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Need help with the 'the fey' quest, I only find a clue about Mia diary but the other clue. I can't find it the fact that I try use every power I have learnt and even explore every map *I also make sure that every character is pregnant*. Anyway for ppl who already finished the fey quest 1 where you have to find the clue and told the ppl inside the house that they lied about it, pls tell me where can I found other clue.


Are you talking about Ami's diary? You find it in her room in Morgana's demesne. Then you confront Dhena with it. After that you need to confront everyone else in Morgana's demesne with evidence that contradicts their testimony (getting the right person, with the right testimony, unlocks updated testimony which is used to confront the next person and so on) :)

Oh thx for telling me, but you need evidence before talking to them right? If yes can you tell me where the evidence I only found Ami diary and then the other evidence it's just hard to find it.

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Can someone help me im in the war quest and my mission is to talk to Jessica to make plan to escape but I can't find Jessica I search in her everywhere I didn't see him can someone tell where could I find him


Her :) And you can find her in the latest version by going to the living room and summoning her.

I just attacked the first target in war then i can't attack anymore is that the final for this version?


You should be able to attack that place again to capture the boss girl. Then, you can attack the place under the manor for the second boss girls. That is as far as we can go in current version.


unlocked the War Room but i can't attack anyone unlike in the Last version, what's up with that?

I'm assuming you haven't spoken to Jessica in the garden yet? Check your leads.

yes, forgot to update it, i thought i had already done that in that safe, but thanks for the reply






Is that a question or a request? 😏

i need help i feel like some of the audio isnt working how do i fix that

Can you give me examples of specific instances where you feel the audio isn't working?

The only audio that i have is the music the rest i my audio players dont want open so im not sure what im doing wrong


i think is because the only sound in the game is the music?I don't think i never ear anything else.


caught up to the newest update in like 11 days and having so much fun so far, looking forward to more of act 3, keep up the good work!!


I'm glad you're enjoying it! I hope you like everything I have planned for the future! :)

Игра хорошая но еслибы вы добавили ещё какого-нибудь  персонажа  было бы славно


Hey I just uploaded the latest update and I noticed that the "dialogue box" has changed. But I'm getting this bug where the text isn't centered but begins from the center and goes all the way to the right side of the screen. I tried to restart the game and load different saves (even starting from the beginning doesn't help) but nothing changes.

On a sidenote, I also wanted to thank you and congratulate you for this game that is so awesome !

Hey, thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :)

The dialogue being pushed to the right isn't a bug - it's to make room for the new paperdoll system, which is working in Act Three, and I will retroactively be working into Act One and Two over the course of the year. Sorry for the confusion!

Whereas it totally makes sense in Act Three, if you use this version of the game to play Acts One and Two or to watch H-Scenes, this dialogue box overlays exit buttons for exemple (you can click on them but they are hidden by the dialogue), and the text not being centered feels a bit weird in those previous scenes.

I find myself playing the game with older versions if I want to watch H-Scenes or just replay Acts One and Two... Maybe there's a way to activate the new UI only when Act 3 begins ?


The exit overlays in the demesnes should all be fixed for this week's update, and as mentioned above I'll be pushing the paperdoll system into acts One and Two over time. So hopefully that will solve the weirdness :)

(1 edit)

I'm having a moment that I can't tell if it's a bug or if i'm getting abysmal RNG day 70+ and I still haven't managed to meet the Aunt (Jessica?)

EDIT: Started a new save and its fine now

Is there any specific way to update on Android?


Nvm i got it, i love ur game btw:)

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it, and that you managed to get the update working! :)

Good sir, please tell me how you did it, I've been trying to update for millennia

I'm doing the Lyx magic event to practice Hidden Voices. I'm at the point where I need to use the power 5 times to advance. I used it on Veronica and Madison at the college. I then attempted to use it on the Quiet Girl in the library, but it showed Madison's thoughts again.


The Hidden Voices ability is a huge pain in my backside :P  Sorry about that! The whole system is on my "do a thorough run-through and patch fix" list...

hm im not entirely sure why if its intended or not or if i messed some settings up but im missing the heart cards and all the stuff at the top of the screen

Click on the arrow icon on the top-left of the screen ;)

huh there isn't a arrow tho?

How can i unlock the nexus door i have the key but idk how to do it inside the nexus

Click on "use a key" in the bottom-left and then type the key in :)

Hello, thank you for your hard work and the weekly updates. 

I read the quick menu bug fix but unfortunatly it is still there. 

Here is a screen shot for confirmation

(2 edits)

As you can see, there is no skip, back, save... Etc buttons

For ne i enable it and its there but when i press back it again disables itself

Well, that's annoying :P The problem is that it seems to be totally random - some people get it, some don't, which makes it near impossible to pin down...

Someone on the server said that it's an issue on old saves, but if you save in 0.17.8 or higher, and then reload, it will work perfectly from that point on. Does that work for you?

Did a fresh install with a brand new save and I'm also not seeing any skip, back, save, etc...

