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by which update does the story continue?


i think theres gonna be a act 3 that will countie the story


You mean the main story? The next main story update will take CK into the third act, so I need to finish off all the side content first. No timetable on that, I'm afraid, but I'm going as fast as I possibly can, I promise :)


okey thanks 

okey thanks 

Deleted 1 year ago



Brace yourself for an onslaught of downvotes, I'm afraid ;P  Alice is a precious little bundle of happiness and people will defend her with fire and pitchforks if necessary.

Also, she's a child. I shouldn't have to say this, but there is not, never has been and never will be any form of child sexualization in CK or any past or future game I create.


Fire and pitchforks? Not intimidating enough for my tastes. I have already helped put one person in prison for dealing with children. The next time I bring out my rifle, and just to be clear, I am a VERY good shot...

I completed Emmas storyline i believe, but i didnt have the east hall unlocked in the manor at the time, so she wasnt able to come stay with me. Now that i do have it unlocked, how do i get her to come live with me? Also, how do i get her pregnant again? I can only seem to invite her a few places, and none of them end up in sex. (Side note, i absolutely love this game!)


Emma is a main girl, she stays in the west wing.

OMG 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I dont understand how I didnt notice that! 😅🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Welp, I feel dumb. Thank you for the help lol


This is the worst game ever played, I hate good quality writing, and pretty consistent update schedules, I hate lots of content I want updates once a year that fixes one spelling mistake and nothing else. (I am joking of course, great game 10/10)


Not gonna lie, after three years of weekly updates the thought of only having to update once a year made me space out for a moment and emit a blissful "Mmmm~" ;)

And thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the game! I hope you stick around and enjoy everything I have planned for CK, and all future games set in its universe :)


As eager as I am to get some payback on Morgana, I'm also curious if we'll be able to do anything with either Erica or the Dhena at any point.

Yes and yes :)


I made an account to tell you that this is the best game culture game ive ever played. Your are extremely talented and i really can't put into words how impressive your game is. There is so much CONTENT, I'm blown away by how much there is to do! The events and the side quest, the exploration (yes real exploration) the SIM aspects. The whole game is just gold. 

I don't use pateron for personal reasons but you deserve what is owed to you. I will be making a purchase as if buying a AAA title. You can count on that good sir. 


Hey, thanks so much! For both the kind words and the support - I really appreciate both :) And I'm glad you're enjoying the game! I hope you stick around until the end (and beyond!) and equally enjoy everything I have planned for the future!


Your one of the creators of games who actually communicate with the players and I just am happy that a creator cares about the community that supports them

(1 edit)

the marina tunnel upgrade and train needs some reworks, for 2k its just the train but you dont pay 3$ making the upgrade pointless by the time you get it


As strongly hinted in the game's dialogue, the purpose of the tunnel is more than just as a free way to get to and from the mountains... (cue suspenseful music!)

Coming in a future update :)

oh dang didnt expect a response , yeah was looking around after the post trying to trigger stuff and think i know where the areas going in future updates are going and cant wait , oh also hoping some of east hallway peps get a update and adds more to their plots, would love if ami  could go to college and get a little charcter arc, though i might just have not found it yet


Amazing game! One of the best visual novels/Harem simulator games I have played. Writing is brilliant compared to most games like this, so big ups to Arc for creating such a unique masterpiece. Also please eventually expand on Clair and the relationship you can/could build with her. <3


Aww, thank you! I really appreciate that :)

Good news on Claire, too - she occupies a place somewhere between side girl and main girl, which means she'll have almost as much content as, say, Jessica by the time the game is done.

wait the game isn’t fully developed yet it’s so fun to play that rarely happens now


Thanks for the reply Arc!

 'Really like what you're doing here, you got a lot of talent. Thanks for letting me in on that little spoiler about Claire too, that is good news.I will definitely be supporting you in the future.

Can you somehow change the gender of babies?


nope but you can send them to the shadow realm and try again


Because of the way the game was designed (baked-in renders as opposed to a paperdoll system) unfortunately randomised kids is impossible. All apparances, genders, personalities, etc. are baked-in. Sorry!

On the plus side, this means that all the kids are "canon" and can thus show up in future games as recognisable characters :)


Is it possible we'll get to have a female protag at some point?


sounds fun but probably not, they would have to make soooo  many more animations which would take forever just to swap the players gender  and slow down future updates , i think it would be neat but i would prefer more updates over character customizing


I'm afraid not, no. I'm a solo dev and that would literally double or even triple my workload, not to mention the game's filesize. I'd need to remake renders, dialogues, stat screens, animations... effectively I'd need to remake the entire game :P


well if you do remake the game but with a female protagonist and keep all the females the same I would play it

(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

Fantastic game, if i had some advice? more Customization on how the girls talk to you, maybe even going as far as to enslave them all, collars and such or could go the other way, make them very lovey dovey, i know that wont be easy, just a thought

Also more outfits, maybe like collared and covered in cum if they are slaves, or cutesey girly stuff if romantic...or both 

Also more shatterings would be nice

Also dont you stop til this game is done, i swear to god.


