beat down after all she did.

(1 edit)

Day 358, still no Lyx to be found. Cant even interact with anything at bridge at night. Also theres an octopus icon on the bridge. Need help

lyx is there. she'll visit you in your sleep a second time, then leave various clues to find her, but you've gotta take over her old cottage first

can you like give a gameplay tutorial or smth?

What clues?

How do i backup the save file for corrupted kingdom on Android i really wanna back my files up so when the new update comes out i can play without deleting my whole game and then restarting everything also love the game pls update it some more thanks


You don't need to manually transfer your saves - just install the new update on top of the old one and your saves will automatically transfer over :)

If you still want a backup, just to be safe, they're located in:


NOTE: If you're running Android 11 or 12 then Google has hidden your data folder. To access it you need to connect your phone to your PC with a USB cable or use an app like Solid Explorer or X-Plore to give you access to the folder again.

What does gwen'a damaged quirk do ? I got the knife scene but is that it ? Or does it add/remove or change anything ?


Quirks are used to tell the game "more of this sort of thing, please", so Gwen's "Damaged" quirk will unlock further events related to her yandere urges. Right now there's no extra scenes attached to it, but more will be added over time.


Deleted 161 days ago

You're right, there's nothing to do... except for all of the new content listed in the changelog, the second most recent of which includes a brand new fight complete with new boss girl, since you seem to be focused on the combat.

This is a weird comment. You're very weird.

Deleted 161 days ago

Can't play the game. The moment I enter the game, it just immediately crashes.

I'm on an Infinix Hot 10 Play, and I still have 20gb free space on my phone. Is there anyway I could do to play this?


I have never heard of that model before, so at a guess I'd say it has incompatible hardware... if a full power down doesn't solve the issue, then you might try using JoiPlay and installing the Win version instead of the Android version.

Sorry I can't be more help!

Gotchu, and thanks for responding man. Really helps-! Do your best Arcadean-san

I wonder how Flying Bar will continue Lily's story after entering manor


Who knows? (I do. I know. But I'm not telling!)

I remember that in the previous version, there was a story of entering the flying bar, I don't know if my memory is confused(My English is not good. Sorry my English teacher!So I am using translation software to communicate with you now.I'm so sorry)


And I also want to tell you that I really, really like your game. I used to play it only on the Android platform because of equipment restrictions, but now I have a computer, so I downloaded it again and played it again.Support you, I am looking forward to the ending of the game! ! !

(1 edit)

My only Question is that: Will the MC Have other Abilities? Like relating to how their Arms turned Black due to the Eldritch?
(I think it was because of the Eldritch.. Idk tho since I haven't seen that part of the Story in a while)


Yes, new abilities will manifest. What will they be? Sorry, no spoilers! :)

ima make a guess

I'm guessing it is going to be something about his combat because he usually uses his powers to fight and we don't have an ability to buff damage 

So kind of like Yuji Itadori's Divergent Fist?

(2 edits)

Also I'm honestly hoping that if we ever fight a Human form of the Eldritch (Maybe a Clone of the MC) it's gonna act Sadistic to Another Level to make the Final attack amazingly Satisfying-


А когда вы добавите русский язык

В бета-версии. Проверьте Discord на предмет русского фанатского перевода!


Not going to lie, I wasn't to interested in the first act but holy shyt did it pick up. One my favorite games I've found here. I mean seriously, worth investing more time playing it. Some great scenes, interesting characters, the battles in the 3rd act are fun to me, all around I like it alot. Only bad thing I will say about it is it just updated and it looks like it'll probably be a while for the next update and I don't want to wait. Two thumbs up, way up. 


I'm glad you're enjoying it! :) I update every two weeks (and the next public one is out on Monday!), so you shouldn't have to wait too long for the next batch of content!


I seen that, shortly after this post i made a subscribestar account and joined your page to help support it. Unfortunately only the $5 one cuz money is tight but I wanted to support a game I like this much. 

I don't know how to increase hearts with chastity (it's at 0), and I've tried everything in act 2, but whenever I talk to her at the altar I can only ask how she is and nothing happens, it helps :c


As far as I remember, there's no way to raise Chastity's hearts beyond one (which happens as a story event) in Act Two. Her love meter will go up in Act Three :)



I really like this game. I used to apologize for downloading it as a pirated version, but now I have found the official website. Hehe, hehe, hehe


I forgive you ;)

(2 edits)

Is there a Chinese translation?


Not yet - I update the game too often to hire an official translation team (although the Discord has Spanish and Russian fan translations so if anyone has made a Chinese fan translation, please post it there!)

