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i like this game it has good characters and a great story<3

Hello again! How can I transfer saves from my old phone to the new? (Maybe you writed answer somewhere, but I couldn't find it :(  ) 

You need to get an app that allows you access to files or use the one built in your phone, but I suggest Zarchiver, download the game onto your new phone and and save alteast once so you can gain the ability to see the saves on whatever your using to access your files, then on your old phone, you need an SD card for this, copy the save onto your SD card then tranfer the sd card to your new phone and then transfer the file to the save files on your new phoneand replacethe file with the save of the same name of the file you want to transfer, im sorry if the way i explained how is confusing, this is the best way i can explain how without making this comment too long, and as for your old phone, to not end up losong your file just in case you mess up on something, copy and paste the save onto your SD, is you move it to the, any mistakes can lead to you losing your progress, other wise there is nothing else you have to do except finding the save files to copy it, there is no need to tamper with any of the file just click and open folders to find the save  and as for your new phone just like the old phone they should be in the same named folder where the saves were and when you find it on your new phone, just paste and replace, and make sure it has the same name or else the game wont recognise the file as a save and because you have no progress on the new phone, you can make mistakes so dont be afraid, but like before there isnt much taampering needed othere that replacing files, I'm hoping this was helpful, and I hope your able to do what you asked have a happy day ☺️

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You can move it with Bluetooth by compressing the folder into a zip, SD card, or with a usb in pc/laptop.

The game crashes like all the time and my phone is good enough for this idk what to do

I've made the medicine through lyx, the quest says bring to kana, I go visit kana and I can still only do the 3 options of sitting, stroking her head, or grabbing her hand. How do I give the medicine to her? I don't see it in my items. I'm on newest android version if that helps

(1 edit) (+1)

How do you get Hidden Voices to work on the Lamia in the mountains?

I get the generic the voice is muffled response on every line she says.

It is apparently currently bugged out and has not been fixed yet.


The new clock is really annoying. Adding smaller time increments so you can do more stuff is neat, but please make the time elapse instant!


IS there a way for gwen not to break her back and lose the ability to walk?

So how do I find Kana in act 3?? I have Lyx at the Manor. I've met Maven and the minions. But I don't know how to progress from here. Appreciate any help!


I stuck on the part where pixie says there is a lady who is around the flat in the morning. I have been trying to get it to work but its not working, Any ideas

Is Chloe freeable from shatter? The outbreaks and such make it seem like maybe it's an option, but there's no apparent method to do it. I know she's decidedly hostile towards the protagonist and, like, almost literally every other main character, but hey, keeping her against her will in the purpose-built dungeon seems better (at least to me) than keeping her as a very unwilling sex slave. Or I haven't progressed the storyline far enough. I've been focusing on developing relationships, so that's a very real possibility.


not yet, if ever.


I don't like the idea of blinking and talking characters (i mean the animation of talking and this beep-beep sound but its good you can turn off the sound) in this game and this new clock is a pain in the ass because now you have to wait for the countdown animation to end and apart from that I love this game and I'm waiting for the next update


I would like to add on this one; not a fan of the sound effect on the dialog either. Sadly, turning the in-game volume down is not working with me (Mac version). Side question: when will we be able to cure Veronica?

Edit: ignore my 'bug report'; it's not the sound volume but the voice volume I had to turn down. Sorry,


Hey, made this account solely for the intention of commenting on this game. I've been around since CC's third birthday. I gotta say, I never expected a game with a gratuitous amount of T&A to get me so invested into it's story compared to AAA games with full teams working on them. And the guy that's making this game is a one man team? Like, fuuuuuuck...

If I wasn't a broke boy only looking for free games, I'd be supporting Arcadean all the way. But I can't so... one of you guys do it for me instead. Love your work man! Take your time cooking, because this is like the slow cooked brisket of H-games.


I Wouldn’t recommend this game at  all

This for pc version I don't know about Android  version

1. Bare any story. From what I seek 

2. Hard to progress the storyline

3. If you on subscription star I try to message the creator about they didn't respond to me 

Don't know if a bug in game but nothing progressed in story as much as and it bored me into anger I was 2 hour see if change nothing 

I mostly pissed I pay for it and suck so that all 

I’m done 


progress isn't hard at all, at the top of the screen there is an envelope icon with hints about the main tasks and there is also a heart icon in which you have girls, their summary and hints 


"Bare any story"? Did you even make it to the middle of Act 2 man, the creator is also a nice person and very helpful in helping but he doesn't always have time, and you can ask other players on Discord or here. Finally, are you a hater or a troll because I have never seen a complaint like yours before even in a game quite famous for its genre like this?