I sympathize with the last sentiment. It would be tragic for such a great game not to make it to "1.0" but I think it will reach that point and perhaps maybe even beyond.


Hey, thanks for the kind words! And have no fear, I intend to work on CK until it's finished and then immediately start work on the next game. I love what I do :)

As for your suggestions, unfortunately as a solo dev I have to be incredibly strict with my time management so a lot of things I'd love to do (more outfits, more customisable dialogue paths, more choice-based consequences) just aren't feasible. I do try to fit as much as I can in, though, and once the game is done I'll be taking two months to go over it, polishing, adding QoL changes and more events/choices/outfits/etc.

Hope you stick around to see what it's like when it's done!


Im well aware, and these are more food for thought than  things im demanding, one thing id recomend , though, is permant clothing changes, so lets say with Chloe, make her nude at all times in all dialog, unless scene specific.  I know thats a pretty big task but its somehting i believe needs to be done. That being said, you are the dev, you know whats best and what you are capable of doing, so please take everything i say with a puddle of salty liquid (lol).

Is there something I can use to catch me all the way up to current? Because I restarted my PC, and since all my files and logs were deleted, I would have to play the game from scratch. For shorter games, this is fine, but for games as long as this one, it would even take hours with an autoclicke


Nah, there's no skips ingame, only option is to grab someone else's savefile (try asking on the discord server) and changing the name.

Hopefully whomever that person is also picked similar choices to yours.





Can i ask how to increase physical stat? I cant get it from farm work anymore


You need Asteria for that. She's in the Nexus. During the passage of her storyline, you will be able to train, thereby improving your strength to the maximum. *used an online translator, sorry for the mistakes*

Help it says "app not  installed", on Android. I can't play the game.


Most likely due to a lack of memory on the device. Try to delete garbage, cache, and so on. Hope this helps. *used an online translator, sorry for the mistakes*

my memory is large enough and i have a lot of free storage, does this app support Android 12?. I think that's the problem

I'm sorry, I don't know what to do. I have android 10 and there don't seem to be any problems... I apologize. *used an online translator, sorry for the mistakes*

Are the babies that we made have random genders or are they fixed? I don't recall if that has ever been clarified, and if it is random, i seem to have no luck with the rng,  because they're always the same genders everytime.


It's fixed, some girls only have boys, some only have girls.

It's the same personality and appearance so the only reason to throw kids in the nexus is to get the girl pregnant again or just for the lulz.

(1 edit) (+4)

I actually adore this game so much, and the characters in it. Mainly Pixie, Kana, and Emma. Funny and adorable in their own ways. You are amazing arc and keep up the awesome work! 

Thanks a lot! :) I'm glad you're enjoying the game, and I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future!

Hey arc, ive been playing ck for a while now and i really love the game and its story but recently ive been having problems with my save files when i open the game it doesnt show that i have any saves but when i open the files i xan see that the saves are there can you please help me?

Btw im on android 11 and using x-plore to move files

If you're moving save files around, and you can see them yourself but the game can't, then it sounds like you've maybe put them in the wrong folder? The saves need to be in:


Maybe make sure you haven't accidentally nested the "saves" folder you're copying inside the existing "saves" folder or something like that? I know I've done something similar myself more times than I'd like to admit :P


Happy birthday Dev, you're awesome dude


Aww, thank you! You're awesome too :)


PIXIE HAS JOKES AND I LOVE IT. i'm no longer much interested in the ero stuff, i just want MORE PIXIE. 


Pixie would like me to tell you that she will trade one joke for one scoop of ice cream... sorry, what..? Oh, right... sure... yes, she would like to specify that she means a REAL scoop, not one of those half-hearted "oh it's too hard from the freezer" scoops.


Right! I love that! Also the random things like the duckies scene. Legit made me chuckle 🤣

(1 edit)

I wonder, how do you transfer saves when a new version came out? Also, massive kudos to the dev for this wonderful gem of a game, just finished the current version with the hypest mood.

Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :) No need to worry about saves - the game will automatically transfer them between versions for you. Just don't delete the game if you're on Android or you'll lose your saves permanently.

Ah, thank you kindly! Good to hear that.


Can we just appreciate that this amazing game is being made by just one dev AND its free, You don't get thanked enough singular dev.

Aww, thank you! I am singularly touched ;)


hi i really love this game. Especially the awaken or shatter choice in this game and has currently completed all of the girls and the whole story. so im just wondering until the game is complete is there a similar game to this somewhere which has similar gameplay?

I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :) As for similar games, I'm afraid I'm a little out of the loop these days (after working all day on adult VNs I don't usually feel like playing more in my free time!) but I hear very good things about "A House in the Rift", and of course the classics like Harem Hotel and Mythic Manor. "What a Legend" is also amazing, and completely hand-drawn.

