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Absolutely loving this game just did all the content (I think lol ) just one question though is there any way to go back to act two after reaching act three or do I just have to go back to an older save?

I'm glad you're enjoying it! :)

There's no way to return to Act Two once you're in Act Three - you can't go from Act Two to Act One, either - so yes, if you want to go back to Act Two content I'm afraid you'll have to use an older save. 

i lost my progress because i had to get a new computr


I'm sorry to hear that! If you don't feel like playing through the whole game again, stop by the CK Discord - there's a save game for the start of Act Three there, and people will be happy to share their own saves if you want something at a different point :)

found the save thanks


Sooo 3 things

One how to shatter bosses? I tried everything with no avail

2  when will we use the dungeons again? 


That's two things ;)

1.  You can Shatter Boss Girls by reducing their HP and WP to their lowest point and then winning the Clash (It's a finishing move, basically).

2.  No ETA on the dungeon returning - the whole thing needs a rework so that it isn't A) endlessly repeating poses, and B) doesn't pile so much work on me that the game takes another five years to complete :P

Yeah, i wonder how long would it take you if you mad each of them there own scen lol

There is a bug in my game in act 3 When I want to talk to a girl does not appear on the screen I only get the dialogue how I can fix that

You're going to have to be way more specific than that. What girl? Where? What dialogue?

2 questions? 

when will we see gwen and the rest back in action? will it be in chapter 3 or later?

Will the current bosses join the mansion? it seems they feel so lonely without the MC ^^.

1. No spoilers about Gwen's recovery, sorry! As for the others, certain allies will be able to teach you skills or even briefly jump into fights to help you out. You'll probably start seeing that in 0.20.1 :)

2. No, the Boss Girls have to stay in their own home areas to keep them safe while you're wandering around! Also, I don't want to have to double the number of renders and animations I have to make for each of them ;P


I know we can't have spoilers on her recovery, but can we have an option to give her a kiss and/or hug?
She's earned some wholesome affection.

and I need to sooth my guilt. 

She was my least favorite during act 2 cause of her clinginess, and now I just feel like such an asshole whenever I see her.


I think I can add a little cuddle in there, sure :)

Will using a save in 0.19.8 be broken if used in 0.19.9 or 0.20.0?

you could transfer 0.19.18 to newer versions. i dont have any problems with it until now


No, forwards compatibility has always been my number-one priority when building updates (I don't want to ever have to force people to start again). So you can take a break of months, or even years, and your saves will still work with the latest version :)

(1 edit)

Who can send me save on android,  where i can start playing the 2 chapter, i have just lost my save, please. The game is incredible 

I can't give you any of my saves, sadly, as they're riddled with devcode... but if you head to the CK Discord server you'll find lots of people willing to share their saves with you :)

Is the change of the war map going to be permanent, or is it temporary while you rework the districts?

I was really disappointed by the change. Though the function is basically the same, the old presentation made if feel way cooler. It gave a better understanding of the city's layout, and felt more strategic somehow.


The current War Map layout is temporary - I don't like the little connecting lines thing that's currently there, but I didn't have time to do a proper UI design when I was rebuilding the combat system :P


Gotcha, Glad to hear it! I really like the new direction with the combat system. With some more abilities and upgrade options, I think it will have the potential to be challenging and fun, while suiting the style of the game much better than the old combat. Well done, man.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :)

Ways to upgrade your dice will be coming in the next update, and new upgrades and buffs in updates to come!


After so man attempts, I finally beat Ophelia (that was sheer luck)


Congratulations! :)

Now please don't make me fight her again, PLEASE


It's easier than playing elden ring tough


I would never do that to y- oh noooooo, my finger slipped and I erased a whole bunch of code. Clumsy me. Guess everyone has to start again!

(2 edits)

Can anyone help?

Might be some SPOILERS:

The scene with Lily in the bar, after you buy it, where she goes nuts on the dudes with the thing...It won't trigger. This is stopping the game progression as I'm unable to upgrade the bar "Club stuff", missing out on the "Date" with the one girl to move the Organization story further AND stopping the Trickster stuff as well.

