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So question, what happens if you don't give Gwen affection for long? (I only reached the part where i wake up and saw gwen holding a knife. I didn't want to go further in fear she might kill me one day.)


worth it


So it's normal and won't kill me one day. Thanks.:p

I can do the lead where I uncrystallize the girl cave


how do I find the pharmacy in the war it won't let me go to shop


Keep conquering locations on the west side of town. Once Claire appears, talk to her :)

how everytime I try to go to her room she always talking to emma

I figured it out I couldn't do it because I search the church to Early so it wouldn't let me go to the shop


how do i played azfter downlord notinh comeing when i klicket


How old are you?



Beauty is a subjective thing, but I think the character models look kind of... Scary and unapologetic?


seek therapy. 


The game kicks  me out whenever I press "start" anyone knows why? I also play on Android


It's probably a storage issue. Because of the way Android works, you need about 2-3x more space free on your phone than an app takes up to run it. So make sure you have at least 5GB free.

but I do have enough storage, like 15 Of the storage

What's the latest version? Also how can save my progress whenever i need yo update my game... (I'm on Android btw)


Dont unninstal the current version on your phone and then install the newer version. it will give u  a notification of  an update


I love this game! btw is there a way to shatter all the girls? I plan on doing another playthrough with shattering, as rn I'm doing a sort of good route


I'm glad you're enjoying it! :) You can't Shatter ALL of the girls, but it's an option with over 50% of the girls you meet, especially in Act Three.

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when's the new version coming? And another question since I didn't complete the story yet, does it have pregnancy?


yes, it does my man


I'm on act 2 now, when's the pregnancy then? Coz currently, I don't see any option


you have to fully romance the girls, once you get all the red hearts foe them, you can breed them

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did you turn it on in the options?


add freddy fazbear bossfight with Ghost of tsushima combat mechanics


I completely agree with this


I been playing this game for 3 years still one of my most favorite games ever because of it's perfectly moments form funny to serious and anger in this game is suitable for the situation it's in

And also congrats you have reached the 5 year's line 

Be the way am really curious will gwen ever recover 😞 like by lynx or some spell reallyyy need an answer if you don't mind


Hey, thanks for sticking with CK so long! I hope you remain until the end - and onwards into new games and sequels! :)

As for Gwen recovering or not... no spoilers, sorry!


That's alright I will have hope 

And I'm definitely going to remain till I see the end. And also thanks for responding 🙇🙏


HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAA o my goodness this game is so fukin funny I can see that you are working with other games too or are you the same creator of HHG.... well I dont really mind its fun to read HAHAHHAHAHAHAH


He is not the same creator as HHG (unless he made a new account and decided to make life harder by making a new fanbase for no reason) but I can see where you're coming from. They are both games with such funny scenes and a great array of well fleshed out characters


I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :)

I don't work with other games - I'm a solo dev so I'm focused solely on Corrupted Kingdoms. Cross-promotions like the Maeve's Academy one are for marketing purposes only.

And I'm not the creator of HHG, but komi did actually start out on the CK Discord, which, considering the amazing quality of that game, makes me extremely happy :)


Even though i can't play this i think its a good game. And it develops at an understandable and reasonable rate. As a developer myself though i failed, its not as easy as putting out new stuff every few weeks. 

Keep up the good work , as long as people appreciate your work for what it is you win.


Thank you for the kind words, though I'm sorry you can't play the game!

it's okay ill just need to get better equipment I guess. Time to upgrade 

Guys, someone could explain me what I need to do for advance in this quest please


You should sleep on it. Maybe you'll think of something.

I know, but with the hint "Roots" I want go to Morgana
And the big doggo's stop me in the way

wait for updates.

Guys how to conquer


"They conquer who believe they can" - Virgil.

Oh, you mean in-game? Just play through Act Three and talk to Jessica :)

Anyone know how to date chief daughter I'm done on all characters but aunt and chief daughter i can't finish 


Wait for more updates for Claire. Right now the next updates might be focused on Kana questline.

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I have a very important question, one that is integral to game play. Is there now, or will there soon be a way to get pixie some ice-cream?


You can get her ice cream at the beach in Act Two :) She and Alice also have an ice cream eating competition on a certain day in the kitchen.

Apart from that, don't worry about getting Pixie ice cream... she'll get it herself! :P


I am currently in 3, and she keeps asking, breaks my heart 


the club is incredibly strong. Use it as much as you can to get a lot of money very early on. I didn't realize until way too late and the club was one of the last buildings I fixed up.

Is the hydrocloric acid in the game yet i cant find it anywhere and i cant get to the shops so where do i find it and what else do i do with the nexus


look around the ruined shopping area, if you cant, find claire first and get her to talk about the secret passageways.

What if you also can't talk to claire because she's always with emma??


how do i know if i finished the game? im currently at war phrase rn and cant go out, i dont know what to do next. anyone can help?


im stuck at nexus barrier btw.


Love the game i hope you add a lot more characters and shocking and bada## scenes love the game hope you keep updating keep up the good work


Don't worry, I'm going to keep on updating the game until it's done - and then start working on the two sequels I have drafted out!


Yup! Even have a title for the next game:

Corrupted Kingdoms 2: Kingdom Cum Harder


Cum harder🤣🤣 

It's going to be the best🤣


Just got here the day of the UPDATE DELAY AGAIN. I came from the Maeve's Academy and played to the end of this version 0.21.5 on android, and did everything I possibly could. I am so grateful to have witnessed this game and hope it gets fully fleshed out and completed. ARC you did an amazing job, thank you for this work of art. I will be one of the fans waiting patiently for its full release, take care and be well in your day to day life.