Once the game is in beta I'll be hiring translators to translate the game into multiple languages, including Chinese :)

Thank you


To be honest I came for the H-scenes but I stayed for the story overall I give the game a nice 11/10 oh and by the way how was your vacation :) 


I'm glad you liked it! :) And my vacation was very nice, thanks. Very restful!

The Arcadian I think you should add Gwen to Sowano's ninja squad because she learnt Shadow clone jutsu because I went to take a bath and intruded to I left and went into her room and she was dancing with music.

(btw fix this if you want to cuz it is still pretty funny)😂


She's obviously using hidden passageways throughout the Manor. I mean, how else is she supposed to keep an eye on you? ;)

ah makes sense 


Not trying to criticize this game in a bad way, but the power of Shatter is basically Awakened with an extra step, especially in the third act. In the beginning, there was a distinct difference between the two: Awakening is the power to make a girl madly in love with you in an unconditional way, while Shatter basicly erasing their mind makes the girl become obedient and devoid of any emotion, making them just like puppets, I m not saying they should be like  that all the time, but maybe add choise of turning it on or off or changing they personality whenever we like when we alone with the girl for example some scene i want her to act like to act how they used to or turning them emotionless like puppet since you know their mind has been shatter.

Overall, the game is good. The third act has a couple of bugs, but it's fine, and the story is really good and engaging.

How do i bimbofy chloe

Hey I really liked the Ice cream girl (the one with mole), wished that you could add more girls with that mole features especially as a Main girl 🫶

TheArcadean i have a recomendation can you make it so that all of the H-scenes are in the extras then H-scenes? because some of the scenes are annoying to find and then when you get them its not in the H-scenes spot and then I die inside cuz I already saved and lost the scenes.🙂🥲


All H-Scenes (and important scenes) will eventually be added to the Gallery - it just takes quite a lot of work to add scenes to the Gallery and I want to focus on content right now :) I'll be adding Gallery scenes in batches during my "polish pass" updates.

ok good to know that i won't need to look for the scenes again


btw keep up the great work this game was really fun on my first playthrough and its nice to know that you really care about the game, just from the first act I could tell you put a lot of love into the game and the lore.


Where can I find Lyx in Act 3?


Make sure you've conquered the Apartments and the Bridge and done the evening Bridge event (where you try to scout the Church). Then sleep until Claire appears. Then sleep until Lyx appears :)

(2 edits) (+1)

how to find lyx in act3?

I conquering everywhere I can 

I won't bother with spoilers

(3 edits)

I meet once morning in my room, but that is all

and my mission stuck by can't find Lyx


Make sure you've conquered the Apartments and the Bridge and done the evening Bridge event (where you try to scout the Church). Then sleep until Claire appears. Then sleep until Lyx appears :)

(1 edit)

I sleep over 50days Claire  didn't show up.
so I rerun another act3 but it came the same.
sometimes I dream nurse Chastity.
thank to respond


Then you probably didn't do the bridge event at night. You have to do the bridge event where you attempt to scout the church.

Deleted 169 days ago

sorry being late 
If you talk about flying monster
I already done  before I came asking
do I need to make new comment?
it's pretty down there

i like the games but like

when maeves academy ubdate


You'd have to ask Hatchet that, not me - I have nothing to do with Maeve's Academy, we're just cross-promoting each others' sites :)

shit my bad


Thank you for the new update!!!


Thank you for playing! :)






I need hints for the quiet girl... I already have Level 5 authority and she still won't budge..


Get college authority up to maximum and enter Act Three - her storyline will be continued there (not in the game yet) :)

I just downloaded the game and started a new playthrough and ran into the problem of Jessica not introducing herself to me. I'm able to get to the viable ends of each character and lead I can get through before meeting her but her event won't happen. I tried again with a new game and ran straight through to day 10 doing nothing and she still didn't show up. I hope I'm not being dumb but I can't figure it out.


Did you talk to Emma at her room at night? Pixie should tell you to do so if you talk to her and ask for help (if Pixie isn't telling you this, let me know - that would mean it's bugged).

(2 edits)

I went to the discord and yes I needed to check on Emma at night. At this point Pixie was telling me that there was a lady waiting outside my apartment and that I should take a walk and return during the day.

(1 edit)

I can't find the way to get to Lynx or Gramps? Or is it not updated yet for that?

Also, I keep getting an error when trying to update the game.

which version are you trying to update to

the latest one I guess

Which act are you in? If it's near the end of current story, Gramps is unreachable at this time. It's what he gets for living in the mountains. If not, then not sure how to help you. Lyx is always available though

I’m pretty sure I’m in the latest act. The last time I seen Lynx is when I woke up one morning and she was in my room. I must have missed something when she talked to me.