Before you ask, I have progressed everything else that doesn't need the club and am at a standstill. I don't think it's a "Do this and it should unlock" situation. Game says wait a week, but it's been many game weeks. This is blocking the School progress as well with the "Big 3"

Any help would be great, thanks!

Commented below, but it really sounds like you haven't bought the bar from Jessica. Not owning the bar would block both the brawl event and the club upgrade purchase.

Alright, how do i unlock the "Shatter" power up instead of Endure?


Shatter is a finisher move.

To use it you need to lower the enemy’s HP (green bar) and WP (pink bar).

It’s kinda difficult to pull off, for only a dialogue difference.

When I want to upgrade to the next version it says I don't have the game installed even though I clearly have. What should I do?

I've never heard of that error before. What OS are you running? Are you updating via the Itch Launcher or are you downloading the full update file from the links above?

I use the one for Android, and I tried both links from and your patreon but both failed. I can only upgrade the game when I delete the old version and then download the new version, luckily my save file is still there so I don't have to start from the beginning. 


Sounds like you don't have enough storage space. Android can require up to five times as much space as the app takes up to install it, so you usually need at least 10GB+ free storage on your device to install CK :P

oh ok I know how to do it now. Thanks 👍

Does this game have future acts planned? Or does it end at three?

Act Three will be the denouement, but there will be an Epilogue afterwards where you will be able to wander around, see the results of the decisions you've made, hang out with the characters, and so on.

I also have extremely rough drafts for CK2 and CK3 plotted out, too :)


(2 edits)

It's not letting me have baby puppies!


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script/pregnancy.rpy", line 538, in <module>

TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script/lily.rpyc", line 1351, in script call

  File "script/lily.rpyc", line 1351, in script call

  File "script/lily.rpyc", line 1351, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]

  File "script/time.rpyc", line 368, in script call

  File "script/lily2.rpyc", line 1222, in script call

  File "script/lily2.rpyc", line 1222, in script call

  File "script/lily2.rpyc", line 1222, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]

  File "script/manor_garden.rpyc", line 465, in script call

  File "script/myroom.rpyc", line 158, in script call

  File "script/time.rpyc", line 351, in script call

  File "script/kana2.rpyc", line 585, in script call

  File "script/pregnancy.rpyc", line 538, in script  

    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/script/pregnancy.rpy", line 538, in <module>

TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


Corrupted Kingdoms 0.19.9

Mon Sep 11 18:30:18 2023


It's a weird little glitch that has been fixed for the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience!

No worries, thanks for the quick reply. Is the Lily event that unlocks the ability to upgrade the bar glitched too? 


"The Brawl scene" I'm unable to progress further, as the event isn't triggering. It says wait a week and speak with her in the afternoon. It's been 3 weeks. I also am unable to go further with the club stuff as well.

None of that is glitched, and a player actually did a full run-through of the game a week or two ago with none of the issues you're describing. So I'm not sure exactly what's going wrong for you...

I just checked the code and it seems to be functioning fine. Are you talking to Lily specifically in the afternoon? If it specifies afternoon then the evening won't work. You also have to own the bar (purchased from Jessica in her office).

Yes, thank you. I re-downloaded the game and did a "Skip all the talking" run through until I got to the same part of the game. Maybe just a bad download file or something. All better now.

I can't find a way to see one of the districts and it's not Ophelia's, is there a way or is it not in the game yet?

There are two locations that you may not have on your map if you didn't unlock them during Act Two - Mansion and Apartments. They will be available to everyone, regardless of if you unlocked them in Act Two or not, from the next update onwards :)

getting an error that wont let me load a save from another device when i click yes on the do I trust this save message it just brings me back to the load screen

You may be trying to reload a save that was in the middle of dialogue, or in an area that I had to tweak the coding for. Ren'py sometimes glitches out when things aren't exactly the way they were when a save was made.

Try loading one of your autosaves (click on the "A" to the left of the page numbers on the load screen), and see if that works. Autosaves are created every time you sleep, so you shouldn't have lost much progress.

How can i rate the game? :D

There should be an option at the top-right of the screen on a floating menu, just under "add to collection" :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Your game deserve more than five stars  

Are you planning to leave the game only in English, or will there be any translations?