Unfortunatly not, i cleaned all saves on my phone, deleted the previous version, redownloaded 0.17.9, started fresh game, still no quick menu. This has to be super annoying to try to fix lol. I wish you the best of luck

Jessica: You can now call Jessica to the LIVING ROOM any time you like! No more hunting around the Manor for her! Man, she was good at hide and seek!

Yep and i cant stop laughing when my playthrough at 17.6  when read patch notes where and how to find jessica. In the mean time i keep making babies then yoink them into nexus over and over again (i'm sorry my child daddy just stressed out can't find aunt jessica)


Greetings I just wanted to say love the game so far really kept me busy during the day of boredom however I do have one question will Gwen and Chloe ever get a pregnancy just curious to know other than that great game and can't wait to see what's next so keep up the good work.

Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :)

Yes, Chloe and Gwen will be able to get pregnant in Act Three. I couldn't do it earlier because they're in too many different characters' events and making if/else statements and variation renders for each eventuality would have been impossible :P


Found a typo!


Already fixed for this week's update - thanks! :)


best game I've ever played on here (and still am playing). lily is my favorite character lol I hope to see more of her does anyone agree?


Lily was my fav as well, but after the mansion i Linda forgot about her cuz she doesnt live in there.


Aww, thank you! I appreciate it :) And I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

I have fun with Lily's scenes, so expect to see a lot more of her in upcoming updates! Right now, though, I'm focused on trying to get everyone from Act Two into Act Three as quickly as possible :P

yeah, no rush... appreciate your work!


Very surprised at how much content is in this game for free. Been enjoying it quite a lot. I usually don't like hypnosis/mind control at all, but the way it's implemented here leaves the characters' original personality alone and still requires you/MC to interact with them in order to advance (not counting one-off encounters). Overall, very good and I'm looking forward to trying out the next update. I've been playing v0.17.4 cause that's what I downloaded months ago and only decided to actually play it recently. I saw another comment about a new public update going out on Thursday so I'll wait for that.

I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :) And I hope you continue to enjoy all the new systems and everything I have planned for the future of CK (and its sequels).

New updates are released weekly, and this week's will be out in a couple of hours at the most.


Cool game dude. I'm gonna send you some money just in case of your determination and morale to keep doing such a work by yourself once I get my money paid. Good luck

Hey, thanks so much! For the kind words and the support, both - I really appreciate it :)

Tonight I was just about sending you 6$, card denied :(

how make girls character pregnant?i dont know

(1 edit) (+1)

Get the girls pregnant, or have them show up as pregnant? There is a setting that enables pregnancy, but if youre wondering how to get them pregnant, then you need to progress trough the story, eventually youll have a chat with certain green looking girl that will explain about pregnancy and the risks involving kids

finally got to act 3, so now it's time to wait for it to be finished :)


Haha, well "finished" might take another year or so... :P


Still, this is one hella good game, and i honestly never expected for it to go this deep. 1000/10 damn, its good


That short? Damn would've expected maybe 1.5 years to about 3 to finish.  Making more excited


will we get more content of the generals after we recruit them that isnt in the dungeon?


Each Boss Girl will likely only get one event (there are over 40 districts in the first map alone, and I am but one dev!) but if any favourites pop up over the course of the next year I'm sure I'll add more for those :)

Hey! I'm likely missing something, but I can't figure out how to change the girl's outfits once you get to act two. I can change them in the cards, but that does not carry through anywhere else, and the dialogue option for Lilly and pixie aren't showing up anymore. Any ideas?


In Act Two you can only change the outfits during naughty scenes, sorry! I'll be slowly backfilling the Act Three paperdoll system into Act Two over the next few months so that outfit changes are properly reflected.

Thank you!

Are the fifth hearts actually possible to unlock?

The fifth hearts are the "Devotion" hearts and will be unlockable via a special event in Act Three in a later update :)

do you have a rough timeframe for the next update?

I release updates every week :)  The only exceptions being when I take one week off every two or three months to avoid burnout, or when a new system is taking longer than expected (which has only happened once in over three years).

А когда будет  русский язык

Hi, I have a question. This there a limit for how many children you can have? I'm far into the game now and now none of the girls can get pregnant.

There's no limit, but you can't have more than one in the world at any given time (if you want a new kid with a girl then you need to put the previous kid in the Nexus).

Girls need to be love level 4 before you can impregnate them, and you must have unlocked the Nexus first (it happens early on - just follow the Fey lead).

Hope that helps! :)

That clears a some stuff, but can't have any kids with any girls. Only the ones that I just got to level 4 with. They all say they're already pregnant. Just did Luna's and Astria's story and they got pregnant the first time. but now it keeps saying they're pregnant. I'll be honest, i've been pumping out kids lmao.

You can only have one kid for each girl that can get pregnant and any given time

(1 edit)

Ahh... Was misreading what you guys were saying. I leveled multiple girls to 4 in a short time and was trying to get them all pregnant at once. lol oops anyway loving the game and can't wait for the story to progress. 




Hey man just wanted to say that I absolutely love this game. Been playing for 3 hours now and everything seems perfect so far, I'm looking for coming updates and more gems like this one in the future.


Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! I release updates weekly, so I hope you stick around and have fun with everything I have planned for the future! :)


Love it 

But in all honesty the previous UI was smother and less cluttered


Glad you're enjoying it, and sorry you're not a fan of the new UI! It's making my life way easier though ;P

Make it more cluttered, good luck seeiing through every single screen possible to see being available at a moments notice through one quick button (sure you cant see it due to the whole, buttons covering everything, but it sure is playing right now)

How many districts are now available to conquer   


In the early access 0.17.9 there's two, and in the public 0.17.8 there's one. I'm adding new districts slowly for the first update or two to make sure that the system can grow without hitting errors or roadblocks. Expect the number to start jumping up in future updates :)

Here's hoping there are no more issues that break your code :P

with the new general system will their be a choice after you recruit them to have non dungeon sex? Not much of a fan of dungeon stuff personally

They're enemy combatants so they're not going to join you without forcible conversion (except for some cases). If you want to skip the dungeon content, though, using Shatter in combat allows you to instantly recruit them after the battle - provided it works :)

Hey, Arc, a buddy of mine has recently been dabbling in things like python, renpy, and rpg maker. They have been trying to disect how you did some of the fancy stuff like the moving text, rainbow text, etc. Any tips you can offer that I can throw their way?

I'm not smart enough to create something like that on my own, sadly! The special text effects are called "Kinetic Text" and they were coded by one Daniel Westfall. I credited and linked to him in the game credits, but just to make things easy, here's the git repo for the script:

Good luck to your friend with whatever they're working on! :)

Thanks dude, they been working on and off on various random things that stick in their brain lol. Unsure just how much they got going so far, but they been making good progress afaik.

better than I did when I tried doing some rpg maker and coding things XD I struggle to learn though.

Is that the quiet girl at school can't do anything to she?

Both Quiet Girl and Sword Girl will reappear in Act Three (if you maxed out your college Authority) and their mysteries will be solved then. It's not in the game right now, though, sorry :)

(2 edits)

I was playing this game  on Android during the last update so when I caught up to the content I decided to delete the app while waiting for the next update and I decided to copy the files but when the new update came out I lost my old files is there a way to quickly catch up to we're I was before with the same choices and things unlocked.

It depends on how long you had the game deleted but I've run into an issue where I lost the data I had then I deleted and re-downloaded the game and had my saves so try deleting then re-download

(1 edit)

Thanks for the suggestion but it didn't work

damn sorry!

Unfortunately, no, sorry! If you deleted the game and lost your save files then the only things to do are either to replay through everything again or head to the Discord server and ask if someone can pass you one of their saves (people are always happy to do so).

I still don't understand how to play this battle

Have you spoken to Jessica in the garden and done the tutorial?

(1 edit)

Here is what I find on the latest update : 

1. The dialog box feels taking too much space of my screen. Not sure how to fix it tho.

2. Skip button cannot be used for previous save. Like the game think I never played the chapter.

3. Add a menu in fighter list to properly see all skill the character have as frontline.

4. Add a picture box (maybe on the right side of the screen) for character picture. The pixelated character might be a bit hard to see who is who when there are many character later.

5. The quick menu sometimes disappear when I use the arrow to bring up the UI and bring it back down.

6. The new box UI looks good but need consistency of where it will appear.

7. Tell the new player how to find Jessica to start the battle. I'm confused how to start it at first.


I'll just quickly go through your points in order:

1.  The dialogue box won't be changing; it's needed at that size and positioning for the paperdolls and amount of text some characters have

2.  I'll look into this, but I didn't change any of the quick menu code other than the positioning so there's no reason it should be glitching out. Odd!

3.  This is part of the "wonky UI" mentioned in the changelog and will be fixed up over the next few updates

4.  Any picture shrunk to that size would be difficult to see regardless of pixelated or not. It would also severely clash, thematically, with the rest of the pixelated theme. If you're having trouble just sort by name and they'll be listed alphabetically.

5.  It's supposed to disappear when the top nav bar is hidden, but you're saying it stays hidden even when you bring the nav bar back down again? A couple other people have said something similar, so there's definitely a weirdness happening there that I'll look into this week.

6.  I have no idea what this means, sorry.

7.  I assume you mean the "strategise with Jessica" lead (as the "Learn how to Fight" lead clearly informs players to go to the garden.) - I can't make that any clearer, unfortunately, as she moves around daily. However, the ability to call Jessica to the living room any time will be in the next update (out tomorrow).

Hope that covers everything! :)

4. I can understand about the pixelated and I LOVE the pixel battle. What I meant is to just put something like character card that will show the character picture. This thing will be on the right of the character menu, not in the fighter list. This is just suggestion tho.

6. Im sorry. The choice scene UI is not centered like previous version. Just need some time get used to this.

Deleted 84 days ago

If you're finding Jessica by the pool then you're still in Act Two :) You need to be in Act Three to see any of these changes.


Can't open the zip on Android

Follow these steps:

How come the android downloads a zip file instead of apk?


It's something Butler (the Itch uploader) does randomly and nobody can figure out why.

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