I'm sure others here can recommend more, and there's a whole list pinned up in the CK Discord of other games people might be interested (plus other devs can link their own games in the #link-sharing channel) :)

Where might I find "A House in the Rift"? I tried looking it up on itch but wasn't finding it at all, unless it's not on here but somewhere else. Also CK and Harem Hotel have music that I have absolutely fallen in love with while playing them.


Happy b day dev!

Thank you! :)

I think the devs are doing act 3


Dev singular, I'm afraid, and I'm actually on break this week since it was my birthday on Wednesday :P Normal service resumes on Monday!


Service? Hmmmm do you by anychance know anything about the Holy Thighble?


Thick thighs save lives (crosses legs reverently)

In the Fey investigation, I can only confront Dhena while the rest of the staff had nothing to work with. Am I missing something or is that where it ends in the current version?


Talk to everyone once.

Then confront Erica with Emmet's evidence.

After that use Erica's on Ard.

And now Ard's on Hana.

Waiting :D


I'm seriously blown away by this game! The progression and the characters storys are phenominal! Keep up the awesome work! This game made my all time top 5 list for sure.

Hey, thanks! High praise indeed :) I'm glad you're enjoying CK, and I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future!


game mid

please tell me how to complete the task with dena where did she disappear after killing ami


Try the cave in outskirts.

does the story continue in v0.15.5a?

i’ve got to know where jessica goes on monday mornings, i can’t find her anywhere in the manor 

Have you tried calling her from the kitchen?


Do you have a kid with her?
Check her office then.


Damn how tf is Ami such a jewel, she's already cute at first impression, but after unlocking her in the manor, she's a national treasure to me now. Goddamn i really wish she gets more action in the future. 

Props to the dev, you really got a good eye for hot chicks, mad respect.  


I'm glad you like her, and I'm sure Ami will be very happy to hear it too, in a blushing-and-stammering-and-running-off-in-confusion sort of way :)

(1 edit)

Good evening, a question in version 0.15.5, can you buy the mansion Manor?

Yes, you can buy both the Manor and the Mansion :)

How do I trigger the jessica shower scene? I've only triggered it once and i had insufficient love to go through with it

I think you just have to get luck

It's a random chance, but the trigger fires every time you enter the bathroom, so just keep at it and you'll get it :)


Actually a followup question, is the trigger tied to a specific time of day?

Sunday morning (and she can't be heavily pregnant at the time) :)

(1 edit)

Thanks, again :) 


This game is awesome lewdness aside it's a really great story I have a friend who is also a fan of the game so keep up the good work we are rooting for you 😎

Aww, thanks! And tell your friend thank you, too :) It always means a lot to hear that people are playing and enjoying CK!

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok so I have played the game for quite awhile and I got to say it's such an amazing game with a good story, characters, music and more. I was also surprised with the pregnancy. Not only can you get some of them pregnant but also build a place for them(the kids) where you can visit,  talk and play.  Really wonderful job overall for the developer/s. Decided to sub in patreon to support the game.


Hey thanks, I appreciate that! (and yes, just the one dev I'm afraid) :) I'm very glad you're enjoying the game, and I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future of CK (and all subsequent games, too)!

Game crashed multiple times for me. After i pressed start it freezes and then the game will close, how do i fix this? 

Also im playing on android


I'm assuming you're running Android 11, or on an old phone? Unfortunately, Ren'py and Android sometimes don't play well together, and there's actually a Git report about this very issue ( ).  It's not something that's under my control, unfortunately.

The best I can suggest is:

1.  Restart your phone (seriously, I know it sounds dumb but it solves 90% of reported issues)

2.  Try to free up more storage space

3.  Run JOIPlay or similar app and use the PC version

Wish I could be more help, sorry!

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Is there a censored version available? A friend suggested the game to me, which piqued my interest. I became engrossed in all the characters and the plot right away. What he didn't tell me was that the game was NSFW. I don't have much to say about the game because I've only played a small portion of it.

Yes, I am aware that this website shows NSFW scenes from the game. I was unaware of this, though, as I was playing an Xbox game when my friend downloaded the game to my computer.


damn bro, doubt they'd make a censored version of a porn game but maybe you can just skip the nsfw bits, idk i haven't played it yet 

(1 edit) (+2)

Yeah, I ultimately decided to do that. You should try it because the story's fantastic.


Honestly, it's something I've been considering. There's currently only one sex scene and two sexual scenes that can't be skipped, and I can easily write a workaround for them, and I like the idea of "virgin runs" as they're called so... no censored version available right now but I might take a day next week (after my break) to make one :)

(3 edits) (+2)

You are incredible  keep up the great work.

Im stuck in finding Chloe, where is she? Can anyone help?


Chloe is in her room every morning. But to be able to talk to her you need to find the Goblin Witch and learn her name.

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