This is definitely a troll/hate post. Notice how it doesn't go into any actual details about the game or mention any specifics. This is that kind of copy/paste post someone throws together just to bash. Not worth even reading.

You paid for it before playing if? Sure thing.

The game on Android just straight up crashes after u open it 


I know this is a newb question, but how to I get the update to work. I unzip the compressed file but there is no option to open the game?


enter the file then there should be a file inside the file called corupted kingdom

How to enter water tunel.

Gotta get the ability to breath underwater, you get it by doing the eldrich quest line with the girl with face tattoo and nexus keys

the ability that recycle air. i can't remember what it is called


I wasn't enjoying playing as much, so I ended up taking a break, and I opened it up today after a few months and got hit by that menu music like a freight train. I forgot how much I enjoyed sitting in the menu listening to it.

Also, der deutschsprachige Australier ist zurückgekommen!

Game hard crashes back to the main menu on the transition to the first night on android, no way to bypass from what I can tell.

(1 edit) (+2)

I will say that i have been enjoying Corrupted Kingdoms, I been playing this game ever since it's first releases and it's been fun 

Though I will say that i took a break from it around  a few months ago if not perhaps a bit longer and came back and have been enjoying the new content and layout of the UI but I will say...
I can agree with some of the people's settlements in that the whole clock system is a bit of a killer.
And by that I mean the whole passage of time being shown by the clock winding up even if it's a hour it very slowly showing you that a hour has passed it's 
Honestly quiet annoying. Espeically when it's just skipping a hour but takes as much time as if you skipped 4 hours. I do hope that you could change that system out and simply just have the clock jump forward that fast forwarded time instantly?

Okay yeah no. I started doing the martial training scenes and made it to where you get levels 6-8 and my damn god having to watch it take 2 minutes to count down a entire dead almost made me quit the game.


I can't find the sulfuric acid, i can't do anything for Kana. What am I supposed to do?

you have to talk to claire before you can get to the shops area for the acid (and then you can't do anything with it yet), and you gotta talk to lynx about Kana, meet her at the farm, get the ingredients at the forest and talk to Lynx back at your house to get the potion and then get to the farm to give it to Kana.  And that's pretty much the end of the content for now. 

(Also, be a rebel. Touch the poop ingredient. I dare you.)


I think annie's old version looks better.


Having trouble with the Crystal Dhena quest

It says I need to find hydrochloric acid  for Lyx in the shops but the shops and the rest of the right side of the map is locked out for me and I have taken over every place except for Field, Beach, Cave, Morgana, and Marina then everything to the right of the bridge any help on how to unlock the rest of the map, thanks.

I don't know any way to unlock the areas, but I want to ask that is there anything after I give the acid to Lyx? The lead mentions a plan, but I can't find the button to proceed.

i think its not yet implemented in the current version of the game happened to me as well

When the first night starts it just says that some things are missing and after ignoring like 5 times it goes back to the menu. I'm playing on android

Im having the same issue. The transition to the first night in the start of the game causes a string of errors that hard crashes the game to the menu, I can't seem to get past it

How do I open the other half of the town in act 

How do you find Lyx during Act 3? I've already conquered all the locations

explore her cottage, and then follow the clues starting with the one you find there. 


I waited a few months and let the game get some updates. I started the game over in case anything new wouldve been added in earlier parts and i must say progression is kinda slow with the clock thing. Waiting for time to tick forward kinda kills my mood when it happens so often for 5 seconds each time but from what i remember i know that its a great game. hope there will be an option to change the time clock thing though.


Love love love this game! I'm demi and kinda not into sex but like i was bored when i first got this game and into mc and i was curious. came for the smut stayed for the plot. Hell i redownloaded it when my old computer i had it on broke and replayed it to get to the point i'm at now. that's how good i think it is. the plot the feels the romance. it's all wonderful! Hate morgana with a passion and i wanna see how flamible she is. gramps makes me intruiged and i half suspect the mc is eldritch. can't wait to play the update!

Im at the war place, but need to find lyx somewhere in town but no clue where. Im guessing right side of the map (everything right of curch) but its closed off. Any clues?

qarinahs dream in arc 2 to introduce the minotaur wont happen?

what does quirk do?


Where's the heart to see the girl's bio's,  statistics, and hints? I've been trying to search for it but it's no longer on the top bar with all the other icons.

same issue

Actually scratch that for me, I was just being stupid and didn't go to the front door of the manor to leave. Now I got the heart icon.


Help, I can't stop trembling in The Arcadeans power to  make the nexus lead small! I am now incredibly frightened!


