UPDATE DELAY (Again. Damnit.)

Hey, everyone!

Quick message before I dive back into the coding mines (all my coding canaries are dead but it's probably fine) to let you know that there will be another delay on the update. Sorry!

"But why!?" the cry goes up as everyone changes into their best mourning clothes and grips their funereal baseball bats. To which I reply: "look behind you, a three-headed monkey!" And make good my escape.

So, the thing is, the coding work is all done and if I reeeeally pushed I could get the update out on time with the new changes mostly implemented and a half-assed event or two in. But I'd really rather not do that; I want the game to be as polished as possible and for the promised Kana event to be as big and juicy as it possibly can be.

I might honestly have it ready in a week, in which case it'll be out on the 19th. But I'm going to say officially that it'll be out on the 26th. That way there will be no delays for sure, and there might even be a pleasant surprise if I'm done sooner!

I am honestly very sorry to have to do this, and I really didn't want to, but on balance I think a short wait for a much more polished result is the right call.

If you disagree, well, there are nerf guns in the locker behind you and I formally invite you to hunt me for sport.

Please don't aim for my tender parts.

-- Arc

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Delay it damit. Just make it perf

Can't wait amazing game so take your time.

Take your time, I love you and the game (no homo)

(1 edit) (+2)

Na i will wait a great game needs time so i understand I can't wait 

Thank you, I appreciate that :)


Take your time bro, I'm not going anywhere. Well, unless I get Truck-kun'ed or something, in which case I guess I just hope I wake up in a world like the one you've created here.


Try to wake up as the MC and not one of the Goons! Or wake up as Johnny Cock, which may actually be better.


Great game and work! Take your time, flesh it out, and have no regrets. I just finished this version, your work is appreciated. Story, art, music choice, characters, you are doing great!

Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it! :)


Where's the monkey? All i see is a ghoul here

If you stopped destroying fantasies you'd probably see less ghouls!


How dare you!

You tricked me!

There was no three-headed monkey!

You do not need to be sorry for an update delay, you are trying your best. At least its better to wait than having a cancelled game....So take your time.


You just missed it. I- wait, there it is again, behind you!


My reaction to all what you just said:

But in all seriousness, just take all the time you need to fix whatever needs fixing. I play other porn games like summertime saga, but imo this game is the best in not just having a hotter scene, but the sheer creativity of the story that this game has with the addition of the gameplay being actually good is kinda amazing.

Also you didn't wait your fans years to get an update and making money at the same time from said fans lol.


I feel like the two downvotes you got are from people who didn't click on the "show more"... you lived for the bit and you died for the bit! ;)

CK being better than StS is high praise indeed, especially given that game has a team and this one just has little ol' me, so thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying CK, and I hope the wait for the next update proves to be worth it!


Just to balance out those fools who disliked, he can have my like


That's all very interesting and you're so smart and handsome so takes all the time you need Arc

(1 edit) (+2)

No more time taken and no more delay extensions, I pinkie promise! :)


As some wise men once said: "Patience is the virtue of the strong" and "Patience may be bitter, but its fruit is sweet"
There is no better thing than patience to really appriciate something, especially if it is good, like this game is ought to be.


Well I hope that your patience proves to be rewarded! Thank you! :)


My man we appreciate your dead-ication (no thats not a threat to make kana's event amazing or else I dont know what you are talking about :P) keep up the good work, weekly posts like this one make all the difference with this kind of delay "hey, yea im working and making progress, here is what and why" would help a lot of devs communities.

also pls we need a scene of kana "taking advantage" of the fact that the protag tamed her former pack (if they did, but i digress, i want her styling all over their balls at some point cmon man)


I didnt want to come off as a demanding SOB btw, just an idea, hope this doesnt turn into one of those situations where you go to do the dishes and then mom tells you to, then you feel bad because you didnt get praised for doing the dishes on your own, ya know?


No "demanding SOB energy" detected, don't worry :) The confrontation between Kana and Maven has been demanded from... well, Act Two, honestly, but it ramped up considerably in Act Three (I don't know why, so strange) so there will definitely be a meeting and consequences, have no fear!


Praise arcadean!


i must say you have the right to work on your project as much as you want!
great work


Thank you, but it's only due to the incredible support of the community that I can do what I do, and I never want to take that for granted :)

(1 edit) (+3)

How are you able to read and reply to every single comments I look at!?

Anyway it's alright to take your time, as a perfectionist, I understand better than anyone how much projects can get delayed when people are invested into it. Don't worry, take your time, and have fun.

See ya never probably! (I take one of the nerf guns and aim it on my temple before shooting) Ah!! Since when does nerf guns are that painful!?!


Because I feel bad if I "ignore" people, so I dedicate one to two hours every morning to answering messages across various platforms :P

Also, don't nerf yourself! Buff yourself instead!

What is yandere mode mean


Considering the amount of effort & polish you've already put into the game so far, and for a solo dev- I think anybody who was complaining would just be wholly inconsiderate of the hard work & passion  you've put into it.


Well thank you, I appreciate it! :) I do understand people who are frustrated, though, and want the updates to go back to a normal schedule. They're used to bi-weekly updates, and waiting is always a pain!


Don't worry bout it too much. We have to go outside this summer at some point anyway XD


But there's a big ball of fire in the sky! It's dangerous!

(1 edit) (+2)

I can take it. In a fight of course :)


*shakes fist*  Accursed day-star! D:<

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as long as my girl kana is ok don't care how long it takes.


She's fiiiiiine. Probably. You know, apart from all the ways in which she isn't. But I'm fairly sure Lyx's cure isn't just a bomb!


kana: OMG im alive! Thank you! but how did you save me?

Lynx: I put a bomb inside you

protag: ...



Kana and protag together: ...Huh...

And that's how Honkai Star Rail Started- (Because the MC has a literal Bomb Inside them-)


I believe we the players wouldn't mind delaying the update as long as we're well informed the situation.  At least I wouldn't.

Keep doing all these good work and don't be afraid of delaying.  I'd rather have  the update postponed a few days than a half-completed update full of bugs.  Thank you for your contribution and hope you the best.


said very well. I cant agree more!


Thank you, I appreciate that! I feel bad about the delays, but I'd feel even worse if I didn't keep everyone up to date on what was going on. I keep wanting to make monthly YouTube "State of the Game" videos to keep people informed, but I never have the time :P

Youtube also has strong words to say about the presence of this kind of game on their servers, even if nonmonetized and flagged and whatnot.


You can play Corrupted Kingdoms on YouTube so long as you censor the naughty bits. YouTube doesn't care so long as you don't actually display the stuff they don't like. You might get age restricted, but that's it. And I wouldn't be talking about the naughty bits anyway, because they're irrelevant to both story and mechanics.

(Markiplier uploaded an Orc Massage video last year and it has almost 10 million views, which I will never not find funny.)


I'll see your nerf guns and raise you my airsoft arsenal. :P


Or... hear me out here... you could not do that..?

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