Also I prefer hero paths, but I do not mind getting my hands dirty. All these options are greatly appreciated.


Thank you for the kind words, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :) Usually updates are every two weeks, but this one's been kicking my butt due to the QoL/improvements I'm trying to get in so that's why it's taking longer. Back to normal update schedule very soon!

after playing the game....

why does gwen can't get pregnant?!!? and chloe too?


Is because of lore, they got extra powered when shattered/awakened

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cause both lore and technical reasons.
theyre in too many scenes and would require preg versions for a lot of them.
will it come eventually? yes. but certainly not soon.

I still cant get past the main menu, it keeps crashing and making the phone think its has a bug in the cache so i guess i just need to upgrade to a new phone

Try redownloading the game first, maybe your file got corrupted somehow, if that still doesn't work, yeah maybe you need a new phone, or play it on PC, it runs fine even on my potato machine

I might try for a low grade pc


Man this game is worth admission definitely donating some more. I've been able to enjoy this visual novel better than actually games. Keep it up can't wait for the next story. I'm pretty sure there's not else I can do in game. Just waiting for my Gwen and lyx with vyx imma enjoy that


Haha, well admission is free (you don't have to donate if you don't want to, only if you want to support the game), but thank you! :) I'm glad you're enjoying the game, and I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future! 

Pls help me i just started playing a few weeks back or so im on day 83 i just finished the first of the tricksters trials and got Two unlocked with my leads ending with the seed or asking me to gain trust from the organisation, morgana and chasity and i just found out that im supposed to have some nexus crystal but i have no idea how to get it and im stuck here with the level cap for the stats and have no idea what to do

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Go to you doorway and see if something is there ONLY AFTER CHASITY gives you THE SEED. Its obtained after Chasity's keyword quests.

how do you get the keyword quests

Follow story for now the church story

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it tells me to gain the trust of the organisation chasity and morgana and i have no idea what to do

i already got the seed but gramps tells me i have to progress pixies storyline before i can do anything with it and i also dont know what to do about it

In that case just do other quests but if you can't do anything  At the  manot doorway do other quests that's available. And you'll get it.

Use the quest hints and character hints


Ive been loving this game a lot, one of the best porn games ive played. One question though, is there anyway  i can mod it to make the mc be a futa character? 


I'm glad you're enjoying it! :) Unfortunately there's no way to mod the characters in the game (unless you want to manually recreate every single scene that they're in) because it's a 2D visual novel, not a 3D game, so all assets are baked into their scenes.


Can't figure out how to take any of the girls to the club? Have I done something wrong?


I'll need more information than that, I'm afraid. Why can't you take them? Did you not buy the bar and the club upgrade? Are they refusing to join you? Are you getting error messages?

for invite a girl you muts: first have high enough relationship, 2 buy the clubs outfit


I finished the game and made an account just to say this is great and I need more


Haha, well thank you! More is on its way very soon! :)


TheArcadean I just wanna say how great this game is I've done about a thousand play-throughs and I still enjoy the game a ton, (also now I'm doing a run where I'm cruel to everyone except Pixie, Kana, and Chloe, . . .

this also means ima kill Maven and her gang the moment I can.)


and ill enjoy every last second of it.

(diclaimer I am not a sphycopath if there are any FBI agents or government officials reading this)


I'm glad you're enjoying the game, and I'm impressed that you're still going after a thousand playthroughs! I hope you're taking breaks to stretch and hydrate!

Before i decide if i download this or not. I jeed to know. Can i customize my player character? Like looks, gender, etc?

no sadly not 😭

well no from me then.

Podrías traducirlo al español? Sería grandioso espero y leas este comentario y que buen juego la historia es entretenida

Contrataré traductores cuando el juego esté en versión beta :) También hay traducciones al español hechas por jugadores en Discord.

Se agradece muchas gracias 


Is good take your time. Going tto master the College in act  2. STILL have not got the ed lvl up...

What is yandere mode mean?

Gwen goes in yandere mode if you don't pass enough time with her like: peeking trough the window of you bedroom, block you before leave the manor for sniff your scent, send you messages a nice lil event while you are sleeping...


Might just be me, but i cant download the files on android, just stays at 0% then eventually just says it failed to download, not sure if its the itch servers or simply my phone

Tried downloading a different game and it worked fine, idk might just be my phone being a little bitch cuz if the file size, sucks, good game tho, played it awhile back, never got round to finish it tho

guess not, lets me download legit every other file type besides apk, god this phone just loves giving several middle fingers


Sometimes Itch servers can be weird. If you can't download the APK here, grab the one on the public SubStar post. Use the "ARC" link - it's the exact same file, and guaranteed to work :)

nah I meant like, my phone just wont download apk files rn, for some reason, the download percentages just stay at 0 before eventually cancelling themselves, still trying to figure out why exactly considering its the first time ive encountered the issue, and funny enough no helpful info online either, oddly enough if i download litterally any other file type it downloads completely normally


This game need more content like LonaRPG...


the more I play other games of this type, the more I appreciate the amount of effort, planning, polish, and quality that was put into this one.


Aww, thank you! Solo devs like myself live and die on positive reinforcement, so I really appreciate it! :)

it's not letting me download.


What error are you getting? Itch's servers are sometimes pretty wonky, so if you have issues, try grabbing the latest release from SubStar.

You're gonna add more preg girls or thats all we will have? :)?

More pregnancies are definitely coming :)

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