Finally update

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Muchas gracias y adoro su juego :) 

Love the game but even with the new update it still crashes on me when I hit start. Please fix


Crashes are a result of either your device's OS and hardware not supporting Ren'py, or not enough storage space, or faulty/missing drivers. It's not something I can fix, I'm afraid, as it's an issue on your end.

Thanks so muc much for the reply 


Um anyone else really really frustrated with the new update? I am playing it back through completely again and the time it takes for time transitions is ridiculous. Especially when it starts slowing down near the end. There needs to be an option to make this instant or skip it by clicking the screen.

additionally its kind of broken. Activities seem to only take up like 1.5 hours so you can do things like the club dancing around 8 times a day, and atleast some things that previously weren't available in evenings are available all the way up to midnight. It seems instead of havinh 4 time slots a day, i now have like 15. And if I need to wait for a time slot I have to spend like a minute waiting for the new clock animation


Me too. I last played this game when it was under a gigabyte which is many years ago and I'm really confused on why the developer would even add such a thing. Spent at least 2 minutes staring at a black screen in the past 5 minutes.


Ye same, I really don't like the clock option


if you go into your settings there is an option to speed up the clock so it only takes about 10 seconds


Either 0.21.7 or 0.21.8 will have an option added to preferences to allow you to set the clock progression to a personalized speed. Also, the amount of time each activity requires will be adjusted as more data comes in.

To address your other points:

1. Club Dancing 8 times a day is no more broken than Club Dancing twice a day, since there's no penalty to passing time. It just means you click less.

2. "Night" starts at 10pm so no, nothing's available "up to midnight".

3. Night events are still Night events (Same with Morning and Afternoon). Evening didn't exist in the previous iteration - it's the new time slot.

4. There are four slots a day, not fifteen. Literally one extra, as mentioned in the changelogs.

5. Waiting for a new time slot takes less than four seconds, not even remotely close to a minute.

I get that change is uncomfortable, and that you would prefer the timer to tick faster - I'm certainly taking all that feedback on board. But outright lies and exaggerations made purely to support your emotional reaction don't help your case and only muddy the water when I'm trying to gather actual data and feedback from people.


1. Of course you could previously just spend like 10 minutes IRL spamming through skip and go 100 days in game of doing this to get all the money you needed. But doing so felt like a massive chore. It felt much more in pace with the games events when I would just do it when there wasn't an event at that time. Which resulted in doing it about once every 2 days. Sometimes more. So even though it's maximum of 2 has increased to 8, its far more than just 4x more frequent because you can do it every day. Made exponentially worse by having to wait for the clock every time,

For me personally this just wrecks the flow and just feels worse. Maybe others won't agree. Just providing my feedback.

2. I was able to do class lessons at 22, and it progressed it to 24. Maybe that's the only one thats broken or maybe it was just bugged out because it was a save from a different version and needed a full day to pass first. 

3. Not really important but im like 99% certain it was displayed as evening on time transitions and the up left corner. But referred to as "night" when looking at character cards. I wrote evening as this was what I saw in the game. 

4. A time slot used to essentially be a slot for an activity (but also a category that could enable different activities). Effectively this means that increasing it to 15 activities a day means 15 slots. I would say its 4 time partitions (or categories) now. But each of those partitions has multiple slots. (15 may not be the exact number, but its something close to that.)

5. Valid. I wasnt directly pressing the skip time button, my head was in the space of still doing some grindy task to pass time (like job or club), and since I had to do many of those, I had to go through the clock multiple times. Overall though yeah I was exaggerating even when doing it thst way. More like 20 seconds. But 20 seconds of loading when there was previously 0 is frustrating. 


In terms of "emotional" responses: how a change feels when experiencing it is really the most important part. It is well known that the "impact" of lag from input to action isnt linear. For example, If you click on a "continue" button, having a 1 second delay wouldnt really be noticed. You could experience it 100s of times with no frustration due to it. But a single instance of a 5 second delay would be noticed and frustrating. So even if you made it so you had to press this button 5 times less, but made the delay 5 times longer - it DOESNT balance out. That 5 seconds is more impactful on how it feels to use the application than 100s of 1 second delays.

Point being: how it feels doesnt directly translate to the numbers. Its almost more accurate to describe it in exaggerations, as that tells truer to how it impacts the experience than just numbers does.


Anyway, sorry to have made this into a big thing. I was just trying to get a feel for if others felt the same way, and wanted to make sure it was addressed as the game is great - but this kind of thing kills games for me. I hate waiting on waiting.

(1 edit)

Yeah. Don't start a Kunoichi mission first thing in the morning. You quite literally have to sit there for a minute and a half irl staring at a black screen and listening to the clock.


after you complete the kana questline please put an option that lets you hug her.

well you can head pat her


"Aftermath" events for Kana's questline will be coming in the next update :)



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