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How do you find Lyx during Act 3? I've already conquered all the locations

explore her cottage, and then follow the clues starting with the one you find there. 


I waited a few months and let the game get some updates. I started the game over in case anything new wouldve been added in earlier parts and i must say progression is kinda slow with the clock thing. Waiting for time to tick forward kinda kills my mood when it happens so often for 5 seconds each time but from what i remember i know that its a great game. hope there will be an option to change the time clock thing though.


Love love love this game! I'm demi and kinda not into sex but like i was bored when i first got this game and into mc and i was curious. came for the smut stayed for the plot. Hell i redownloaded it when my old computer i had it on broke and replayed it to get to the point i'm at now. that's how good i think it is. the plot the feels the romance. it's all wonderful! Hate morgana with a passion and i wanna see how flamible she is. gramps makes me intruiged and i half suspect the mc is eldritch. can't wait to play the update!

Im at the war place, but need to find lyx somewhere in town but no clue where. Im guessing right side of the map (everything right of curch) but its closed off. Any clues?

qarinahs dream in arc 2 to introduce the minotaur wont happen?

what does quirk do?


Where's the heart to see the girl's bio's,  statistics, and hints? I've been trying to search for it but it's no longer on the top bar with all the other icons.

same issue

Actually scratch that for me, I was just being stupid and didn't go to the front door of the manor to leave. Now I got the heart icon.


Help, I can't stop trembling in The Arcadeans power to  make the nexus lead small! I am now incredibly frightened!


Finally update

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Muchas gracias y adoro su juego :) 

Love the game but even with the new update it still crashes on me when I hit start. Please fix


Crashes are a result of either your device's OS and hardware not supporting Ren'py, or not enough storage space, or faulty/missing drivers. It's not something I can fix, I'm afraid, as it's an issue on your end.

Thanks so muc much for the reply 


Um anyone else really really frustrated with the new update? I am playing it back through completely again and the time it takes for time transitions is ridiculous. Especially when it starts slowing down near the end. There needs to be an option to make this instant or skip it by clicking the screen.

additionally its kind of broken. Activities seem to only take up like 1.5 hours so you can do things like the club dancing around 8 times a day, and atleast some things that previously weren't available in evenings are available all the way up to midnight. It seems instead of havinh 4 time slots a day, i now have like 15. And if I need to wait for a time slot I have to spend like a minute waiting for the new clock animation


Me too. I last played this game when it was under a gigabyte which is many years ago and I'm really confused on why the developer would even add such a thing. Spent at least 2 minutes staring at a black screen in the past 5 minutes.


Ye same, I really don't like the clock option


if you go into your settings there is an option to speed up the clock so it only takes about 10 seconds


Either 0.21.7 or 0.21.8 will have an option added to preferences to allow you to set the clock progression to a personalized speed. Also, the amount of time each activity requires will be adjusted as more data comes in.

To address your other points:

1. Club Dancing 8 times a day is no more broken than Club Dancing twice a day, since there's no penalty to passing time. It just means you click less.

2. "Night" starts at 10pm so no, nothing's available "up to midnight".

3. Night events are still Night events (Same with Morning and Afternoon). Evening didn't exist in the previous iteration - it's the new time slot.

4. There are four slots a day, not fifteen. Literally one extra, as mentioned in the changelogs.

5. Waiting for a new time slot takes less than four seconds, not even remotely close to a minute.

I get that change is uncomfortable, and that you would prefer the timer to tick faster - I'm certainly taking all that feedback on board. But outright lies and exaggerations made purely to support your emotional reaction don't help your case and only muddy the water when I'm trying to gather actual data and feedback from people.


1. Of course you could previously just spend like 10 minutes IRL spamming through skip and go 100 days in game of doing this to get all the money you needed. But doing so felt like a massive chore. It felt much more in pace with the games events when I would just do it when there wasn't an event at that time. Which resulted in doing it about once every 2 days. Sometimes more. So even though it's maximum of 2 has increased to 8, its far more than just 4x more frequent because you can do it every day. Made exponentially worse by having to wait for the clock every time,

For me personally this just wrecks the flow and just feels worse. Maybe others won't agree. Just providing my feedback.

2. I was able to do class lessons at 22, and it progressed it to 24. Maybe that's the only one thats broken or maybe it was just bugged out because it was a save from a different version and needed a full day to pass first. 

3. Not really important but im like 99% certain it was displayed as evening on time transitions and the up left corner. But referred to as "night" when looking at character cards. I wrote evening as this was what I saw in the game. 