So Lyx is available to you, Gramps is not. This step also confused me for quite a while, and I can't really help you without spoiling the content. However, I would try random things that I thought Lyx would be related to. Like anything.

I wish we could private message because I don’t mind spoilers, I just want to move on. I tried everything from different places at different times, I don’t know what to do.

Can someone just help me figure out what to do? I'm genuinely stuck.

(5 edits) (+5)(-2)

So this is my honest review of the game. This review is long and if you want a TL;DR, I have provided one at the very end. I'd also like to point out that I am a huge gamer and I try to play every single game I can get my hands on, so all of my review (including my amazement at the act 2 writing and disappointment with act 3) comes from experience with literally tens of thousands of hours of other games.

To start off, the first time I played the game, I saw it as nothing more than a funny meme h-game that I can send to my friends as a joke, but I found that I began to somewhat enjoy the simple storyline. During act 1 I had this creeping feeling that there was something underneath the simple basis of an h-game that kept me playing, but not quite visible yet. And then, act 2 happened.

After act 2 started, I noticed a change so big it felt like I was playing a game made by a completely different developer, but in the best of ways. Previously, every character in the game was clearly not given much thought involving their actual personalities or stories, as befitting them being essentially porn characters. But after act 2 started, every single one of the main characters was suddenly given actual great writing. And not just great... amazing writing. I actually... care about these literal porn characters. Aside from the writing, the game was just like it was in act 1, but just objectively better and with new additions. Words cannot describe how unfathomably good the writing is in act 2, and how good the pacing is, but that's where we get to the biggest disappointment of the entire game: act 3.

Aside from one of the cringiest action scenes I've ever seen during the act 2 finale, I had a lot of hope for act 3 and thus far after completing everything available it does not look good. Everything that made act 2 so amazing was gone. Not just the storyline and overall freedom you had but even little things like the concept of exploration are just gone. I understand that the game explicitly warns you before the finale, but I just thought it would be like the Act 1-2 transition, where the game is the same but just simply better, but unfortunately it just seems so much worse. The entire game is traded out for essentially a war strategy game (a crushingly mediocre one at that) and the genuinely amazing storytelling of act 2 was thrown out for a brand new war storyline, which comes out of nowhere right at the finale without a single ounce of buildup. It's so jarringly bad that I felt like I had to hold my jaw before it dropped to the floor wondering what happened to the storytelling of act 2. But that's not to say it's all bad in act 3. The scenes meeting some of the characters after the time skip is great, and meeting Veronica in particular was genuinely heartcrushing, but that's the only good thing I can say about act 3.


My honest letter to the developer: Act 2 was breathtakingly amazing, but act 3 was a big misstep. The transition from act 1 to 2 felt like a genuinely amazing progression of the story, but the transition from act 2 to 3 literally feels like it completely ruins the player's experience by taking away everything that made act 2 such a great game and turning it into a completely different style of game with a completely different storyline that comes literally out of nowhere. But it's not a total loss, as I can personally see one way it could continue on in a way that fixes this issue.

What I would recommend doing now is continuing act 3 but turning it into a sort of punishment to the MC for being careless and having ideas of conquest towards the town, making him realize that his past ideas of controlling the town during acts 1 and 2 have led to untold misery for the people he cares about, until he finds a way (presumably either from Gramps or Artifact) to go back in time just once to the defining moment in act 2 just before he goes into the church as he corrects his mistakes and finds ways to prevent the all-out war from starting, perhaps even at the cost of endangering himself. At some point after that, MC would gain the ability to go back to the war timeline at will (presumably through some new Nexus ability) to learn things à la Ocarina of Time to progress the story of the original timeline as he struggles to keep the war from coming, all the while the overall storyline continues. This would preserve and continue both the amazingly written act 2 and the few great moments of the war storyline in a way that makes complete sense. The war is cool, but it should absolutely NOT take center stage as some new primary plot of the game because it completely subsumes every ounce of storytelling before it, making the player's experience completely meaningless while replacing the game before it with something far worse than even the very start of the first act.


TL;DR: Act 1 is good, but act 2 is where the real game is, and it's definitely worth the wait as the basic characters turn into genuinely amazingly-written ones. Do not play act 3 as it ruins the entire game, but if you are going to play it, then I highly recommend that you create a save just before you start the finale of act 2 so you can go back to it.

Why I can't save game on android 

Looks like you're either out of storage space or whatever security features you have running on your phone are preventing it from writing to your hard drive.


I'm on my Mac and the game won't update for some reason. When I click on 'Update', all I get is a couple of seconds of 'Installing', and then the 'Launch' button appears. When I check the item installed, it still shows up as version 0.21.2. What do I do?