The game will be officially translated (there are numerous unofficial translations already) once it nears the end of the beta period :)

At the moment, with my relatively rapid release schedule, and habit of going back over old content to improve upon it, commissioning and maintaining any translation would be close to impossible.

How tf do I progress in Act 3, I can't access the Nexus and it's telling me to talk to Lyx or Gramps which I can't and It wont let me talk to Lily and ive done all of the missions on the war map except the Church, Train Station, Company and Bar because it won't let me take the church.

That’s it, the rest hasn’t been added yet.

That makes so much more sense Mr. Chris - (Bearly Helpful) don't really know why your name says "Bearly" instead of "Barely" but cool.

That’s because it’s a pun.

Hola a todos quisiera saber como sulucionar un error que tengo al entrar al juego espero 10s a 15s me bota y cuando presiono play se sale automáticamente quisiera saber porque eso y si hay solución.

I know this might sound weird but can you have like sex with gwen on her wheelchair. I know it's kinda bit fucked up that you have sex with a disabled person, but it's kinda hot when you think about it right?

It's definetly weird, but just my thoughts ever since I saw her at like the living room in chapter 3 lol.

firstly.. bruh wtf,

secondly.. i dont think any new big chars will be added in the near future, as a new char was added only recently

How do I finish this stage? 


You need to progress the main story leads to continue with Jessica.

If for some reason you don’t have leads, check if you missed one of the following steps.

  • Checked the manor’s garden
  • Visited Gramps
  • Did the 4 levels of training
  • Found pigeon
  • Talked to Gramps till he gives leads

How to fix this? Using joiplay on android

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

Exception: Could not load from archive script/a3_ami.rpyc.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 277, in bootstrap

  File "renpy/", line 492, in main

  File "renpy/", line 297, in load_script

  File "renpy/", line 720, in load_appropriate_file

Exception: Could not load from archive script/a3_ami.rpyc.

Feels like it might be a corrupted download? Or else you're using a non-windows version in JoiPlay.

Try downloading the CK v0.19.9 - for Win/Linux version again and see if the issue is corrected. Failing that, see if attempting to load a different save file works (I recommend the autosaves - tap "A" on the load screen, to the left of the page numbers - as they occur every time you sleep and are always "safe".)

(1 edit)

the game doesn't even open. when I click it on joiplay, it starts to load then closes. I tried to play the same file on PC and it works but it doesn't work when I transfer it to my phone. "EDIT" It works now! I just needed to update joiplay and the other stuff.


Too easy. Beat Ophelia on the first try! Booya!!

Lady luck works in mysterious ways.

Sometimes she’s a bitch.

Either way. There’s levels to the challenge.

  • Level 1 > HP win (Attacking can land critical hits)
  • Level 2 > WP win (Seduction doesn’t get critical hits)
  • Level 3 > Shatter (Good fucking luck, since you need to lower HP and WP to use the finisher)

Yeah, I saw that too late lol. Oh well

Congratulations! :)

Como gano mayor autoridad para dar clases? O para acercarme a Verónica? Por favor ayuda


Igual estoy asumiendo, pero si tienes a Veronica con 4 corazones, llegaste al final de su contenido por ahora.

Y no puedes subir autoridad sin tener a Veronica en 4 corazones porque tienes que ser dueño del lugar para dar clases.

odd question, how do I upgrade the dice without using the five scouts


You can’t.

At least not yet, next update probably.

Yup, next update will give many more options for buffing your rolls, and upgrading (temporarily and permanently) your dice :)

How to unlock SHATTER?


In combat?

It’s a finisher attack, you haven’t met the condition to use it.

As for what’s the condition?

  • Lower the enemy’s HP (green bar) and WP (pink bar) to the last segment.

Sadly for me update 0.19.9 simply will not launch. The game crashes every time before getting to the start screen. Previous version still works fine.

What device and OS are you running? If you copy-paste the traceback.txt file (found in your game folder) here it might help track down the exact cause of the crash.

I am on a PC, windows 10.

My game folder does not seem to have a traceback.txt file. There is a log.txt.

Bro, the update did not help me, but rather made it worse. When I press the start button, it takes me out of the game directly (I am talking about the Android system)🥲

You may need to restart your device, and/or free up extra storage space. Android and Ren'py often don't get along well together, sadly... :P

Does anyone have a save file around when the districts are introduced with the new mechanics? I lost mine. Would be greatly appreciated.