4. A time slot used to essentially be a slot for an activity (but also a category that could enable different activities). Effectively this means that increasing it to 15 activities a day means 15 slots. I would say its 4 time partitions (or categories) now. But each of those partitions has multiple slots. (15 may not be the exact number, but its something close to that.)

5. Valid. I wasnt directly pressing the skip time button, my head was in the space of still doing some grindy task to pass time (like job or club), and since I had to do many of those, I had to go through the clock multiple times. Overall though yeah I was exaggerating even when doing it thst way. More like 20 seconds. But 20 seconds of loading when there was previously 0 is frustrating. 


In terms of "emotional" responses: how a change feels when experiencing it is really the most important part. It is well known that the "impact" of lag from input to action isnt linear. For example, If you click on a "continue" button, having a 1 second delay wouldnt really be noticed. You could experience it 100s of times with no frustration due to it. But a single instance of a 5 second delay would be noticed and frustrating. So even if you made it so you had to press this button 5 times less, but made the delay 5 times longer - it DOESNT balance out. That 5 seconds is more impactful on how it feels to use the application than 100s of 1 second delays.

Point being: how it feels doesnt directly translate to the numbers. Its almost more accurate to describe it in exaggerations, as that tells truer to how it impacts the experience than just numbers does.


Anyway, sorry to have made this into a big thing. I was just trying to get a feel for if others felt the same way, and wanted to make sure it was addressed as the game is great - but this kind of thing kills games for me. I hate waiting on waiting.

(1 edit)

Yeah. Don't start a Kunoichi mission first thing in the morning. You quite literally have to sit there for a minute and a half irl staring at a black screen and listening to the clock.


after you complete the kana questline please put an option that lets you hug her.

well you can head pat her


"Aftermath" events for Kana's questline will be coming in the next update :)




I just finished the new update and.

Im crying rn games never have heartfelt moments and the end is just so happy with kanas story.😭😭😭😭😭


I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

How can I meet with Sally? or how can I buy the "Company"?


complete the college quest line, finish everthing than go at the company and gently ask for it

does someone has a save file from before the war with everything completed? i dont have it anymor

There is a save pinned in the #game-chat channel over on the CK Discord :)

(1 edit)

what is the name of the song you used in the scene where kana and mc looks over at the town in act three


All music is credited both in-game and in the "CREDITS.txt" file in your game folder, but just to save you from having to try all of them one by one, the song in question is:

DXYLL - We Made It

Go show the artist some love!

Will do

This game is great but when will the sequel come out where I get to play as Lomeg?

Spin-off game incoming? Play as Johnny Cock, piloting Lomeg like a mech!


The update is finally here

(2 edits)



to many delays but it is worth it. . . .

maybe I just have low standards for games.😅

(1 edit) (-5)


real question: veronica and the other girls were r*pe by the beast??!!(in act 3). 

i ask because this game supposed to be without NTR, and the implications of the scene of reunion with veronica and her mom are far off of safe zone.


Note: meaby this not the case because the beast never do that before in the game. but still i will want a confirmation.

(1 edit) (-5)

holy sh*t annie and kana tooo!!! and girls are missing (hope they are not dead)?!!! W*F happen in act 3... i really hope this game dont turn out to be other NTR bait. 

(Still hoping for confirmation from the DEVs)


No "Devs" - just me, I'm afraid :)  Just to put your mind at ease: No, none of the girls were sexually assaulted. The game says they were attacked, and that's not a euphemism - they were attacked. Hence all the scars and injuries.

CK has never, and will never, feature NTR. It goes against the entire theme of the game, as well as being something that I would personally find very difficult to write for.

(1 edit)


sorry if i sounded rude, but there are some games in this platform that want to trick they audience just to put NTR content. that is why a wanted a clarification.

Note: if is not much of problem, can you tell me if the secondaries girls will  re-apear (schoolgirls, the apartament girls, etc. ) in act 3?

Thx, I was gettin'  too worried about this, and now I can sleep at ease, thx :))))

*coff coff* auntie's scene in the cell is...a singular case? XD

if you are talking about the scene with auntie's husband, that scene is optional. (you literally had to choose to get cuck/NTR). That is not equal with the problems of the messages above.

Again thank to the DEV for the aclarations.


So ive been wondering for a while (i just finished the new update) is there ever gonna be a way to reverse chloes shatter i imagine probably not but just curious

good qeustion

The question of whether you can (or should) undo what you did to Chloe and Gwen will be a major part of their storylines. I'll be kicking off their personal quests sooner rather than later, so stay tuned! :)

(1 edit)

Is there any way to get a save file from the previous version ? I lost my phone so i dont have mine anymore and i dont want to start from the beggining also it would be great if you can add a way to start from act 3 when creating a new game 


Sadly no if you're on phone there is just no ways to get back to your last checkpoint 

If you lose access to your saves there's no way to get them back, I'm afraid. Ren'py doesn't support cloud saves (and Google won't allow the use of their cloud services).