Yeah, from what I’ve read. changed some things in the delivery system for games through the launcher.

So you may need to uninstall the game and install it again.

Won't I lose my progress that way? How do I make sure my saves stay intact? I know it's probably easy to do, but I don't wanna make any mistakes just in case.


On computer there shouldn’t be any problems if you uninstall the game, because it will keep a copy of the saves in a separate location.

But if you want to be extra safe you can go to the folder where the game’s installed, follow the path


and make a backup of the contents of the saves folder.

If you’re using the launcher, you can get to said folder easier by clicking the gear icon, then “Manage”, followed by “Open Folder in Explorer”

your game is one of the first Ren'py based VNs, if I started programming ren'py in some way it's also thanks to youyour game is one of the first Ren'py based VNs, if I started programming ren'py in some way it's also thanks to you

Does anybody know where I can get hydrochloric acid for Dhena quest considering the shop is locked?


You need to talk to Claire in her room, she tells you about another way to get to the east side.

That should unlock the shops, but it’s not like you can do anything after getting the acid.

How do you get Claire in her room? For me she's only ever outside Emma's door.

Nevermind, as is per usual with me not 2 minutes after posting the question I figure it out myself. What did I do to deserve this curse

How did you get Claire in her cause I’m having the same trouble.


Fuck Patreon. I'm just getting that out there now, nobody is touching my babies. (I wonder if it'll be a problem that half of their generation in this town are related... Eh, nevermind, that's future me's problem.)


Well, that’s why in the sequels we might have to go somewhere else.

I can’t stop thinking about one time I played the sims as a seductive and immortal character, kept impregnating all women.

To the point that, after some generations, pretty much every citizen except me were half-siblings.

No one wanted to have kids, so it turned into a ghost town.

I wonder if you will add breastfeeding or sucking breasts later on and I don't know if there will be that kind of interaction.


Well, there’s Annie.

There’s no breastfeeding content yet, but she’s basically made for that type of content.

Doubt others would get involved. Even if characters like Jessica or Madison have larger breasts.


breast feeding as in like annie breast feeding the babies or are you talking about the kink breast feeding.

Well I like to suck my girlfriend's breasts although it calms me down she seems to get very excited and now I get excited sucking breasts however there is no such category only breastfeeding.

well there is none of that. A lot of people would need to vote for it in the kink poll and it is unlikely to get enough votes.

(2 edits)

Hello, I was wondering if anyone else is experience the same way as I am on this game. Whenever I press the start button it sends me back to my home screen, I tried again cause maybe it's just a bug but it did the same when I press start, so I redownload it and I still have the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix it? 

(I'm using android btw)

I love the fact that you just casually added in elements from the VNs/Games "Love at first tail" and "School Of Love: Clubs", I absolutely love those games. Oh to remember those confusing halls of SOL: Clubs. Also the pats are a reference to "Love at first tail"? Haven't gotten too far in yet, but I defo love it so far, especially for adding elements from those two games. It is also a coincidence that I did play those two games before playing this...

A lot of H-games (Especially Visual Novels) Reuse assets from other games, which is why you've probably seen the living room in 90% of the games you've played before

(1 edit)

Yeah, I guess so. However especially for the college, they probably deliberately not only named some of the characters after SOL: Clubs (IIRC: Emma, Veronica), but also put the badges on their uniforms are identical to that in SOL: Clubs. There was an eerie deja vu when I saw the badges and I was like... ? I've seen this somewhere before...

Although I do understand that they might've just reused the stuff from SOL: Clubs. xD. I certainly have seen multiple VNs use the same backdrops and settings as others.


Someone already covered the vague idea of it. But just to nail some points.

A lot of adult games use the same “engine” for visuals, named Koikatsu. Some I can name from the top of my head include but are not limited to:

  • Hero’s Harem Guild
  • Champion of Realms
  • Goddesses’ Whim
  • Lessons in Love

Haven’t played any of them, but I see them mentioned often. And they seem to have a relatively large following.

But yeah, there are plenty of assets that are potentially going to be reused unless the devs took their time to make their own 3d assets for clothing, environments, etc.

Also I might add that CK started development in June 2019. The version was first uploaded on the second anniversary.

Make what you will with that info.


I have actually played all of the aformentioned games, and yes, they reuse a lot of assests, sometimes to the point of madness. I will say the one best at adaptong assests in their own style is probably Goddesses' Whim, but each one in their own way makes the locations unique and feel lively which I can always appreciate

Please tell me how to open Chloe's outfit in the form of a witch?

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