I can't give you any of mine, unfortunately, as they're riddled with devcode... but if you pop into the CK Discord there's a save file pinned in the #game-chat channel, and people will be happy to share their own if the pinned one isn't quite where you'd like it to be :)


I just finished 19.9 and if there is anything I could complain is only the lack of a "Debuff" ability we could use like the Opponents have and that is a really niche complaint, otherwise, I really liked this new combat system!


I'm glad you liked it! :) Debuff options will be coming in future updates, but they're more complex than buffs due to required UI changes/additions so they'll be slightly slower.

Many more buffs, skills, abilities and ways to upgrade your dice (both temporarily and permanently) coming in the next update, too!


I use android and and I can't not download you games And I have been following you for a year now you games Is the best for some reason I change my phone and buy New one after I see you updated you games I decided download again but is didn't not loading or can't not download when I take My phone to fix they say is okay but I feel like android Verizon no longer can't download for some reason but please 🙏 fixing I want play you games again is the best games and my first 🥇🏆 sex games I ever played in my life please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 fix or do something 

This isn't a problem with the game, I'm afraid - I've checked all the download links and they're working correctly. The build was also stress-tested by multiple people over the weekend on every OS.

With that in mind, the problem could be:

1.  Your internet is unstable and keeps cutting out, interrupting the download. Try to use an ethernet connection if possible.

2.  If you can download but not install then it's probably because you don't have enough storage space on your device. You will need at least 6GB to safely install (Android always requires 4-5 times as much storage space available as the app needs in order to install it)

Okay 👌 


What are you supposed to do with the quiet girl in the college? I have max authority but i can't figure out what to do for her

Nothing for now - she will reappear again in Act Three :)


Dungeon gone, Northern Lights gone, its time to start a new game and stay in act two for all eternity :(

I'm still having trouble understanding the combat mechanics, can anyone share tips


Did you do the combat tutorial? You can find it in the Garden or the War Room.

I do, but I'm still having trouble understanding it


So here are the mechanics, it's a Dice battle

You and your opponent have 3 dices, you can put them in 4 categories of acts you can do: Attack, Seduce, Defense, and Magic.

Attack: Physical damage, takes a notch of their health bar.

Seduce: Lust attack, takea a notch of their mental (I suppose?) bar.

Defense: Your defense, if the die is higher than your opponent attack/seduce  then you get no damage.

Magic: So far you can either use Endure (increases the die in your defense by 2, so if you put a dice with value of 1 then it comes out as 3) or Shattering which I will never use out of principle (I am still sorry Chloe) so I am uncertain of what it can do but I believe it recruits them and forces their loyalty.

Your enemies spells tend to revolve with Debuffs against you

Lastly if your dice is double of theirs (4 vs 2 for instance) then you do double damage/lust damage but the same goes the opponent too.


Even without the NSFW things in it the game is still one of my favourite games

Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying CK :)


Ngl ESPECIALLY without the NSFW is what made me like the game, the naughty scenes are just a bonus.


Arc i have a very Important Subject right now,i was haging out in the Nothern Light Talking with the goons and Realized that one of them has a Little brother,please allow us to Reunite the brothers!!.


You fool! With their powers combined they would be unstoppable! For the good of the world, we must keep them apart!


Its Exactly what we need to defeat the eldritch!

Only shatter that can help avoid it


I have to be honest, I'm very disappointed with the latest update v19.9. I feel like I went backwards.


But it didn't even release yet lol


Apparently you are looking in the wrong place then. Says right on the opening screen v19.9.


19.9 is currently Patreon/Subscribestar supporter only. The free players don't have it yet, and are still on 19.8.


I am a subscriber it's 19.9


It hasn’t released yet.

Unless you’re a supporter, you downloaded it from a pirate website.

I am a subscriber, it's 19.9.


I have an android. I just downloaded the latest version. When I click on the war map it shows me the regular travel map.


Honestly this game is amazing and it ain't even finished yet! Cant wait to see how fun it will be when its complete and I am so surprised that this was only made by 1 person :D

Hey, thanks a lot! I really appreciate it :) I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future!

Im sure I will! :D

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