As for starting at Act Three, this has been asked and answered multiple times so I'll just re-iterate the main point here: there's a reason why no sandbox game in existence, including AAA games, allows you to do this. The sheer amount of variables involved mean that it's a Sisyphean task for any programmer, and any player would need to spend at least thirty minutes going through a series of "Did you do X, Y, or Z? How many times did you do A? If you did X, did you also do B or not?"

You can see why, as a solo dev, I won't touch that mess with a ten foot pole :P

Without spoiling anything, in act 3, is there anything like a heart card planned for the unexpected visitor on the new addition to the manor? She's really cool.


Planned? yes, most likely.
Current? Nahh dawg, wait for it.

yea dude im waiting for it to by playing other games like this


what does it mean by "visit the bar in the morning"


Go to the bar in the morning so you can increase your charisma

(1 edit) (+8)

I would assume that it means that "visit" means to "go to", "the bar" is the location, and "in the morning" is the time in which you should do the verb "visit".

But I don't know, I could be wrong. It's a really difficult puzzle, you gotta be at least a first grader to figure this out.

Does anyone know if the update is 19th/26th this month or is it just being suuuper delayed?


The 21.6 release is up on Subscribestar for members


anyone have save file after the battle or does anyone know how to win the fight that number fight

Which battle?


that after those Eldridge took over the map and they have strategy based game which number in it or girl that we have to fight on the bridge 

(1 edit)

what version are you playing at? Are you talking about the old combat system?


Could someone give me a exact date of the free version of update?I am tired of checking the website every day.


3 July

I got "Strange dreams" root on full screan for whole time I open up roots so I can't do anything 




No one can stop me from going into nsfw games and posting memes




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they have to add a way to skip to an act be I'm on act three( don care if I have to restart on act 3 but just add this function please


No "they", just me. And there's a reason why literally no sandbox RPG on earth - including AAA games - do this. The sheer number of variables that need to be accounted for are staggering and you'd spend 30 minutes just clicking on "did you do X, Y or Z" options.

Also, why do you need a skip button? Saves are all compatible and pass into new versions automatically. There's no reason to restart unless you want to, and if you want to then why are you skipping?


no i mean like to start on the act I got all the way to act 3 bc most games do it and its a hassle to get back on to a point where you where before the update iyk (if you know) what I mea


wow, it's like you didn't read anything else other than the word "No" in Arc's whole reply.


Deleted post



As Arc said making an option in the game to skip to a certain point would be too complicated because of the sheer amount of different things you can do
If what you mean though is a way to load back to where you were before, there are saves.
Just save the game before closing and load your save when opening the game again, it's not that hard.
Just don't delete the old file before opening the newly updated game, that way you insure your saves being preserved.

I get your response. In this guy's defence, i was managing my computer's memory and accidentally deleted all of my save data :(.

It would be nice not to have to restart from 0 on the next update =/


I'm sorry for your loss ;P

If you head over to the CK Discord, people there would be very happy to share their save files with you.

(1 edit)

I need some help, so I started Act 2 but I'm having a hard time moving forward, I'm confused about how to unlock Asteria, I haven't gotten any dream about the succubus since Act 1


Visit their demesne when you have access with the Nexus (you need to talk to Morgana first)

Does anybody know what to do in act three? I'm currently stuck with every territory on the west side of town, the cottage, the farm, and the forest. Any help is appreciated:)

i had this same problem, im assuming lyx has shown up in your room at night for the first time? if she has then you need to talk to emma if you have done everything else you can think of

Wheres the update? :(


Pay for it and you get it ^^ That Update is first for those who pay after a tiny bit of time we get the "Public Version"


Update is out over on SubStar for supporters ($1 or higher for access). Everyone else will get it one week later, as usual :)


I've spent about 20 minutes trying to find Lyx but I can't, anyone know where she is?

Lyx first time you find her exploring in the countryside , after that she is always in her cottage.

Any word on when the impregnation system will be expanded upon ? 

I just got into this category of Dating Sims today, but I do hope it will be soon :)

(1 edit) (+1)

been ghost following for a while, any idea when public release of new update will be, as today is the subscribestar release for paying supporters. 

Wondering if it will be the usual week apart, or altered due to delayed release?

( feels broke, unable  afford even the dollar a month plan right meow >..< )


It will be next week.

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

Where did you see that?


On discord it is said early access is out, public release is next week


Just so there's an official response on this: next week (3rd of July) :) Public release is always seven days after the early access release.

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